原文来自:http://www.gamespot.com/pc/adventure/residentevil4/news.html?sid=6143489&mode=recentRE4, Onimusha 3, DMC 3 headed to PCs
GameSpot's Game of the Year and two other Capcom titles take on new platform, courtesy of Ubisoft.
Pessimists and console fanboys may say PC gaming is dead, but with Ubisoft's latest announcement, it may be more appropriate to call in undead. The French publisher has signed a deal with Osaka-based Capcom to distribute three of its games, including Resident Evil 4, for the PC in Europe and North America.
In addition to the previously rumored RE4, Ubisoft will distribute PC versions of Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition and Onimusha 3: Demon Siege. All three games appeared on the PlayStation 2, with Resident Evil 4 also appearing on the GameCube.
This isn't the first trip on the PC for the Resident Evil series. The original Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis have all scared the wits out of PC gamers over the years. The Devil May Cry and Onimusha series, on the other hand, are making their debut on the platform.
Onimusha 3 for the PC will be the first game to hit stores when it is released in February. Ubisoft has not yet announced release dates for the other two titles.
For more information, check out the reviews for the console versions of Resident Evil 4, Onimusha 3, and Devil May Cry 3.
Devil May Cry 3 发售日:4.16, 2006
Onimusha 3 发售日:3.16, 2006
Resident Evil 4 发售日:2006,具体时间未定
大概意思就是RE4 DMC3还有Onimusha3已经得到许可登陆PC了,目前暂定北美+欧洲。除了RE4之外另两个游戏都是PC的新面孔。
嘿嘿,这下可好啦 C社炒冷饭是有传统的了,多平台,最后给PC。 PC版鬼武者3不是已经出了么? 没有吧?出了的话为何新闻里会有
而且又不是小道消息,是GAMESPOT正儿八经的新闻部的消息。 有点火星了 生化4需要的配置比较高,- -
等待吧 生化4用键盘加鼠标瞄准?
回复 #7 snakejake 的帖子
第三人称角度 像是CS的角度 生化四好像还没有官方推荐配置鬼武者3我的电脑玩起来卡
鬼泣系列一直没碰过 鬼武者3配置已经够高的了
鬼泣3?用键盘?我寒...... 原帖由 星野冰河 于 2006-2-16 12:44 发表
鬼3去年就出了,大哥 楼主火星来的还是我是火星来的= =只有鬼泣3算新闻~鬼3已经出了中文版了~BIO4也早就预定出了…… 原帖由 tsubasa2000 于 2/16/06 03:56 发表
难道你说GS的消息是错的?? - -+
By: Ubisoft, Capcom
Genre: Fantasy Action Adventure
Release Date: Mar 16, 2006
Players: 1 Player (tech info)
Also On: PS2 鬼武者3的中文版已经满天飞了,虽说过场之类的是日语,但还是可以明显看出来,PC版是根据PS2的美版移植的。 看
http://pic.newwise.com/pic7/nc/member/xsquall/4.jpg 偶滴机器跑不动滴……想都不用想…… 生4的配置肯定高的吓人。 鬼3都通了两遍了星野老人 - -