2006-02-02 09:02:42
Game Over Yeah has posted the following collated figures from various Press Releases that have emerged over the past couple of months, showing the difference in sales between the Sony PlayStation Portable and Nintendo's DS platform. Check them out below:
PlayStation Portable
United Kingdom: 795,000
France: 500,000
Germany: 350,000
Spain: 295,000
Other Regions: 500,000
Total: 2,450,000 units since first released in September 2005.
Nintendo DS
United Kingdom: 1,000,000
France: 750,000
Germany: 520,000
Spain: 425,000
Other Regions: 1,005,000
Total: 3,700,000 units since first released in March 2005.
Clearly the PSP has performed extremely strongly in its short time on sale, but during Christmas that is to be expected and the resolve of the Nintendo DS is superb indeed. The question is, who has the better Q1 / Q2 line-up in Europe? Many would say the DS definitely, especially with the likely release of the DS Lite in time for Summer at the latest.
But what are your thoughts on the matter? Let us know below... 不会吧.....跟预料相反欧州的PSP居然卖不过NDS 很正常,ds出nintendogs后在全世界都走的和当初在日本用nintendogs逆转psp一样的路线,只不过最近psp出了王牌gta。但其它软件销量仍不理想,连gta也要移植ps2了
[ 本帖最后由 YoungMan 于 2006-2-3 11:16 编辑 ] 还以为跟北美一样...PSP 占优势...毕竟论时尚...一些国外的年轻人选PSP比NDS多 可怜的psp 貌似PSP的游戏可能不符合欧洲人口味吧..... 傻啊你,psp比nds晚了好久上市呢 MS...销售表是以同等时间的...... 老大。。。。。。。。
Total: 2,450,000 units since first released in September 2005
3,700,000 units since first released in March 2005 老大看这句"Clearly the PSP has performed extremely strongly in its short time on sale, but during Christmas that is to be expected and the resolve of the Nintendo DS is superb indeed." 反正差了半年就是了。。。。不过我可不是psp饭哦(没钱)
[ 本帖最后由 土豆 于 2006-2-3 13:03 编辑 ] NDS靠圣诞狂赚,之前是PSP赚 没有PSP,NDS。只是主观感觉PSP复刻作品比原创新作品稍微多了一些。 原帖由 土豆 于 2006-2-3 13:01 发表
胡说~ 哪有半年 原帖由 snakejake 于 2006-2-3 13:34 发表
是不指多一点怎么简单...但是我看我同学用psp看电影不错的说 记忆棒贵啊,2G贵我朋友买了1G的,玩不了基连了-- 说实话,psp与传统掌机的不同几乎决定了它不可能向GB系和ipod,walkman系一样在各自领域一统天下,但也决定了它几乎不可能象传统掌机一样彻底失败。 原帖由 snakejake 于 2006-2-3 13:57 发表
rip下就可以用1G棒玩了 原帖由 YoungMan 于 2006-2-3 11:15 发表
想知道一下gta的销量 在澳洲,北美,欧洲都是掌机软件中销量第一,目前总销量能过200w吧