November 16, 2004 - All the way up to the official launch of the Nintendo DS system, we're going to break the new handheld hardware down to its individual parts and talk about specific elements that make the Nintendo DS so darn cool.
Single Cartridge Wireless Multiplayer
One of the greatest features of the Nintendo DS is the ability to network locally with as many as 16 different systems, entirely without the use of cables. Nintendo handhelds all had some sort of networking capability, even all the way back to the original Game Boy system released in 1989. So linking up multiple handheld systems is nothing new to gamers who are familiar with portable gaming.
Though Nintendo later released an adapter for the Game Boy that enabled as many as four players to join a network, the standard multiplayer session was two players at the most. The Game Boy Advance upped this number to four players via the daisy-chaining link cables.
The Game Boy Advance also introduced something else: multiboot. Turn on a Game Boy Advance without a cartridge and the system sits in a 'wait state,' waiting for a signal to come through the link port. The Game Boy Advance has the ability to download tiny programs into its 256K of memory, and this enables games to offer single cartridge multiplayer modes; games like Mario Kart, Super Mario Advance and others feature this multiplayer mode, giving players the ability to sample multiplayer by only requiring one copy of the game -- each cartridge-free system has the program uploaded into them via the 'master' system.
This multiboot mode on the Game Boy Advance has also been used to upload programs and data from the GameCube, as well as peripherals like the Wireless Adapter included with Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green.
The Nintendo DS advances this 'multiboot' function even further. The hardware has four megabytes of RAM to work with, much more room than the Game Boy Advance's 256 kilobytes. This allows for bigger and better multiplayer games to be transmitted wirelessly to systems. Not every game will support the single cartridge multiplayer function of the Nintendo DS. For launch there will only be four games to support it: Super Mario 64 DS, Ridge Racer DS, Ping Pals and Zoo Keeper.
The games that support this function will be branded with a specific icon on the back of its box, telling players that the game will have the ability to transmit files to any local Nintendo DS systems. Players who want to join in a single-cartridge multiplayer session will have to put their Nintendo DS in its 'wait state' via the menu selection on boot-up.
Keep in mind that some games will be too complex to have a single cartridge multiplayer function. Four megabytes can only go so far, and many developers will simply rely on every player having a copy of the game for networking.
Like the Game Boy Advance, the Nintendo DS's wait state can (and will) be used for functions other than single cartridge multiplayer. Nintendo may offer, for example, game demo downloads at specific hotspots. 呵呵不知道哪些游戏支持 也是,像psp最大支持人数也不少,但是一般都是2-4人的无线,其实,咱们基本上也找不到那么多人联机,在国内基本上可以无视,我gba买了那么久就没找人连过机,不过nds有一点比较爽,就是可以单卡联机。psp估计没有啊,可惜了。 psp数据量太大,单卡(碟)连机肯定没戏
另外psp支持的游戏一般都是对应wifi网络协议,这东西是收费的 不是吧=。=
GBA连马力赛车或塞尔达4剑简直爽的没边了!!只不过后者必须人手一卡,台阶较高 psp数据量太大,单卡(碟)连机肯定没戏
麻烦你去看看,psp也支持无线连接的,而它的游戏大多都不支持wifi。哈哈,正好和你说的相反,而且,它的无线传输能力好像比nds要强很多。 有机会还是要试试联机,太霜了!
NDS的无线系统不一定只为游戏的,其实还可以干很多事…… psp数据量太大,单卡(碟)连机肯定没戏
所以官方公布的psp使用时间,其中有个条件就是无lan…… 也是,像psp最大支持人数也不少,但是一般都是2-4人的无线,其实,咱们基本上也找不到那么多人联机,在国内基本上可以无视,我gba买了那么久就没找人连过机,不过nds有一点比较爽,就是可以单卡联机。psp估计没有啊,可惜了。
但是缺乏时间,联机机会甚少 8.作者和gamespy的一个家伙试了试多人无线连网,两人相距一百步远左右。两个人都在自己的房间,之间隔着很多障碍物(桌子和墙等)
来自IGN那篇 PSP与NDS都是最大1人免费联机的~~~PSP的一卡多人我觉得还是可能的哦~~ 我来大致翻译一下。
最后话题又回归到NDS,重点介绍“一卡多人”的功能。NDS在硬件上有4个用于数据传输接收的RAM,所以可以承接比GBA256K数据更多的资料,这就允许其通过无线方式传递更大容量,更佳品质的多人游戏给其他待联机的NDS。但并非每一款游戏都支持“一卡多人”的方式,就现在公布的游戏来看有4款游戏是支持的:超级马里奥64DS、山脊赛车DS、Ping Pals(类似PIC-TO-CHAT的聊天软件)、动物管理员。
翻译完毕! 不是吧,山脊也可以一卡多人,这个数据量挺大的吧……
最后希望可以连inter网的套件好用 游戏试玩可以在一定程度上防止劣作的大量涌现,而那些本不敢轻易尝试的新作得以冒尖。总体来说这个试玩制度是保证该平台游戏素质的一大举措,值得提倡! 联机这东西还是比较适合学生,在公司上班的,午休那点时间你到哪儿找几个人来联机陪你玩,我在公司连一个都找不到.=.= 大概也只适合学生了。