[07/12] 传闻:RARE正在讨论DS版完美黑暗的可能性
该传闻来自 http://ds.advancedmn.com/article.php?artid=2295原文如下
Rare comments on the possibility of Perfect Dark DS.
A recent email directed to Rareware posted on the developer's official website contained a question pertinent to many fans of the Nintendo DS. A fan of the company asked if they would ever port Perfect Dark over to the DS.
The company responded rather vaguely. "I couldn't think of anything new to say about the prospect of PD on the DS, so I passed it over to the handheld team, who couldn't think of anything new to say either: "It would be cool to do a version of PD on the DS, who knows, we might even do it one day!""
As usual, further details about the possibility of Perfect Dark DS were not revealed. However, the developer's reaction certainly breathes new life into the rumor of the games existance in the future.
Be sure to stick with DS Advanced for continued coverage of the developing story of Rare and the Nintendo DS.
「Perfect Dark」是RARE公司在2000年针对任天堂N64主机所开发的一款科幻动作射击游戏,由负责开发N64「007黄金眼」的小组所开发,而且在全球有数百万套的销量 RARE不是早被微软收购了吗?搞什么呀? Originally posted by shkillone1 at 2005-7-12 21:29
这么说的话,微软把光环也作到NDS上吧 应该可以的~毕竟有银河战士先例 Rare好像只是跟Microsoft簽約
和Bungie不同,不是旗下 原帖由 yzll 于 2005-7-12 21:59 发表
光环目前不大可能。除非任天堂退出家用机市场。。 RARE只是藕断丝连而已