[转帖]上梁不正底梁歪,看来国内sony fan也学会sony作假的本领了
TLF:在tgfc上看到一篇采访killzone的翻译文章,发现某些sony fan明目张胆杜撰作假的水准已经卑劣到令人发指的地步。注意其中红色的部分
Jan-Bart: 那是一个惊人的场面,那种在大屏幕上看到你自己劳动成果的感觉,还有观众们热烈的反应,我当时因此非常兴奋。
Jan-Bart: 我们去年十二月开始制作的。在E3前3天才最后完成这段影像,非常的及时呢!
Jan-Bart: 我们现在尽量避免将杀戮地带2仅仅做成1的加强版。我们希望能加入更多的新要素,因此我们花了很多时间在人物建模上,并且做出了能操控人物的版本,这次的 2代将会非常丰富的动作,周围同伴也会有和你有非常多的互动,因此游戏会更真实一些。就像那个Alfred Molina的演示一样,本次人物面部表情的细致程度使得玩家能够完全体会到作为一起同生共死的战友之间的感情流露。人物之间相互配合,人物会把受伤的战友从火线上拉下来,这些细节会真正地推动FPS这个游戏类型的发展。
Jan-Bart: 全部都是,都是即时处理的。
真的是这样啊? 那这款即时射击游戏应该是非常令人期待的PlayStation 3游戏啊?
Jan-Bart: 对,这个正是我们想做到的。
Jan-Bart: 容易,这一点给我们的印象很深。Cell处理器非常的强大,再加上显示处理器。其实我们目前的开发机很难达到PS3的标准,我们很想看到这个游戏在实际的PS3硬件上运行的效果。给这么强筋的主机开发游戏 得感觉真得很好。
Jan-Bart: 好,我个人对这台主机的性能非常喜欢,Cell处理器的功能强大,绘图处理器同样如此,令人难以想象的性能,现在我们终于可以做出之前梦想的效果了。 这个简直就是一台梦幻般的主机。
Jan-Bart: 哦,我不那么想,估计最快也还要2,3年的时间。不过为了ps3去买720p的电视,也很有可能呢,笑。
How do you feel about the reaction to the trailer that was shown yesterday?
Jan-Bart: It's been an amazing reception, the rush you get from seeing your own stuff on the big screen like that, and then the reaction to it, it's a big rush, I'm really happy about it.
How long ago did work start on the sequence?
Jan-Bart: We started working on it in late November, and only finished it three days before the show, at the very, very last moment!
It seemed like Killzone, only more so! Is that what we can expect from the finished game?
Jan-Bart: We want to avoid having just Killzone with more beautiful graphics. We want to add a lot more to it than that. So we're adding a lot more character interaction, with the ways they respond to you and how you can react to them. There's a lot more interactions between characters like you see in the trailer, people dragging each other off out of combat and helping each other, giving each other their weapons - a lot more real human interaction, basically.
It's like with the Alfred Molina demo, the quality of facial animation we can get with the characters means you'll really feel that emotional sense of being part of a unit and fighting together. Characters working together, comrades pulling each other back from the field of battle; that kind of thing is really going to move the genre forward.
There's a great moment where you see an ISA ally take out a Helghan with his rifle butt to save your bacon... is that representative of the kind of sophisticated behaviour we'll start seeing in artificial intelligence when PS3 arrives?
Jan-Bart: Yes, totally, it's just the start. Characters will be very aware, very alert to how they might be able to help you. That moment is a good example of how it can add a little visual 'wow' to it all.
Is the Killzone sequence a fair example of what people can expect from realtime gameplay on PlayStation 3?
Jan-Bart: Yeah, it's basically a representation of the look and feel of the game we're trying to make.
Have you found PS3 easy to work with?
Jan-Bart: Yes, we're really impressed with it. The Cell is amazingly powerful, and the graphics CPU in there... it's actually hard to mimic it on our development PCs, we have to see it on the PS3 hardware itself. It's really nice to be working with such powerful hardware.
As yet, high definition TV isn't that widespread, especially in Europe - are you concerned that some players won't get to see your game in as much detail as is intended?
Jan-Bart: No, I think in two, three years' time, HDTV will be a lot more accepted, in Europe too. We'll start out with 720p and then as there's now this product that people will want to buy a new TV for.
Thanks, and congratulations on the work.
Jan-Bart: Thanks!
唉哟~~~SONY培训出来的人才哦~ 我只知道2年后PS3的游戏画面可以达到KILLZONE2的水平.那段东西是不是即时不知道,现在全世界都闹得沸沸扬扬. 流传一下,当英语教材做反面教育也不赖! 能不能达到是。。。。。。未知的
以上 这个应该不是即时的吧.现在的PS3开发机连CELL都没有. 一样的浮躁 杀戮地带都啥时候的游戏了?去年的吧?PS2上的游戏怎么跑PS3去了? KILLZONE新作啊. 上面提到的是KILLZONE的新作 而非旧作
游戏新闻一直是在GAMESPOT,IGN一类的地方看 翻译过的多少有些不可靠 我觉得楼主应该去FG发这贴. 在LEVELUP看到说KILLZONE2那段是即时的~不是CG
因为能看到画面有BUG~所以不是CG 我觉得,KILLZONE那段肯定是CG 活活
革命—————— Yeah, it's basically a representation of the look and feel of the game we're trying to make.
这是以后PS3画面达到的效果,那段东西应该不是即时的.现在的开发机根本连CELL和RSX都没,如果能做出这样的即时画面,那就不得了了. 如果他说马里奥出在PS3上面的话我就算服了他了 还是一个画面问题,豪无意义…… 在PS3没出来前,一切都是胡诌..