December 02, 2004 - Nintendo has released solid shipment numbers for the first day of Nintendo DS sales in Japan, and the numbers seem to paint a solid early start for the system. According to the company, retailers took stock of 500,000 NDS systems on day one. This shipment number is 200,000 higher than the shipments Nintendo had originally planned.
Actual sales numbers for the system will have to wait until a later report. We saw no shortage of systems at retail and were able to walk into a retailer in the middle of the day and purchase a system and games without fuss. Many retailers had the system on display in special sales kiosks outside stores, giving the system good visibility.
Nintendo recently revealed that, due to strong retailer demand, it has upped its worldwide NDS forecast from 4,000,000 units to 5,000,000 units shipped by the end of March, 2005. In Japan alone, Nintendo expects to have 1,000,000 systems in retailer hands by the end of the year, despite retailers having apparently asked the company for more than 2,000,000 units. 这个好像太过火了吧,看来今年冬天注定是要属于NDS的了。
PSP那边虽说增加了出货量,但也至多只有区区30万,还是全球的。硬件的亏本销售果然使得SONY不敢过快的普及主机,怕造成流动资金的短缺。 PSP没戏,我不看好它,即使卖的还好我也不买,我不太喜欢sony 还是N记好!!希望NDS可以走好!!!
至于PSP嘛......自己虽然喜欢,但是UMD应该是很贵的.......汗...T-T 说的也是,毕竟老任在掌机领域内的名气目前是无人可以动摇。PSP的胜算越来越小了。到最后搞不好上面只有一些水PS2游戏的移植作品。 其实要有竞争才能出现,大家都希望的结果。难道大家希望看见nds把psp干掉后,就不负责任的出些n64的复刻版游戏,那样大家可能也会对nds失去信心的。 现在还有很多人是想买而买不到的吧 是这样没错。但是首日好像卖的并不好。据说因为天冷和不是休息日加上预约很充分的原因。
日本首賣 见怪不怪了~~这个数字很惊人吗? 是这样没错。但是首日好像卖的并不好。据说因为天冷和不是休息日加上预约很充分的原因。
从这一点看来,NDS的日本首发还是成功的。 日本人不用上班吗?