忍者444 发表于 2005-10-6 14:45:20



0opetero0 发表于 2006-7-11 15:26:20

金钱 03003954:EA60


Cooking 030039EB:0A
Mechanical 030039EF:0A
Creativity 030039F3:0A
Body 030039F7:0A
Logic 030039FB:0A
Charisma 030039FF:0A

友好度 Popularity 03003982:64
Dusty Hogg 03003989:64
Mad Willy Hurtzya 0300398D:64
Eddie Renalin 03003991:64
Bucki Brock 03003995:64
Daddy Bigbucks 03003999:64
Det.Dan D.Mann 0300399D:64
O.Phil McClean 030039A1:64
Ephram Earl 030039A5:64
Misty Waters 030039A9:64
Chet R.Chase 030039AD:64
Olde Salty 030039B1:64
Nicki Knack 030039B5:64
Uncle Hayseed 030039B9:64
Giuseppi Mezzoalto 030039BD:64
Duane Doldrum 030039C1:64
Daschell Swank 030039C5:64
Vernon Peeve 030039C9:64
Mel Odious 030039CD:64
Maximilian Moore 030039D1:64
Claire Clutterbell 030039D5:64
Nora Zeal-Ott 030039D9:64
Vera Vex 030039DD:64
Hester Primm 030039E1:64
Lottie Cash 030039E5:64

Aluminum Cans 03003A30:63
Old Glass Jars 03003A31:63
Mechanical Cogs 03003A32:63
Nuclear Fuel Rods 03003A33:63
3-Eared Mice 03003A34:63

第1位物品 03003d28:xx
第2位物品 03003d2c:xx
第3位物品 03003d30:xx
第4位物品 03003d34:xx
第5位物品 03003d38:xx
第6位物品 03003d3c:xx
第5位物品 03003d40:xx
第8位物品 03003d44:xx

任务积分 02029758:xx

01 Gagmia Simore Espresso
02 Positive Potential Microwave
03 Arctechnology 2-Door Refrigerator
04 Sno-Time Refrigerator
05 Dialectic Range and Stove
06 Epicurious Gourment Stove
07 PyroInferno Atom Burner Oven
08 Junk Genie Trash Compactor
09 Vending Machine
0B Manila -100 Marine Aquarium
0C Poseidon's Adventure Aquarium
0D Prognoss Family Sized Crystal Ball
0E Potten Jade Houseplant
0F Potten Rubber Houseplant
10 Baroque Mirror
11 Snaker Floor Mirror
12 Giant Tiki Head
13 Venus Fly Trap
14 Tropical Birdcage
15 Roman Statue
16 Mummy Sarcophagus
17 Modern Sculpture
18 Lifesize Alien Prop
19 Zen Fountain
1A Mannequin
1B Suit of Armor
1C Trophy Case
1D Guillotine
1E Chainsaw Chicken
20 Aquarius Statuette
23 Plunkett Home Casino
24 Viva Lost Wages Home Casino
25 Brahma 5000 Behemoth Computer
26 Moneywell BSC-100 Computer
28 Newton's Apple Pinball Machine
29 FireSmart Fire Detector
2A Doom Vox Boom Box Stereo
2B Zimantz Unity Stereo
2C Soma Electronics Plasma Television
2D Trottco RGB ultra Television
2E Electrix Technics Tesla Coil
2F Video Arcade Machine
30 Jesse James Burglar Alarm
31 Monochrome Television
32 Robot Monker Butler
33 Denizen Cane Bamboo Bed
34 Amberson's Magnificent Sleigh Bed
35 Amberson's Magnificent Double Bed
36 Spartan Special Bed
37 TykeNyte Bed
38 Denizen Cane Bamboo Chair
39 Country Class Chair
3A Work-Bunst All Purpose Chair
3B Back Slack Recliner Chair
3C Denizen Cane Bamboo Recliner
3D Plaid Recliner
3E Zebra Recliner
3F Biker Sofa
40 Cheap Eazzze Sofa
41 Country Class Couch
42 The Wally Whitman Repose Sofa
43 Zebra Faux-Fur Sofa
44 SteriLife Bathroom Countertop
45 SteriLife Bathroom Counter and Sink
46 Tiled Countertop
47 Tiled Countertop with Sink
48 DTS Wood Countertop
49 DTS Wood Countertop with Sink
4A Pinegulcher Dresser
4B Amorous Inc. Love Seat
4C Anywhere End Table
4D Aluminum Card Table
4E London Mesa Dining
50 Comfy Recliner
51 Gaint Leather Recliner
52 Aquarius Recliner
5E Bumpin' Beach Ball
5F Max Matewell's Pro-Chess Board
61 Dilly Taunt's Protable Easel Kit
63 Offender Guitar and Amplifier
64 Iron Might Canvas Punching Bag
65 GalleLayman Backyard Telescope
67 Pottery Wheel
68 Skratch N'Spin DJ starter pack
69 DishDuster Deluxe Dishwasher
6A Spartan Space Table Lamp
6B Heavenly Halogen Floor Lamp
6C Torchesterone Floor Lamp
6D The Savvy Shower
6E SaniQueen Luxury Shower
6F MR.Andersonville Sink
70 Hanging Telephone
72 HygeiaOmatic Toilet
73 Pee-K-Boo Mfc. Toilet
74 Garbage Bin
76 City Blueprints
77 'Oh Yes You Can,you Crybaby!'
78 '500 Gelatin Recipes,Vol.4:Entrees'
79 'The Aesthetics of Ice Sculpting'
7A 'When X Way Y:Logic's Secret History
7B 'Ubiquitous Desire:A Romance'
7C 'Fishing For Fun or Profit'
7D Chicken
7E Veloci-Rooster
7F Crowbar
81 Flyers
82 Helmet
86 Fishing Pole
88 Cheap Tombstone
89 Expensive Tombstone
8B Pet
8C Urn
8D Rocket Ship
8E Family Album
8F Less than Grand Painting
90 Object D'Arte
91 FotoFlash Camera
94 Pots
95 Biker Brat
96 Fruit Smoothie
97 Grease Burger Deluxe
98 Root Beer McCloskey
99 Cheese Pizza
9A The Omerta Pizza Deluxe
9B Italian Soda
9C Lemon Ice
9D Fish n'Chips
9E Olde Salty's Salty Special
9F Ocean-flavored Water
A0 Dolphin Pop
A1 Grits
A2 The Man's Fiery BBQ Sandwich
A3 Robert E. Tea
A4 Southern Lemonade
A5 Cocomonkey Banana
A6 SimCity Cosmomixer
A7 Kangaroo Surprise
A8 Three Umbrella Juicer
A9 Farm Fresh Fried Chicken
AA Potion
AB Miniature Wood Chicken
AC Barbell
AD Sunglasses
AE Cowboy Hat
AF Briefcase
B0 Flower Necklace
B1 Skull
B2 Gold Statue
B3 Whistle
B4 Pegleg
B5 Fishing Lures
B6 Wanted Poster
B7 Golden Trophy
B8 Picture of Duane Doldrum
B9 Art Book
BA Stapler
BB Broken Bongo
BC Prescription
BD Poem
BE Campaign Button
BF Music CD
C0 Cookbook
C1 Boat Keys
C2 Pizza
C3 Tabby Cat
C4 Scottish Hoose Cat
C5 Tooken Terrier
C6 Whiteshire Dog
C7 Lonely Iguana
C8 Miniature Llama
C9 Comic Book
CA Flower Bouquet
CB Red Rose
CC Olde Salty Action Figure
CD Box of Chocolates
CE Gold Ring
CF Book of Poetry
D0 Jaihouse Teddy
D1 Rosebud
D2 Slip of Paper
D3 Silver Tongue Berry
D4 Gourmet Berry
D5 Clock Berry
D6 Buff Berry
D7 Mind Berry
D8 DaVinci Berry

独行战士 发表于 2006-7-11 15:29:33

页: [1]
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