在游戏中,按START进入菜单画面,再输入就可以了. 谁能给我个ROM的下载连接啊
以下秘籍均需要在游戏中按start后进入菜单画面时输入:(当每关找到5个隐藏的death Star,过关等级评价过后尤达大师便会公布秘籍)L,L,L,后,后,R,R,前,前,下,下,下,选择键(画面颜色变黑白效果)
剩下的秘籍等打出后再贴出来吧。 第一章第一关第一小节有两个门怎么样进去? 游戏刚开始那门怎么出去啊 在free mode里购买小机器人R2D2,它可以打开大门,看过星战的朋友们都知道。对准门前的开关按R。
前传1。里的第一小关有个跳不上去的高台,可以用嘉嘉宾克斯或者达斯.摩尔跳上去。 第一次过的时候不能跳上去的吗?那样怎么样拿那个“球”呢?
48楼:对着墙上的开关按L键 我找不到ROM下载啊 5555哪位帮帮我啊 start,start,下,前,后,下,前,后
观看游戏中的过场动画 第一次过的时候不能跳上去的吗?那样怎么样拿那个“球”呢?第一小节有两个门怎么样进去?
第三章第二关第一小节也有个球但是两个人都跳不上去啊…… 看见本站有ROM下载了 呵呵 怎么没人更新攻略和研究了? 有几关的“死星”高得根本没办法跳上去,换了几个人也不行啊 code
Play as Pit Droid:Press Start(2), Up(3), Down(3) at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Play as Super Battle Droid:Press Start(2), Left, Down(4), Right at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Play as Battle Droid:Press Start(2), Down, Right, Left, Down, Right, Left at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Play as Blue Gungan:Press Start(2), Down, Left, Right, Down, Left, Right at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Play as C-3PO:Press Start(2), Left, Down, Right, Up, Right(2) at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Play as Winged Geonosian:Press Start(2), Right, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Play as Droid on Hover Craft:Press Start(2), Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Play as Black Astro-Droid:Press Start(2), Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Play as Red Astro-Droid:Press Start(2), Up(6) at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Play as General Grievous:Press Start(2), Down(6) at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Blaster Upgrade:Press Down(2), Left, Right, Down, L at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Get a Repairbot:Press Down(4), L, Right, Down, Right, L at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Black Lightsaber, Force, and gun shots:Press L(2), R, Start at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Blue Lightsaber, Force, and gun shots:Press R(3), Start at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Green Lightsaber, Force, and gun shots:Press R, L, R, Start at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Purple Lightsaber, Force, and gun shots:Press L, R, L, Start at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Red Lightsaber, Force, and gun shots:Press L, R(2), Start at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Yellow Lightsaber, Force, and gun shots:Press R(2), L, Start at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Strange colors:Press L(3), Left(2), R(2), Right(2), Down(4), Select at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Temporary speed boost:Press Right(2), Down, Up, Right, L at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Lego Coins:Press Left(3), R, L, Right(3) at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
All intermission sequences:Press Down, Up, R, L, R(3), Down(2), Up, Down(2), Select at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Yoda quotes:Press Down, L, R, Select at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Sheep mode:Press L, R, L, Down, Up, R(2), Right, Left, Down, Right(2) at the pause menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Control enemy turrets:You can use R2-D2 or any astro-droid to control enemy turrets. Have R2-D2 go directly to a turret and use his special (R). Use the D-pad to move the turret. Press B to fire and A to move away from the turret 已经通关一次了,还在完美中!
看到之前有人说音乐难听,我持反对态度.本作的音乐效果相当好,声音比较大而且清晰,星战里的几个熟悉的音乐都有,把气氛烘托得恰到好处! 游戏挺好玩的! 3章最后那关怎么打那个扔剑的? 3章最后那关怎么打那个扔剑的?
用犹大大师给他罩个罩K的他郁闷 哈哈 Originally posted by gundamzk at 2005-4-7 21:28
第三章第二关第一小节也有个球但是 ...