转贴PSP游戏引导工具:PSP Fastloader v0.7 放出
作者: jun4rui2005-08-22
* no longer need of removing UMD while selectiong ISO - just insert any UMD at startup and play around!
* even more compatible (RR works now, others possibly too...)
* Possibility to start inserted UMD from selection menu (to allow overclocking)
* New backpic ("V0.7") for ISOMISC/
* integrated UMD dumper with splitting, pausing and USB function!
* Dumps the inserted UMD into the iSO/ drawer ("My latest Dump") if no splitting is selected.
* Dumps to ISOSPLIT/ drawer ("My latest Dump_Part #") on splitting. Splitting of the files can be in 10 MB, 20 MB, 50MB, 100MB, 200MB, 400MB and 800 MB chunks.
* Auto pause mode ("*autopause*"): Pauses the dumping once a splitpart reached the selected size, so you can turn on USB (triangle), save the part to the PC, delete from MemStick after and go on with the dumping of the next part (resume with square)
* Splitted parts can be concated together with "copy /b" for example.
*主要是加入了大家关注的换游戏不用开仓,和Dump PSP游戏的功能!Dump的游戏能按照指定大小分割,并通过USB借口传输出来。并有更好的兼容性。
本地下载:http://www.jun4rui.com/jup/data/PSP_Fastloader_v0.7.zip 刚才已经用泡泡龙测试过了,可以自己Dump.这样就可以自己动手完成了哈哈 不用REMOVE太好了. 还是没有免碟~
继续等待 继续等待把....不过自己做ISO觉得不错哈哈,自己动手感觉不错的说 据说FL的开发组根本不打算做免UMD的吧?不可能是技术问题而不做免UMD的。 好像用这个版本玩游戏有一些BUG.我玩战国的时候不能存储还提示错误.. 多謝分享 ! 用此版本,战国不能存储嗎? 恩昨天我用的时候提示错误. 下一个试试支不支持小死神。