巢 SUPPLiER..: Caravan
齿 RiPPER....: Caravan
齿 PACKAGER..: Caravan
齿 FiLENAME..: cvn-rrjumd.r*
齿 GENRE.....: Racing
齿 SiZE......: 16 x 50MB
齿 ORiGiN....: JPN/NTSC
齿 iMAGE.....: ISO
齿 SOURCE....: [ ] CD [ ] DVD UMD
齿 PLATFORM..: PlayStation Portable
齿 RLS DATE..: 2004/12/14
巢 SHOP DATE.: 2004/12/12
诎?哌 哌哌哌 哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌 哌? 哌 ??
吵? 鞍鞍北北? GAME iNFO 脖北卑鞍?
腊?苘 苘? 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 苘苘苘 苘 ??
诒北 www.jp.playstation.com/Item/2/6170390.html
巢 Format your 1G MS stick, then copy this ROM into the
齿 GAME folder that was created, rename the rom as Gs001.umd,
巢 and select the UMD that is in and the PSP will automatically
巢? run the game.
辣北 Remember if the file name wasnt named according to the format,
鞍? the PSP wont load it. Enjoy!!! 字体显示?
是我的问题吗? 游戏那么快就被DUMP出来了?如果是真的话,那看来SONY的防盗技术真的不怎么样吗? 楼主的问题,ME这里也显示的乱码~~难道是说Caravan把RR给DUMP了? 不是大家问题哦,我贴的就是乱码,因为我看到的那片贴子就是乱码…… 看来要买1G的MSD的 Sony 1GB MEMORY STICK PRO-HIGH SPEED ( MSX-1GN )
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Your new subtotal: $269.99 恩,1g的msduo够你买两个nds的……
看来还是要等umd的破解阿…… 真假未知.别太兴奋. dump出的文件就是这样的,不过是真是假就不知道了。 1G MS 我晕
那SONY的软件商挣屁的钱那 大家全用MS拉
光盘谁用啊 SONY亏大拉(机子本就亏本卖啊)
SONY 一定不会出1G MS 的 2G的都要出了,就是买不起~~