Kayin 发表于 2004-12-14 11:08:03

December 13, 2004 - Japanese sales tracking firm Media Create reports today that Sony Computer Entertainment's new PSP hardware sold 171,963 units on its first day. The system was released to Japan on 12/12, a Sunday.

Media Create also reports that the company sold out of 85.3% of its 200,000 unit initial shipment. If there were an additional 14.7% units remaining, IGN would like to find out where, as we wouldn't mind making some cash on the side.
The PSP launched to huge lines reaching the thousands in some places. IGN found supplies to have completely depleted at stores in the Shibuya area an hour following launch. Expanding our search to other parts of Tokyo the following day, we still couldn't find any units.

杯子和水 发表于 2004-12-14 11:10:08

12月13 日, 2004 年- 日本销售跟踪牢固的媒介今天创造报告, 索尼计算机娱乐的新PSP 硬件卖了171,963 个单位在它的第一天。 系统被发布了给日本在12/12, 星期天。

媒介并且创造公司卖丧失85.3% 它的200,000 个单位最初的发货的报告。 如果有另外的14.7% 单位余留, IGN 会想发现何处, 因为我们不会介意做一些现金在边。
PSP 发射了对巨大的线到达数以万计在一些地方。 IGN 发现供应完全地耗尽了在商店在Shibuya 地区每小时跟随发射。 第二天扩展我们的查寻对其它东京的部份, 我们不能仍然发现任何单位。

馒头. 发表于 2004-12-14 11:10:49


diodue 发表于 2004-12-14 11:12:11


混世魔王 发表于 2004-12-14 11:27:30


diodue 发表于 2004-12-14 11:31:54

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