[11/11] 传言:NDS SP即将降临?关键词:更小、更美观?
After having an interview with Reggie Fils-Aime of Nintendo of America's marketing department, CNN reveals that there may be a redesign of the DS coming very soon.在最近一次对NOA的大猩猩Reggie采访中谈到的,CNN推测DS将于近期内推出重新设计外型的新版
"As soon as was launched, we started looking at ways to tweak it visually." says Mr. Fils-Aime.
Interestingly enough, in the most recent issue of Swedish gaming magazine Gamereactor there is a rumour that states a "smaller and better" looking model of the Nintendo DS will be released in Spring 2006.
So is there a new model of the DS in the works for next Spring? Well we will just have to wait and see what Nintendo says about this rumour first. Until then, take this with a gain of salt. We'll keep you updated as more information about this new model is released.
那么明年春天真的会出现新款式吗?我们就等着看看任天堂对这个传言会说些什么吧。 这么快?GBA到SP用了两年吧!DS只要一年?刚买的DS还没捂热……算了新款肯定贵,自我安慰…… 我做梦都想要改良型的NDS!! 明年情人节。 出了肯定买....不过电池问题要解决....^^ 期待啊!NDS缺点就是太大…… 明年春天不太可能,怎么也得2年,看2006年底有没可能。 NDS才出了一年,改良版不可能出的那么早的~~不过还是希望能早点出~~ 不是吧...难道N要学S,隔几天就来个XXX型号什么的? 千万不要学GBM,屏幕也变了 要是真的话~~~~任社真是每年一款新机啊~~~~~~~~~~GBA SP一年后NDS一年后(可能)DS SP......
[ 本帖最后由 ロツクマソ 于 2005-11-11 12:56 编辑 ] 欧也!
如果是明年情人节出货,铁定2机入手! 难不成偶的DS只用了一年后就得光荣下岗了... 不会吧!太快了!!1 真快 靠!
55555555 那就买吧,反正DS SP也要被淘汰的,你就跳过DS SP直接买DSM算了…… 靠,我才用了3个月,这么快就要换拉. 还不一定呢...大家别直接当真了,..传闻啊传闻..
[ 本帖最后由 灵の魂 于 2005-11-11 17:52 编辑 ] 天啊~我的钱包~~