10 Presentation
A lovely love story, some gamely gameplay, very musical music, and touch play that will touch you.
7 Graphics
Its elegant simplicity works great, but Sonic Team did hold back and make compromises for this launch game.
7 Sound
The music and voices are distinctly Japanese and definitely charming, but there's just not much of it to commend.
8 Gameplay
Some stages are pure brilliance; others are pitiably simplistic, and one or two are practically broken. On the whole, though, lots of fun.
6 Lasting Appeal
A few collectibles for Sega'philes and a lot of pass-and-play appeal make this one you buy for your friends as much as yourself.
蜘蛛侠2 7.5
8.0 Presentation
Great use of full-motion video for intros and cutscenes that look great on the DS screen, and a nice clean navigation using the touch sensitive function.
9.0 Graphics
Outstanding use of 3D in a 2D game design that will show gamers what the system can do on a technical level. Fast, smooth, beautiful.
8.0 Sound
The audio puts the system's stereo capabilities to good use with appropriately 'Spider-Man' style of music. But since levels are enormously long, they loop frequently.
7.0 Gameplay
Not the tightest combat developed for a Spider-Man game, but the fun 'web-zipping' and 'wall-crawling' gameplay is definitely a blast.
6.5 Lasting Appeal
It's a 16 level limit that's extended via secondary objectives that are one big pain in the butt to accomplish. 分数不高啊... 分数一般的说。 他们好好玩游戏了吗。。?
这么快有分了。。。 这2个游戏会有多高的分啊?? 他们好好玩游戏了吗。。?
果然是任天堂世界~~~~ IGN评分素来以严格著称,能让他给高分的游戏很少
而feel the magic目前只有ign评了分而已
Asphalt Urban GT也有一个网站已经评出分来了
http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/920670.asp 呵呵,这么说吧,能让IGN评定到95分(9.5)以上就是极品大作了。
说这个低,如果连为你而死都能过9分,那么赛尔达会是多少? 北美权威综合网络联盟评分机构小人帽现在96分以上!!!所有游戏史上第5(当然,这只是暂时的,因为现在只有5,6个网站公布了评分)