[5/18]Sonic Rush最新情报
在去年E3就曾露过面的Sonic DS游戏又出现今年的E3上,并确定名为Sonic Rush,以前是部分图片http://img.gamespot.com/gamespot/images/preview_banners/3/920803.jpg
The Sonic the Hedgehog series has gone all over the place since games went 3D. Sonic Adventure sort of took the game away from its high-speed roots, though Sonic Heroes certainly delivered its own take on Sonic's fast-moving antics. But still, there's something to be said for the classics. Sonic Rush appears to be on that classic track, delivering the high-speed side-scrolling 2D that the early games in the series is known for. But by taking advantage of the Nintendo DS's dual screens, Sonic Rush is definitely a new spin on an old favorite.
Click to enlargeSonic Rush puts you in the roles of Sonic the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat as they run real fast and attempt to recover the sol emeralds. Blaze isn't playable in the short demo being shown at E3, but she'll have her own separate adventure that, of course, often crosses paths with Sonic's.
The E3 demo of Sonic Rush contains one level and one boss fight. The level is designed with the same sort of grassy, hilly terrain you've come to expect from the first world of a Sonic game. The gameplay hasn't changed all that much, so you're still running as fast as you possibly can, occasionally rolling up into a ball to jack up your enemies by either blasting right through them or jumping on their heads. The game lets you bust out a double jump by hitting the right trigger when in midair, which lets you clear longer gaps. You can also execute the standard Sonic spindash by holding down and hitting the jump button. Another new feature is a meter that lives on the left side of the screen. When it's full, you can activate a rush mode that effectively makes you unstoppable for a brief period of time.
Click to enlargeThe game uses the two screens of the DS to give you a taller view of the action. You'll be jumping up to get to platforms on the upper screen and falling down to move down below numerous times in each level. This is a pretty cool use of the screens, which really makes the game feel larger and more frantic. The boss fight we saw in the brief demo at E3 takes place on one screen, and it takes on a more polygonal look. Sonic is limited to a small platform in this fight, which pits him against a large, hammerheaded snakelike creature. The polygonal snake moves around in the background, sizing you up for his eventual attack, which is an attempt to crush poor Sonic with his big hammerhead. It's your job to get the heck out of the way and then jump on top of the head to damage the boss. When you do this three times, the game cuts to some quick alternate camera angles of the final strike. The whole game has a pretty cool look to it and makes good use of polygons in both the Sonic player model and the boss character.
In addition, the game doesn't seem to use the touch screen at all, but we wouldn't be surprised if the final version of the game ended up including some sort of stylus support. That final version is currently scheduled to be available for the Nintendo DS this fall.
[ Last edited by nakazawa on 2005-5-18 at 21:39 ] 感觉做的不错啊~~呵呵~ 为什么变成2D的了,郁闷一下啊,去年展示的不是3D吗? 我比较喜欢3D的,那样的世界观和故事比较宏大,比较适合SONIC. 感觉画面进化不大~ 感觉画面还不如GBA的 个人感觉sonic很不好玩!它一加起速来什么狗屁都看不清,就是一味的狂跑然后让敌人扎一下就圈圈掉一地,一点操作感都没有! 上次公布的不是3D的吗?
不过SONIC在北美人气是非常高的啊 天壤之别. 极度失望!!! 动作苦手飘过 也许是既有3d又有2d的吧
个人感觉Sonic这样的游戏不适合出在nds上 很喜欢这个刺猬...不过这个游戏就...没感觉和以前的有什么大进步 期待