白き魔女 发表于 2004-11-13 07:36:26


Sony says 'Ain't nuthin' like the real thing!' as it places fully functional PSPs on train station walls in Japan.
TOKYO--With the PlayStation Portable just a month away from release, Sony Computer Entertainment will be launching a unique train-station-promotional campaign in Japan.

According to Mainichi Interactive, the company will be placing PSP displays on the walls of major train stations in three central regions of Japan. The ads will feature more than just pretty pictures and perky slogans; instead, commuters will get to see the handheld itself in action.

Made from inch-thick Styrofoam, the displays will feature a real PSP, at eye level, running videos of upcoming games. Picked for display are Minna no Golf Portable, Dokodemo Issho, Ridge Racers, and Kotoba no Puzzle Mojipittan.

Commuters won't be able to touch the handheld, because it will be protected by a transparent acrylic panel. They won't be able to steal the display, either, because each one will be locked in place, and a security guard will be positioned nearby.

The ads will run at 23 train stations in Japan, including 16 in Tokyo, five in Osaka, and two in Nagoya prefecture. Though specific set-up dates will differ between stations by a day or two, the posters will be up in most stations starting this coming Monday, and all posters will be on display for 10 days thereafter.

By Staff -- GameSpot
POSTED: 11/12/04 11:19 AM PST
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查看完整版本: PSP车站广告开始出现在日本三大火车站