November 18, 2004 - The Nintendo DS will debut with a bang in Los Angeles, where the Universal CityWalk EB Games will host a special midnight launch event for the newest portable console.
Starting at 8 PM on November 20, the Universal EB Games will host a party featuring DJ Rap spinning live, laser lights and pyrotechnics, live gameplay on the Jumbotron, and a minutes-to-midnight countdown. Of course, just after midnight, the Nintendo DS will be unleashed, and gathered gamers will be able to start chatting wirelessly with each other immediately. 老任最近烧钱烧的很多阿。 都19号了,发售已经目と鼻の先了,哈哈,不过我还是等日版机~~~~ 攻势好强啊~ 亮出你的爱木仓,让那个肮脏的废物鲜血流淌,killer on the road,胜者称王。
那个干掉旧游戏世代的伟大杀手,传说中的任天堂。 老任也是没办法,sony的鞭子在后面狂抽,为了保证迅速占领市场,老任和sony 是各处奇谋阿 任天堂有了雷奇这个将才,就用不着怕宣传不够啦呵呵 DS这次的宣传好像比以前的要猛烈的多啊! 其实还是迫于PSP的压力啊~~~~~~~~ 任天堂也搞RAVE PARTY啊?-_-!! 嘿嘿,这很正常啊‘宣传'有什么不对么?