Kayin 发表于 2005-4-25 05:39:44

美国玩家的<合金装备A>最终BOSS战 极限S级研究!

From: Taffey | Posted: 4/24/2005 2:01:52 PM | Message Detail
I just finished playing this game through again on extreme, and I've come up with a nearly foolproof way to beat Metal Gear. Using this formula, I won the final fight in 14 total cost, 0 damage received, for an S-Rank. If you're having trouble, this guide is for you.

First of all, Snake is your gunner. He should have ONLY weapons and Cost- cards. You may want to add a few movement and/or healing cards, but if you have enough Cost- (and Ally Cost- on Teliko), then healing and movement are unnecessary. My deck build for Snake:

4 x Stinger (MGS1)
4 x Stinger (MGS2)
4 x Jonathan Ingram
4 x Cost -12
4 x Cost -8
4 x Meryl Silverburgh
4 x Johnny Sasaki
4 x Action +
1 x Big Boss
1 x RPG 7 (that's all I have at the moment)

If you don't have all of the cards necessary to build this deck, you can substitute sniper rifles for the Stingers. Also, use the best Cost- cards you have, even if they're only -4. Every little bit helps. Don't underestimate the power of Meryl cards, either. Two Meryl Cards and one Cost -8 card can reduce a cost of 32 down to 0. Remember, it's all about cost, cost, cost. Don't be afraid to throw away those 4 Stinger cards to make sure you can end your turn at 0. Failure to do so will turn you into a chewtoy for Metal Gear every time.

Teliko plays a purely support role in this formula. Forget about doing more or less anything with her at all, unless it's to help Snake. Ideally, you won't even need her, although I used her for maybe 2 turns during the whole fight. Teliko's deck:

4 x Box (any box will do)
4 x Ally Cost -12
4 x Ally Cost -8
4 x Ally Cost -4
4 x Cost -12
4 x Cost -8
4 x Johnny Sasaki
4 x Jonathan Ingram

The first thing you need to do with Teliko is put her in a box to keep the robot sentries off her back. Aside from that, do the same thing you've been doing with Snake: get her cost down to 0 before the end of every turn. The primary purpose of Teliko is really to bail Snake out if he can't end his turn on 0 cost. So, use those Johnny Sasaki cards until you get a hand full of Ally Cost -12 cards, and you're good to go.

Switching back and forth between characters can be a pain in the butt. So, to make things go more smoothly (i.e., using Snake only), I like to incur a small cost on Teliko so that she's always second. A good way to do this is to use an Ally Cost -12 card (cost 10 to Teliko), then use a Cost -8 card. This will give Teliko an ending cost of 2, which isn't very much in case Snake gets into trouble, but will ensure that you won't keep toggling back and forth between screens during the fight.

Now that you've got your decks set up, it's time to go Metal Gear hunting. Get Snake set up on Action+ cards if you can, and get Teliko into her cozy little cardboard box. Don't bother moving either character around; it's only a waste of cards.

Now, you can't start firing rockets at Metal Gear until its "rocket pods" detach from the arm shields. To get this to happen, you may need to make Snake incur a small cost. The simplest way to do this is to end Snake's turn early, which will give him a cost of 4. Metal Gear should then begin the "rocket pod" process, which will then allow Snake to open up with his arsenal of Stingers.

Once you've destroyed both arm shields on Metal Gear, it's time to start firing at the main gun. Again, you may need to incur a small cost in order to get Metal Gear to lean forward and begin the firing process, making it vulnerable. This takes 20 cost for Metal Gear, so once it's started you don't have to be afraid of dodging the blast or healing yourself. Just keep up on those Cost- cards and you're golden.

All it takes is about 10 more rockets, and you've just defeated Metal Gear. Easy!

Kayin 发表于 2005-4-25 05:41:52




大猪 发表于 2005-4-25 09:46:01


cupido 发表于 2005-4-25 11:23:50


008djx 发表于 2005-4-25 14:47:12


Kayin 发表于 2005-4-26 00:02:00

Originally posted by cupido at 2005-4-25 11:23

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