月神侠 发表于 2010-1-10 21:12:43



又是CAPCOM~前一段时间,CAPCOM欧洲分部某位人士曾发表了关于在WII上开发游戏总是实际比预期要低很多之后,CAPCOM官方澄清了今后还是会为WII开发游戏。不过紧接着,欧洲CAPCOM公关部经理 Chris Kramer再次谈到了“在WII上卖一个游戏是多么困难”这个话题。



事情的导火索:生化危机 暗黑编年史


Capcom's at it again. Following on from one representative's negative comments and the subsequent backtracking from Capcom Europe, director of communications Chris Kramer has talked about how hard it is to sell a game on the Wii. Never fear, though. He has a solution.

"If you're not Nintendo, it does seem harder to make money on the Wii today compared to the PS3 and the Xbox 360," he explains. "It's a very tough market to crack and is ever-shifting ... Third-party publishers are having a hard time determining who the Wii audience is. You can no longer say it is solely casual gamers or that only E-rated games own the space."

Capcom's answer is simple. It plans to publish less Wii games, but make sure that all those games are top quality: "In 2010, you won't see as many Wii games from Capcom, but the ones we release will be much larger, event-size games. I also expect to see the market dominated more and more by Nintendo releases with fewer games from the major third parties, like EA, Activision, and Ubisoft."

hman21 发表于 2010-1-10 21:22:28


非零解 发表于 2010-1-11 04:19:52


youxi744 发表于 2012-3-25 14:27:29


前田小花 发表于 2012-4-16 20:38:42


k841030 发表于 2012-5-7 18:10:05


吹BB 发表于 2012-5-12 19:09:52


cqiboss 发表于 2012-5-18 15:54:55

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查看完整版本: 又是CAPCOM:给WII开发游戏实在是太难赚钱了,2010年减少为WII开发的游戏