Nintendo DS Emulator: Early Before-pre-alpha Release
Thanks for downloading and testing dsemu. As of right now, you're not getting a DS emulator, but an early Gameboy Advance emulator. Try it out, let us know what you think. What You get in Nintendo DS emu ZIP file:
dsemu.exe - Main executable
gba.dll - Emulation plugin
Licence-BSD - BSD Licence for the project
src/ - Emulator source files
testadd.bin - Test rom 1a: Does the ADD instruction work?
testmul.bin - Test rom 1b: Does the MUL instruction work?
fill1.bin - Test rom 2: Filling the screen
afire.bin - Test rom 3: Fire (courtesy of mic)
sg_bump.bin - Test rom 4: Bump mapping (courtesy of sgstair)
What To Do With It - Simply run NDSemu.exe and select a ROM from File/Open
PS: 此NDS模拟器还处于测试阶段,相信很快就会有相应的ROM! 期待中~~~ 已经可以模拟GBA的游戏了。大家可以试试。 已经可以模拟GBA的游戏了。大家可以试试。
可以吗??我打开GBA文件怎么没反映 可以吗??我打开GBA文件怎么没反映
不知道,文档是这么说的,我没试 NDS的ROM哪时能出来? GBA ROM不能使用。 还不成熟呀~~~ 常机的优势用电脑是体现不出来的 没ROM没什么用啊! 只是用来看看,然后YY的