From NGC Magazine:
"Capcom are working on a remake of Resident Evil for the DS, only this time using the same camera perspective and controls as the exceptionally brilliant Resident Evil 4 on Gamecube. That's right, a fully 3D version of the original survival horror, all in the palm of your hand.
Capcom explained that, the touch-screen would, in one instance, be used to attack, with the slashes of the stylus dictating the swipes of Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine's knife."
"Anyone who's played Resident Evil 4 (and that should be all of you by now) will testify to the difference a simple perspective change can make to the overall gameplay experience, and the chance to play through the original adventure with the added versatility of dual-screens and touch-screen control will certainly breath new life into an old game.
Hopefully Capcom will use the touch screen for full analogue aiming (giving extra depth to
the combat) as well as adding extra content, like puzzles, locations and situations to help keep things feeling nice and new.""
[ Last edited by myhyli on 2005-7-5 at 11:34 ] 不太相信! 不过确实触摸屏幕用来做这类游戏非常合适
实在操作对新人来说很难接受 如果是真的就太好了,必买~ 这个。。。
DS屏幕上的画面是GC的REBIO吧 找到英文原文了,官方宣称是全3D
现在还没有任何游戏画面,所以杂志上DS的屏幕里只是示意内容,不必较真啦~ 在PSP上玩这类游戏才爽! 期待啊 psp射击部分有NDS直接点击射击爽吗 Originally posted by 走姿派 at 2005-7-5 13:39
年底的ps2版bio4都不抱希望。。。。。。NGC王道 看看ps2和GC上的杀手7就明白了 CAPCOM移植态度是关键
猎人LIKE的FPS出来前都不拜期望 呵呵,期待期待~ 貌似不怎么可能啊 大家有没有看到下面写得<任天堂狂人>啊~~~?那些游戏数量看到都晕了~~~呵呵~~ 不怎么看好NDS上的3D游戏...不过还是小小的期待一下.. 一回来就看到这种好消息~HOHO 对游戏不感冒
但关注一下画面质量 Originally posted by adalec at 2005-7-6 00:14
不过这类的游戏再好的操作感 没有一些精美的画面也是白搭。。。。就好像gba上面那类的射击游戏。。。画面忍无可忍。。。 不要求像GC上那样的画面,只要达到N64版的幻之生0那样画面就行了