DS Update:Windows DS
According to N-next and GBAN64 The makers of GBA WinS have created a vastly enhanced port of GBA winS. WinS is very easy to use, to open apps and programs you simply click the mini-desktop icon. The DS version Boasts a variety of enhancements as well as touch screen support, a realtime clock, and a virtual keyboard. The demo also includes a variety of apps including WinS Paint, WinS basiCalc , Notepad, and 3 games. Here's a list of the DS versions features(note the DS version can also do anything the GBA version can do)
o 100% Touch Screen Integration which means :
o Drag-able and Resize-able Windows
o On-Screen vKb (virtual Keyboard) for easy text editing
o Clickable Buttons and other Controls
o Cool new Application Lunching system and Icons
o On-Screen Real-Time-Clock
o Can hold ANY GBA WinS application
The WinS team also has a large amount of plans for the DS version including multiple file compatibilitylilty and Wifi useage. Here is a list of future enhancements.
o A File System using a Computer-based program to inject files
o Using WiFi to:
o Create a basic file types handlers :
o Text, Pictures and documents viewers
o Music : MP3, Ogg and WAV
o Movies : low-res and low-bps MPG and AVI files
o *.WnS Executable files as WinS Application
o Moreover, almost ANY file!
o Using the NDS WiFi to:
o Send WinS Applications or Files from one DS to another
o Create a varieties of Web-Based applications :
o Web Browser
o MSN Messenger
o Yahoo Messenger
o Communication between multiple DS's
o Support for full screen applications
o MAJOR Speed optimizations
o Find a use for the second screen
http://s3.invisionfree.com/GBAWinS/index.php?act=site 楼主翻译一下,看不懂 招呼翻译高人厚度翻译一下!!! 翻译召唤不能,召唤金山快译 勉强看懂,翻译就不行了 这个铁子昨天有人发过了
http://bbs.newwise.com/viewthread.php?tid=144896&extra=page%3D2 虽然很希望有,但是不相信...... 更具来自N-nest和GBAN64,gba Wins 的制作者的消息,他们制作了gba的扩展系统Wins. WinS是非常容易使用的系统,只要点击"迷你桌面“就可以轻松的打开应用程序。DS版本将会加入更多的功能和触摸屏支持,时时时间现实,和虚拟键盘。现在发布的演示版本已经包括了,例如 Wins图画,WinS基本计算器,写字板,和3个小游戏。下面将列出ds版本可以实现的功能(所有GBA版本已经实现的功能ds版本都可以实现)
Yahoo Messenger
以上是我的翻译,希望对大家又帮助 希望不大吧……我的PDA主频400我都觉得很慢……NDS主频多少?成为PDA可能性太低了 那是因为你在跑wince啊 软件都是针对WINCE出的啊……难道还有其他选择? palm的处理器频率也不搞的啊 寒……你用过PALM么?弄明白再说