UBI根据目前的销售业绩,调低未来的销售目标.UBI目前公布了第三季度的财政收入,它显示了目前UBI公司全年的经营情况呈现的非常缓慢.公司称,期间为公司创收的最大作品就是在假日期间上市的例如:彼得.杰克逊:金刚(Peter Jackson's King Kong)以及波斯王子3(Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones).
UBI的首席执行官Yves Guillemot说:2005年又是另一个成功的年份.我们获得了额外的市场份额并在未来有了一定的促进和加强.波斯王子3(Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones)使人们对冒险类动作游戏有了新的认识,而彼得.杰克逊:金刚(Peter Jackson's King Kong)更是把电影改变为游戏的形式提高到了另一个高度.确立了新的标准.这一切都使的UBI成为了全球炙手可热的特许游戏公司.在未来的几年,我们要把公司做大做强,成为欧洲第三和北美地区第五.育碧现在是作为游戏产业中具有相当高的价值财富定位而建立在我们玩家心目中的.
另外公司新闻报道称:UBI宣布将会推迟分裂细胞4:双重间谍(Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent) 的发售日期知道2006年的九月份,本来是2006年春天的.此上考虑不仅基于关于此作还需要更多的研发时间,同时更是因为将在多平台上发售,开来公司对分裂细胞4:双重间谍还是非常重视.
Ubisoft Sees Record Sales, Lowers Guidance
King Kong and the Prince bolster the game maker's Q3 numbers.
by David Adams
January 26, 2006 - Ubisoft posted record third-quarter financials today, while revising its full-year forecast to reflect a slowing games market. The company says the strong numbers came largely from the success of titles like Peter Jackson's King Kong and Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones during the holiday season.
Sales for the company's third quarter were a record 250 million euros ($305.7 million), a 35% increase from 185 million euros ($226 million) in the same period last year. Sales for the first nine months increased 29 percent 403 million euros ($492.7 million).
"2005 was another successful year," commented Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot. "We gained additional market share and further strengthened the Ubisoft brand: Prince of Persia is increasingly recognized as the reference for action/adventure games and Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie set new standards of quality, making Ubisoft a must-have partner for license holders. With years of continuous progress behind us, we ranked third independent publisher in Europe in 2005 and fifth in North America. Ubisoft is now established as one of the major players in our industry with highly valuable assets."
In the midst of the cheerful news, however, Ubisoft also announced it will delay the release of Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent from spring to September 2006. The company said the title is being pushed back not only for more development time, but so that the game is released simultaneously across platforms -- and at a time when more Xbox 360s are on the market.
The company also lowered its guidance for its full 2005/2006 fiscal year, citing slow game sales during a transitional period in the industry. Ubisoft now predicts net revenues of 530 million euros ($648 million), down from the previously expected 600 million euros ($733.6 million). ubi是我比较喜欢的一个公司 原帖由 小毛头 于 2006-1-30 11:46 发表
特別是 Montreal Studios
而且Ubi做遊戲比EA有保證 就快被EA收了 原帖由 pdsxuxin 于 2006-2-1 01:17 发表
无视…… 财政有的增长就可以了........... 测试bug中,每年出一作,也太快了,想要好质量,必然时间长 ubi也是我最喜欢的公司之一 UBI很不错,游戏都很经典 现在才知道...波斯王子和分裂是同公司