TEXAS (CNN) -- In light of recent terrorist attacks, the Department of Homeland Security has issued a ban on all sales and distribution of the 1997 hit video game, Final Fantasy VII
The game involves the main character, Cloud Strife, planting bombs in power plants in a heavily populated city. The protagonist works with the terrorist group "Avalanche" bombing locations throughout the beginning of the game.
The decision was made only hours after the bombing of a nuclear power plant in southern Texas. The FBI is still hot on the trails of the culprit, going by the hacker alias "frootloops". An FBI spokesperson told CNN at the time that investigators have already seized equipment in the culprits house, but frootloops was nowhere to be found. "Upon confiscation of the equipment, we found a large collection of child pornography on the culprits hard drive." said the FBI spokesperson.
President Bush has already indicated he's opposed to Square-Enix role playing games. "Mario doesn't blow up power plants" Bush said on tuesday. Mario was unavailible for comment.
Parenting groups are also up in arms against the game. "These 'role playing games' are teaching our children to use magic and summon demons, they're destroying our childrens future and making them worship satan. We can't allow this to continue." Various forms of Magic have been a staple of every game in the Final Fantasy series dating back to Final Fantasy released in 1990 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. "It's almost as bad as Harry Potter!" A parent who wishes to remain anonymous said.
Sen. Hillary Clinton also is highly opposed to the game.
"First Grand Theft Auto, and now this. I'm starting to think we should just ban all video games. Final Fantasy VII is an awful game, and should have never been created in the first place. I mean, look at the size of Tifa's breasts! They're destroying our childrens future. The problem of explicit video games is spiraling out of control." Clinton wrote in a letter to the head of the Federal Trade Commission. Tifa's breasts were unavailible for comment.
Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Target Corp., Best Buy Co. and Circuit City Stores Inc. have pulled the game from their shelves following the recent ban.
PS:老美真的搞笑... 特别是希拉里和BULLSHIT
布什总统也公开表示过对SE公司角色扮演游戏的反对。“马力奥就不会去炸电厂”对于马力奥在此我们不做评论(马力奥就不会去炸电厂...汗...不愧是BULL SHIT的思维)。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
Hillary Clinton也对游戏提出了非常强烈的反对(希拉里继GTA-SA后又再次向电子游戏开火)
“最开始是GTA,现在又是这个,我开始想我们应该禁止所有的电子游戏了,FF7是一个非常糟糕的游戏,最开始就不应该被造出来。我的意思是,你看看Tifa's胸部有多大!!(这估计才是她对这个游戏这么痛恨的最根本原因...)他们正在毁掉我们的下一代。游戏所直接带来的问题正渐渐的失去控制”Hillary 向美国联邦商务委员会写信反映此事。Tifa's的胸部在此我们不发表评论。(希拉里是不是嫉妒这样的胸部我在这里不发表评论...)
劳拉的胸部比TIFA还大,她怎么不禁- - 更年期的妇女真是可怕。。。。。。 在游戏的开头,他在人口密集的城市安放了威力强大的炸弓单。(FF7出了8年了,我第一次知道这个万人迷原来是恐怖分子...)
应该是在发电站.... 原帖由 sunqian2104 于 2005-8-16 14:58 发表
还是有眼尖的貌似应该是在人口密集的城市的发电厂... 好在Princess Peach的胸不大
難道Clinton 97年醉心於ff7某人物而無心政治
Hillary更因此被冷落?! 原帖由 Chapboy 于 2005-8-16 15:08 发表
好在Princess Peach的胸不大
難道Clinton 97年醉心於ff7某人物而無心政治
SAMUS也有 那个CNN的主页做得跟真的似的 这篇新闻要拜!!! 看见就无语了。 原帖由 legion522 于 2005-8-16 15:16 发表
http://nintendo.co.jp/ngc/gomj/img/ph_ch06.jpg 为什么不禁MARIO?他教人用比恐怖分子更恐怖的手段杀人呢0 0
人踩人踩死人这手段远比一个炸弓单炸到变渣恐怖 胸部关FF7鸟事无聊 胸部过大会导致小孩想入非非从而走上犯罪道路
某人一定想用这个理由说FF7其实是个很糟糕的游戏 XD 这欧巴桑……
更年期妇女都是这样子吗? 原帖由 Chapboy 于 2005-8-16 18:18 发表
这不是胸部这是因为腰细所以相对的看上去就是凸滴~ 原帖由 神游其中 于 2005-8-16 18:23 发表
为什么不禁MARIO?他教人用比恐怖分子更恐怖的手段杀人呢0 0
踩的都是些蘑菇啊乌龟啊库巴什么的,要抗议也是动物保护协会 原帖由 legion522 于 2005-8-16 19:11 发表
还有植物保护协会。哈哈 希拉里这女人.... 唉....要不是有个前总统老公...