[1/9] 银河战士猎人 最新细节公布!!!
Gamepro Magazine supplied its readers with a few new facts on the upcoming 3D shooter on the Nintendo DS, Metroid Prime Hunters. Below, six of the most important parts:1. Metroid Prime Hunters will have 5 different planets, and at least 25 different areas.
2. Weavel can split his body into two sections, one of which is a stationary automatic gun battery. It fires at anyone in the way of the mobile section.
3. Each bounty hunter will have his or her own ship. Designs will reflect similarities to the each bounty hunter's armor structure.
4. The Metroid Prime Hunters single-player adventure will be extremely non-linear. You (as Samus) are trying to get the special Alimbic artifacts, but if a rival hunter gets there before you, you must get in your ship, force down to a planet, and take the artifact from him.
5. Nintendo is trying to make each bounty hunter a separate entity. If Metroid Prime Hunters is a success, man may expect new Metroid games with protangonists other than Samus Aran.
6. The story of Metroid Prime Hunters takes place between Metroid Prime 1 and Metroid Prime 2.
本作故事发生在MP1和MP2之间 期待单人冒险模式可以耐玩些 感觉解迷部分会被削弱 玩过试玩版,虽然射击游戏我不擅长,但是还是粉期待
从游戏的区域来看本作很可能也要用到1G的容量 这游戏的发售日是什么时候啊 单人模式可选任意的猎人就好了! 追加圖片:
http://www.jeux-france.com/blog_Mariods 漂亮!!!!!!!!
越来越期待了!!! 日版的未确定,美版的是3月20号(都不知道拖了多长时间了...) 好期待呀! 大期待``` 游戏性第一..画面第二.. 赞!