日前,KOEI的美树杉山和高济友池在接受《游戏开发杂志》的采访时谈到这两个平台一些详细情况。作为和PS2机能很相近的平台,PSP版的《三国无双》似乎应该开发起来很容易,对已这个看法,高济友池说到:“其实,也不能说真的很容易,你不能采用以前的那些模型,它们能工作在PS2上,但是不能工作在PSP上。”我们不清楚他到底说的是PSP的硬件机能限制还是仅仅因为工作机制不同。PSP的材质和解释系统和PS2 相近但是并不相同。我们也听其他的游戏开发者说过在PSP上的开发将有非常多地方需要进行调整。比如,《老虎武兹高尔夫》的球的大小就得下不少工夫。似乎他们碰到的并不仅仅是画面上面的挑战。“SONY给我们的开发工具还有很多问题,它们还存在着大量的BUG。”高济如是说。当然,这是一个全新的硬件,全新的硬件在早期通常都给开发者们留下不少麻烦,任何系统上开发的游戏后期的质量都要比前期质量好很多,至少画面来说是这样。
不过,问题是KOEI到现在为止并没有放出过任何NDS版《三国无双》的开发图片,甚至我们也不知道什么时候才能看到这些图片(希望不会是游戏发售以后)。由PS2的强大机能(现在来说PS2的机能并不能用强大这个词来描述,不过,和NDS比较一下的话,这个词仍然适用)打造出的《三国无双》并不是那么容易就移植到一个机能相对弱了非常多的平台上的,最终的结果就是开发者们必须从头开始。“NDS的机能无法支持这么高质量的图片和模型,最后我们决定让这个平台上的版本看起来更简单,而且玩起来也更简单。”这当然会采用触摸屏这个特性,不过,美树杉山并没有说出更多的细节,这不由让我们很是失望。纵然这样,这个NDS版《三国无双》到底是什么样子,还是让我们不由得充满了期待。 以下是关于该游戏在两主机上的采访稿原文:
November 03, 2004 - With new editions of the blockbuster Dynasty Warriors franchise due out for both the PlayStation Portable and Nintendo DS game systems, players finally are seeing the dream of button-mashing goodness on a portable game system come true. But while we are swooning for these Romance of the Three Kingdoms battlers, the road to romance has not been an easy one for the developer in bringing this sophisticated, epic franchise to the handheld.
Speaking to Game Developer Magazine (a trade magazine about the business and the technology of designing and coding games), Koei's Yoshiki Sugiyama and Takazumi Tomoike spoke of their respective DS and PSP versions of the game. The two spoke independently of the projects -- it is unknown if the DS and PSP editions share developer talent or are two separate productions -- but as the heads of their own versions of the franchise, each has had to get creative and work hard to make the game fit into the new systems with the unproven technology of early test kits.
Our recent preview of Dynasty Warriors PSP illuminates some of the compromises and changes needed for the PlayStation Portable edition -- some changes are to better fit the system, others are clear technology adjustments for the early launch software. Takazumi Tomoike had to say of developing the PSP edition, ' say that it was easy -- there were many problems. For instance you can't use the exact same models. With the specs it should work the same as it does in the PS2, but on this hardware it doesn't.' It is unclear whether Mr. Tomoike is speaking about technical limits, or just different hardware handling -- the PSP's texture and rendering systems are similar but different from PS2. We have also heard from many developers that a surprising number of adjustments needed to be made once the team saw the game on the screen -- the golf ball in Tiger Woods PGA Tour, for example, needed to be scaled up to proportionally the size of a baseball before it was big enough for players to follow it on the greens.
Whether or not Mr. Tomoike is speaking of the technical or the aesthetic challenges of creating early PSP software, his challenges with the provisional development suite were more clear. 'We had problems with the library that Sony gave us. There are still quite a few bugs.' Of course, new hardware is always a frontiersman's wild country, but this early in the hardware cycle, the system has proven particularly challenging for this team.
The Nintendo DS seems to be on better footing for Koei's other team. 'The library Nintendo provided allows us to do various things, so we're satisfied,' said Yoshiki Sugiyama. 'The DS is more prepared, so it's easier to develop for at this stage.'
That being the case, Koei has still not shown the DS version of Dynasty Warriors, and it is unknown when plans to do so. With the series debuting on the advanced PlayStation 2 (a 1-on-1 fighting game called Dynasty Warriors was released on PSone, but the epic war brawler we know the series best as really started in Japan as Shin Sangoku Musou and was renamed Dynasty Warriors 2 in America), the team has had to start from scratch on the Nintendo DS. The handheld's relatively meager technical specs have mean that the team has had to redesign both the graphics and the gameplay of this edition. Speaking for the DS edition, Mr. Sugiyama said, 'The DS can't do the higher quality graphics, so the 3D models are pretty tough. AS a result we decided to make a game that's simpler looking, and plays simpler too.' This change in play may incorporate the touch screen, as has been rumored since the game was announced, but Sugiyama did not go into details on this aspect.
Naturally, every work of art and entertainment involves some compromises -- sometimes, getting creative to work around problems can actually help make the project better for it. As developers in the pioneer days of these two systems, Koei's job is that much harder in making games with new hardware and work-in-progress development tools. We're eager to see the results of both teams when Dynasty Warriors for PSP and DS arrive in finished form, for PSP by the end of 2004 in Japan and for both systems sometime in 2005 for gamers here in North America. 正好,DS版无双给了大家无限YY的空间. 火星了,老早前就看过了 摸摸无双 讲了一堆的废话,结果等于什么都没说嘛