Today in a chat session with Dan, one of the creative minds behind Nitro, there was an official announcement of a release date.
I guarantee that you will be enjoying your Nintendo DS online within 10-12 days, if everything falls into plan. Due to the fact that Brandon made an estimate too rough, we have decided to use generic tunneling for the initial build. After it is released, we may add the advanced optimization mentioned in the semi-depreciated plan documents. One week is not enough time to test and code our optimization, and releasing a build that will tunnel will give us enough time to shape it's perfection.
Dan, project manager
This comes to great news to many DS fans, and tomorrow I will have an exlcusive interview with Dan himself about Nitro. Stick here for that tomorrow, along with the interview there will also be a review on the reaction from the community. A full report on the Nitro situation will come tomorrow. 说不定已经弄好了,在掉人胃口~~ 哈哈,难道他们还要送我一个nds不成。虽然我是不打算买的,但是要送我一个的话,还是......哈哈 猛,太猛了,大心~~~~ 哈哈,难道他们还要送我一个nds不成。虽然我是不打算买的,但是要送我一个的话,还是......哈哈
你不是要买psp嘛? 送的我也要~~这个NDS上网到底是怎么一回事呢?