The graphics have also been improved since the last time we played the game. The frame-rate cruises along at a reasonably steady 30fps, which, while not the eye-popping 60fps that Namco's Ridge Racers offers, still delivers an impressive sense of speed. The lighting in the game is still undergoing some work but doesn't appear to offer the richness seen in the PlayStation 2 NFSU games. That said, the game does a fine job of approximating the look and feel of those titles, albeit with a little less polish, and still packs plenty of visual punch. Despite a few rough visual spots in terms framerate, textures, and lighting (all of which are still apparently being worked on), NFSU Rivals appears poised to be among the best looking PSP games.
大体意思说画面流畅度低不像RR60桢。光源比PS2的NFS相差甚远,远景比较糊,操作莫名其妙 感觉像NDS的画面 感觉各方面都不如RR的样子.....对EA这个系列不太喜欢的说 画面比起RR来真是不怎么样... 期待GT4 PSP 画面放的太大了,看的很难受,也很难看出画面的素质。 国内本来就没几个人想买的东西 我就想买,我支持啊~电脑上常玩的