刚刚得知的消息~~~~~~~~~~同样不对应1.52版~~~~~~~~ PaWsTick from the PsP-Dev Team has now confirmed that their exploit does NOT run on v1.51 firmware either, so $ony did a nice quick job of fixing their 1.50 holes it appears. On the bright side, many in the USA already have a v1.50 PSP... and those who don't can still run out and grab one without the fear of it being a later firmware version for the time being.以上是原文~~~~~~~~~
将要发出的软件同样无法运行在1.51系统上,sony补洞很及时. 向1.51版的同胞们表示歉意~~~~~~~~~~~~~~本来想也许能行~~结果~~哎~~~
不过!!!!!!!!面包会有的!!!!!不然SONY放出1.52干啥!~~!?! 我已经升级到1.52了无视模拟器ING~~~
其实内心很受伤 汗一个~~~~~~~~ 放出1.52当然是修补漏洞咯. 呵呵,只下载了1.51和1.52,还没更新。现在只想在PSP上重温《圣剑传说3》 呵呵
反正还是保持1.0 用PSP玩模拟器好象真的没意思哎。。。 这下完了
派系越来越鲜明化了 还是1.0的最好啊.