[1/26] Konami新作:钢铁的地平线DS
January 25, 2006 - Konami revealed its latest group of handheld games at its Gamer's Day event in San Francisco today. One of those games was Steel Horizon, a strategy game that's in development for the Nintendo DS and PSP handheld systems. Though the games were not playable at the event, the company offered up the first details of the product, scheduled for release in the fall.2006 年1月25 日- Konami 今天在旧金山举行的“游戏日”活动中透露了它的最新几款掌上游戏开发团队。那些游戏的当中一个是《钢铁的地平线Steel Horizon》,这是一款为NDS和PSP而开发的策略游戏。尽管在这次活动中还没有可玩的版本,但还是透露了一些细节以及将于今年秋天发售。
Steel Horizon is set during World War II with a fictional situation: a mysterious organization is pulling the world's strings from behind the scenes using its technology, utilizing the war to attain some unknown agenda that will be revealed sometime during the campaign. Players fights both the organization and Axis forces to uncover their true intentions, along with the usual goal of saving the world.
钢铁的地平线的背景被设置在第二次世界大战期间以一个虚构情况: 一个神秘组织利用它的技术在幕后牵引着世界, 利用战争来达到某些未知的目的。玩家要同时和这个组织以及轴心国势力战斗,揭露他们真实的意图, 并且拯救世界。
Steel Horizons will feature more than 20 different missions that take place in both Atlantic and Pacific campaigns. Both the Nintendo DS and PSP versions will take place in a 3D environment, utilizing a dynamic camera to give the best view of the action. Players can battle in solo campaigns, or go up against another player using the system's wireless link capabilities.
钢铁的地平线以超过 20 个发生在大西洋和太平洋的不同使命为特色。Nintendo DS 和PSP 版本都使用 3D 环境, 运用一台动态照相机给行动提供最佳的视角。玩家可以独自挑战, 或使用无线通讯与其它玩家对战。 《钢铁的地平线Steel Horizon》,这是一款为NDS和PSP而开发的策略游戏…… 钢铁的地平线以超过 20 个发生在大西洋和太平洋的不同使命为特色。
希望不要有中国,不然要引发政治问题. 只要它不乱改历史还是行的. 原帖由 laoer 于 2006-1-27 08:46 发表
《钢铁的地平线Steel Horizon》,这是一款为NDS和PSP而开发的策略游戏……
是时候该去睡了... PSP版游戏画面已经公布