Nintendo DS sells 500,000 units in US launch week 哈哈,才一周
消化率差不多100% 50万。。。。。不是吧!?一个字少 出货500万台!才买了50万? 500万台好像是季度产能,50万是首批,首批卖光了就是50万吧,日版好像首批是200万哦 500万其实是发售当天开始至2005年第一季度(3月底)所预测要发售的NDS台数!
PSP预测发售日起到2005年年底达到销量300万台! 楼上的正解!
要知道现在那里很难买到NDS的,一家Ebay也就几台,顶多十几台吧。 已经基本达到N-GAGE QD的全球发售量了。。。。。。 已经基本达到N-GAGE QD的全球发售量了。。。。。。
真是讽刺啊,哈哈 NOKIA...始终是手机厂商啊。。。
不过竞争是好的。。~ n-gage和gba在软件上根本没法比,输是肯定的 出货500万台!才买了50万?
要真是首发500万... 也就不会有那么多人拿着钱干瞪眼了 汗,出货量还是少啊
快点生产把 和死人啊 任天堂还是太过保守,50万真是准备的少了点,他应该更有点自信心啊,有我们这么多fans支持,怕什么^.^ 汗,不是它保守,而是生产能力跟不上
此财政年度的出货量早就上升到500万了,哪儿保守了^_^啊哈 希望液晶板产量能够跟上.如果因为这原因失去先机那真是让人痛惜 呵呵~~~~~~~~`NDS真是前途无量啊~~~~~~~~~~ 一周500万的话还了得的啊??N-GAGE是不错的手机~~ FROM IGN:
December 01, 2004 - Only a week on the market, and Nintendo's dual-screen handheld is a huge least according to the company and its sales numbers. Since its debut on November 21, the Nintendo DS is reporting sell-through numbers of more than 500,000 units, more than 90 percent of the current stock of systems in stores. So if you're having a hard time finding a unit to buy, that's a pretty darn good reason why it's so.
Nintendo compares the huge number of Nintendo DS numbers to that of the immensely popular Apple iPod MP3 player -- the company expects to hit the million Nintendo DS system mark by the end of this year in North America alone, a number that took Apple 19 months to hit with its audio player.
On the other side of Nintendo's handheld fence is the Game Boy Advance and its still-stunning sales numbers. Even with the Nintendo DS stealing all of its media thunder, the Game Boy Advance has sold through more than 800,000 units of GBA and GBA SP systems last week.
Combine the two systems into a 1.3 million count, and it's a new Nintendo handheld one-week sales record for the company.
'Consumers have voted the Nintendo DS as the hot item this holiday, so if you see one, you'd better buy it,' says Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of sales & marketing. 'Nintendo owns the hand-held market, and once again we're the hit of the holiday season.'
另外..任天堂的GBA和GBA SP也没有因次世代掌机的威胁而示弱...上周在美国也取得了80W台的优秀成绩!! 加上NDS一共130W台!!