[PSP上的最强SNES模拟器]Snes9xTYL 0.03 W.I.P 更新
还没放出新版,这次仅仅是WIP更新,内容如下Yoyofr author of the Snes9xTYL emulator for PSP , has update his w.i.p status on next version Snes9xTYL 0.03
here's a status update for next release :
* some small bug fixes (gfx rendering, memory card issues, ...)
* 2 releases : one with sound mixing (not emulation, only mixing) on the media engine, requiring kernel mode, so firmware 1.0 & 1.5
one with standard mixing on main cpu, in user mode, so probably working on all firmware until 2.6 (but not sure since neocdpsp is user mode only and doesn't seem to work well on 2.0+ firmware)
* mode 7 optimizations for "not rotated" rendering (for example maps in rpg, ...).
* minor new features : delete rom in file browser, delete save state
I'm currently working on stability issues when you go to sleep mode & resume.
As soon as it's ok, I'll release it. Perhaps I'll implement a new menu using neocdpsp work from radius, I've to check with him
more to come...
YY下一版能SNES ALL GAMES 完美运行 至少也要333MHz XD~~~ 333MHz -0-
PS 这贴发软硬件区比较合适 -o-发错区的说 MD和SFC的游戏已经模拟得不错了。 啥时候222能完美运行 啥时候开始玩sfc模拟器 -v- 即使333也差强人意,这点MD还比较严重,至今没发现可以接受的动作游戏...