等好久了,但是容量好象不对,才477M,汗。而且是ISO格式!!! - -难道是RIP版? 网站给下好吗?老掉人胃口! 那个BT连不上了 嚴重懷疑是假的就算是真的...477mb 質素一定大打折扣 没办法,我的是512M的卡,下了也要RIP掉一些音乐,55555555555555
512M是穷人的证明 原帖由 更酷的酷CAT 于 2005-10-24 20:33 发表
我也是, 抄一遍 在努力连接 !在掌机地带 不可能的拉,每次大作出来前都会有假冒的下载的正常 没那么恐怖吧??? 477???!!! 不用怀疑,如果不是RIP,那就铁定是假滴,不过好像也没有连原版都没出来就放RIP的道理吧!! 大家持續18.4% 对
,18.4% 我也一样啊,汗,也是18% 看样子大家下的都是相同的种子。好象换服务器可以了,知道有什么服务器吗? --------------------------------iNFERNO---------------------------------------
GTA:LCS - 477 MB
Ripped by kostko
packaged by 1337pixie
iNFERNO is proud to present Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories for the PSP
It's time to return to Liberty City, the town where all the rules were broken as Grand Theft Auto 3
revolutionized gaming and made the GTA series the biggest franchise on the planet.The PlayStation
Portable edition is an all-new game set in the seedy, sprawling underworld of Liberty City.
Just get fastloader 7 or 8 and load this ISO into the instructed folder...
the file size is a bit big so watchout...
Old shitty txt like NFOs are the shit.
nfo當案非常簡單, 假的機率極高, 而且已經表明是閹割過的版本 我身在美國也未有得買
怎會這麼快有rip... 全部卡在18.4%…… 18.4% 假的﹐我也是停在18%﹐不用下了