阿成 发表于 2006-3-22 21:18:59


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Prince of Persia: Revelations Walkthrough

Version: 0.40

By: Cytosoul

Table of Contents:

Version Changes.........................1.00
-The Ruined Fortress....................3.02
-First Steps into the Past..............3.03
-Chasing the Girl in Black..............3.04
-A Damsel in Distress...................3.05
-LIFE UPGRADE.........................3.051
-Fate's Dark Hand.......................3.06
-A Helping Hand.........................3.07
-LIFE UPGRADE.........................3.071
-Revelations Exclusive Puzzle.........3.072
-The Key and the Lock...................3.08
-Revelations Exclusive Puzzle.........3.081
-LIFE UPGRADE.........................3.082
-The Towers.............................3.09
-The Stairs Puzzle (Exclusive)........3.091
-Clockworks and Gears...................3.10
-The Second Tower.......................3.11
-Revelations Exclusive Puzzle.........3.111
-The Water Maiden.......................3.12
-LIFE UPGRADE.........................3.121
-Water and Gardens......................3.13
-LIFE UPGRADE.........................3.131
-The Door is Open.......................3.14
-The Empress............................3.15
-The Long Way Home......................3.16
-You Cannot Change Your Fate............3.17
-A Throne and a Mask....................3.18
-A Second Chance........................3.19
-The Path of the Sandwraith.............3.20
-Mirrored Fates.........................3.21
-The Race to the Throne.................3.22
-The Death of a Prince..................3.23
-The Warrior Within.....................3.24
Contact Me..............................5.00


Version Changes...1.00
Version 0.40
-Finished Section Water and Gardens...3.13
-Partially finished Section The Door is Open...3.14
-Added Section The Towers.. 3.09
-Added Section The Stairs Puzzle (Exclusive)...3.091

Version 0.35:
-Added Section The Water Maiden...3.12
-Added Section Water and Gardens..3.13
-Table of Contents Updated

Version 0.25:
-Added Section Contact Me
-Added Section The Key and the Lock...3.08
-Added LIFE UPGRADE sections
-Added Section Revelations Exclusive Puzzle...3.081
-Added Section The Second Tower...3.11
-Added Section Revelations Exclusive Puzzle...3.111
-Table of Contents corrected

Version 0.15:
-Added Section Chasing the Girl in Black...3.04
-Added Section A Damsel in Distress...3.05
-Added Section Fate's Dark Hand...3.06
-Added Section A Helping Hand...3.07
-Added Section Revelations Exclusive Puzzle...3.071


This Walkthrough is a guide to the new "Prince of Persia: Revelations" on PSP.
It is a work in progress and will be updated regularly.I would like to start
off by thanking Gamespot for reminding me of the chapter names for the orginal
"Prince of Persia: Warrior Within," through the use of their guide.I also
would like to warn readers that completing the extremely insanely hard,
added puzzles by yourself is much more satisfying than reading a guide on how
to do them.Areas marked "Revelations Exclusive Puzzle" in the table of
contents shows where puzzles that are not in Warrior Within are located. These
will also be labeled in the actual walkthrough.


At the beginning of the game you find yourself on a boat.Everything at this
point is very straight forward so I won't go into great detail about it.Just
follow the onscreen tutorials and you should be ok.

BOSS: Shadhee

Yes, you are already at the first boss in the game.To defeat Shadee just
block her attacks and attempt to counter her attacks. Don't be tempted to
attack her because this will usually cause you to take a lot of unneeded
damage.Once you get Shadhee's health down to a certian point there will be a
cutscene and the prince will call Shadhee something and you will probably
agree with him.Eventually when you get Shadhee's health to about 1/4 the
prince will lose focus and of course this will cost him.


Ah yes, and finally the game truely begins.And guess what, now you get to
beat people with a stick!Start by beating the birds that are attacking you
and then continue straight forward to a staircase, while killing any other
birds stupid enough to mess with you.Before going up the stairs, go to the
left side of them to find an Artwork Chest.

After bashing the chest, continue up the stairs.At the top of the stairs
jump the gap and then jump up onto the wall in front of you.Continue forward
and jump over the next gap. There is a fountain here, so be sure to save your
game for the first time.

Once you have saved climb onto the ledge and shimmy around to the right,
follow the in game tutorial to get you to the other side. Jump over the next
gap and then jump up on to the ledge to the left.Pull yourself up on to the
ledge and then shimmy to the left this time.Following the in game tutorial
jump from one ledge to the next, then continue to shimmy to the right and jump
onto the ledge above; bringing you to the next cliff.

Run up the wall at the top of the stairs and pull yourself up onto the cliff.
Continue up the small flight of stairs and drop down onto the cliff below.
Then run along the wall to the next cliff.

TIP:When running along the wall, letting go of the R button will cause you to
      end your "wall run"; so don't let go of R until you are safely above a
      cliff or something else.Keep this in mind because it will help you
      shorten or lengthen your "wall run" later on in the game.

Continue until you come to a bunch of columns, follow the tutorial and grab
the column on the far end.Climb the columns and jump between them until you
get to the cliff above.

TIP:When jumping between columns be sure to let go of the thumb stick
      because having your finger on the thumbstick can cause you to change
      direction right before a jump and needlessly kill you.

After landing on the cliff, immediately turn to the prince's right; here you
will find a chest.Now turn back around and follow the cliff, until you come
to a big door on your right.Roll under the door and prepare for a fight.You
will immediately realize how weak your big stick really is, don't worry you are
getting a sword soon.After disposing of the two badies jump up the ledge in
front of you; if you don't see where it is, change your camera.

Run along the left wall to the next ledge,ethen run along the right wall and
jump to make it to the nest pair of enemies (if you are not sure when to jump,
keep a close eye on the in game tutorial).Continue up on to the next ledge
and then up the stairs to the right.The gate is closed but we can still get
in!Climb up on the small ledge to your left, then run up the wall to
another ledge and hop on over.Continue forward and then threre will be a
cutscene, YAY, we get a sword AND a stick now!!!Before following the
tutorial, I suggest that you do a Triangle, Square attack; so that you knock
the opponenets down and don't get yourself killed.Follow the tutorial and
practice some duel sword skills, hell ya!

After beating the sand monsters up, go through the now open door and save at
the fountain to the left.Congrats, you finished the first chapter.


The Ruined Fortress...3.02
Start by jumping the first gap and then the second gap.Go into the next
room...The birds are back, but this time their pissed!Follow the tutorial and
beat the crap out of the "Birdman," using a combination of jumps and rolls (be
cautious to not fall off the edge).After the birds run away, turn and face
the door that you came through and see the wall on the left.Run up that wall
then run up the wall now in front of the prince and jump off onto the ledge
behind you.Continue a short way; run along the wall and jump to the column
(you need to jump when you get to the vines).Jump to the next column, jump
down to where "Birdman" is and beat him over the head again.

Run along the wall to a ledge under the "Birdman's" new location.The camera
view will change, showing a ledge; run along the same wall to get to the ledge.
After landing on the ledge, jump up on to the ledge above you and then jump to
the column behind you.From the column, jump down to the Birdman's final
resting place; destroy him an then hit the switch on a nearby wall.And go
through the door the switch opened nearby.

After killing all the enemies, run up the big column to the left of the small
column (small column in the center of the room) and grab a ledge.Shimmy the
left side and pull up on to the ledge.At the end of the ledge, run along the
wall to get to the other side.Hand from the edge and shimmy to the around to
the left.After making it to the end of the ledge, drop into a crevice and
then drop to the ground.

Run along the next wall.You will hear a saw, but it is nothing too worry
about yet.Continue until the cutscene.Yell with joy, you finally have
Recall.Save before leaving the portal room.


First Steps into the Past...3.03
Go through the hallway and make it through the now working traps.If you die,
now have Recall to help.In the next room destroy all the enemies and then
climb up the column to the left of the door you came through, right if you are
facing it.From the column, jump onto the ledge, pull yourself up and bash
the chest.Continue to the left and jump to the ledge, shimmy around to the
other side and jump to then next balcony.Run along the wall to hit the
switch that opens the door and quickly run through before it closes.

You should remember this room because we will be back here for a life upgrade
soon.Go into the next hallway and dodge all of the traps.Here are some new
badies to kill, kill them and continue up the stairs.

TIP:These enemies can easily be killed in one hit by throwing a weapon at
      them, throughout the game.

Continue down the hallway and past the razor trap.Then jump to the ledge in
front of you.Jump up two ledges and then shimmy to the right.At the end
jump down to the bottom ledge and jump across.Kill the enemy with his back
turned and then continue through the razor traps.

You are now in the central room, a lot of the rest of the game connects to this
room, so you will know it well by the end of the game.

Continue forward until you see a ledge to your left, jump up onto that ledge
and then jump up onto the next two.From here jump onto the column in front
of you and jump between the columns to get to the ledge on the other side.
Climb up onto the ledge, then run along the wall and jump to the balcony.
Continue through the traps, JUMPing the gaps.Climb down the ladder and then
run along the wall through the next traps.Quickly climb down the next ladder
to avoid the traps, jump to the ledge and then jump to the next ladder.Run
through thhe spikes and then save, you need it.


Chasing the Girl in black...3.04
Continue through the traps in the hallway, in the next room you will see a
cutscene of Shadhee running through a door.Fight off the enemies and get
ready to get to the switch.If you like treasure chests, go to the end of the
end of the room with door Shadhee went through and run along the wall on the
left side, there is a chest on this ledge.In the center of the room you will
see a ledge with a pole above it, use the ledge to get to the pole and then
swing to the pole above.Then climb around the pole to swing to the balcony.
Kill the lone enemy on this balcony and cross the beam.

After carefully crossing the beam, continue to the next balcony and kill the
enemies.Jump to the pole, swing to the next pole and then swing into a wall
jump off of the wall in front of you.Jump off of the beam on to the balcony,
where you will face another enemy.Hang over the side that you didn't come
from and jump to the beams.Cross the beam to the other side and fight of
more enemies.Hang off the edge again, except this time jump to the curtain.
Before the bottom of the curtain, jump to the balcony and get ready for your
first beam fight.There are two things you can do, you can either beam fight
or you can throw a weapon at the enemy and kill her that way.

TIP:When fighting on a beam, don't forget that you can jump to dodge the
      enemy's attack and then land, slashing them in the face.

After crossing and dealing with the woman on the other side, jump to the short
beam above you.From there jump to another beam and then wall jump to the beam
above.Now jump to the next balcony.Kill the enemy here and take a look at
the gate, it seems to be broken and damaged; remember this place because this
is the location of the last life upgrade in the game.We will return here
later.Hang over the edge and jump to the beams like before and kill the beam
enemy, then hang on the switch.If you want a chest, continue on the beams and
jump to the next balcony and then come back.If not, go ahead and jump to the
curtain and go through the now open door.

Go down the hallway and hang over the edge.Then take the curtain down and
then jump to the beam.Jump between the beams to get to the other side and
then avoid the spikes.Take the turn and then save before you go through the


A Damsel in Distress...3.05
BOSS: Shadhee

The best way to fight Shadhee is to constantly jump over her and attack her
(Use X, Square, Square).At about half health, Shadhee will start dodging
attacks.This is when you should try using counter attacks and rolls.When
she stops dodging, this is the time to start jumping over her again.Try to
watch out for her kick attack which throws you across the room.If you need
sands, there are some in the vases at the beginning; if you need another sword
there is a weapons rack at the other side of the room.

After getting seperated from the mysterious woman, immediatley turn around and
face the other direction.Go up to the throne looking thing, grab it and pull
it forward.Continue through the traps, I would explain how to get past them
but it wouldn't help very much.At the end of the hallway you will get your
first life upgrade.

As you pass the object you moved, on the left side and you will see a chest.
Then continue down the stairs and climb the rocks to the prince's left.At the
top of the rocks, jump to the ledge on the outer wall and move around to the
right side.Jump to the pole and swing up to the ledge above.Jump to the
ledge on the left and move around to the left side.Jump to the first pole and
then swing/wall jump to the next.Then jump up the ledge on the left side.
Run up the wall to grab the rope, swing on it and then wall run to the beam.
Jump down to the balcony and save.


Fate's Dark Hand...3.06
Hang off of the edge with no railing and drop down to the broken beam and then
jump to the other side.Move to the ledge and go around the right to another
beam.Go to the end of the beam and jump to the prince's left, to a ledge.
Move to the left side, jump to the pole and swing to the beam.Jump up to the
ledge, jump to the crevice and then shimmy to the balcony.Climb up the rocks
and then run up the wall to the rope.climb the rope and then jump to the
switch, closing the "window" on the wall.Swing back to the rope and drop back
down to the rocks.Now run along the wall to the other side.Run up to the
rope and use it to get to the ledge in front of you.Go through the door to
the right and prepare to fight a lot of enemies.

After the battle, run up the wall on the right side of the door and then jump
up to another ledge.Jump to the pole, swing up to the next pole, switch
direction and swing to the next.Then swing to the ledge, being careful of the
spikes.Run up the wall to grab the ledge, jump up to the next and then jump
to the pole.Swing/wall jump to the next pole and then jump to the ledge,
being careful not to stand on it.Shimmy to the left and then when the spikes
have passed, jump to the other side and run for it.Run along the wall to the
rope, jump to the other rope and then run along the wall to the ledge.Pass
through the next trap and enter the portal room.

To activate the portal you must hit the switches in the right order, which is
different for each portal.You know that a switch is correct if a switch stays
depressed, if the switches reset then you must start over with the first
switch.Go through the portal to gain a helpful addition to your sand power
arsenal, Eye of the Storm.Once on the other side, save.

Start down the hallway, being careful because the traps are still very active.
Drop down the series of ledges and when at the bottom, jump to the next ledge.
Drop down the next series of ledges, jump on the switch and use Eye of the
Storm.With time slowed down run through the door and kill the enemies.Drop
off the ledge and watch the cutscene.

Run along the right wall, landing on a branch, then jump to the next branch
and then jump to the rope.Use the rope to get to the branch, swing to the
next branch and then jump to the destroyed balcony.Walk across the small
beam and jump to the branch.Go to the end of the branch and then jump to the
small crevice in the pillar ahead.Shimmy around and jump to the curtain,
being careful to jump to the branch before getting to the bottom.Get to the
end of the branch and jump to the branch across from you.Move to the end of
the branch and then swing to the ledge below.Look to your left and then jump
to the edge below.Kill off the two enemies that attack you.

Continue forward and jump up to the ledge on the right, there will be a short
cinematic showing you what you need to do.Wall jump between the walls until
you get to the top crevice.Shimmy to the prince's left and then jump to the
branch.Then jump across to then jump to the ledge and climb up, save.
Continue to the right and you will encounter the Dahaka.


For the chase I will only detail the "puzzle aspects" instead of basic
movements, like "go forward."

1. Run along the left wall
2. Jump to the pole and swing between them

After escaping continue and run along the left wall to jump to the column.
From there, jump to the ledge.Continue into the next room.Turn to the right
and wall run the diagonal wall, the prince will reach a curtain and ride it
down to the bottom.You've been in this room before and should recognize it,
use the same tactics as before to get through it (The Ruined Fortress...3.02).
Now the Dahaka chase will resume.

3. Run along one of the walls, ignoring the sounds of saws (you are in the
   present and the saws don't work)

After escaping again, jump through the portal and save on the other side.


A Helping Hand...3.07
Retrace your steps down the hallway and into the room you were just in.Here
you will encounter the mysterious beast again.This room should also be
familar (Chasing the Girl in black...3.04).In the next room is a life upgrade

Continue forward, but instead of going through the next door, go to the left
and run up the wall to a ledge.Run up the wall again and then jump to the
ledge above.Run along the wall and kill the enemies on the next platform.
On the other side of the stairs are a few barrels, destroy them to find a
switch.Hit the switch, use Eye of the Storm, run up the stairs and roll
through the small hole before it closes.Once again, explaining the traps will
not help you much, so the best of luck.When leaving, use the switch on the
left wall to open the grating.

After the life upgrade, continue forward and destroy the barrels near the
nearby door and column to find a chest.Now make your way back down to the
bottom of the area by back tracking the way you came.Now go through the open
passage way you had seen before, avoiding the traps and saving on the way to
the next room.

Recognize this area?Continue up the stairs and make your way back to the
central room.Look at First Steps into the Past...3.03, if you need a

When you make it to the Central Room, continue to the otherside and jump the
big gap.Don't worry, you can make it.After you get to the other side, save.
Continue down the hallway and past the traps.Be prepared, be very prepared
because you are about to encounter the first added puzzle to the game.

The "Ladder Ledges":

I will break this puzzle down into steps to make it easier to understand.Try
to remember this solution because you will come to this area many times.

1. Climb down the ladder in front of you
2. Go to the far left corner and jump diagonally to the ledge.
3. Hug the wall to the next ladder, drop to a hang and then descend the ladder.
4. Jump to the pole on the prince's left and move around to the right.
5. Swing to the next ladder (it should be visible) and descend
6. Jump to the ledge on the prince's left, I repeat JUMP.If you attempt to
   run along the wall, you will most likely fall to your doom.
7. Descend the ladder
8. Run along the right wall and jump to the ledge.Descend the ladder and drop

First Major Puzzle:

First of all, there is a "hidden" save point to your left.It is behind the
waterfall.I didn't notice this until my second time through the game when I
came back through this room for a second time.Don't worry you only have to
do this puzzle once.I will also break this up into parts and steps.

1. Turn right and run along the wall to a pole.
2. Swing from pole to pole and get to the ledge.
3. Go to the left and destroy the two pots for some much needed sand.
4. Run up the right wall (the right wall in landscape view) and jump to the
   beam above.
5. Jump off the wall to get to the beam above.
6. Walk across the beam, turning right at the split
7. Go straight
8. Turn left (it will try to scare you, just keep moving)
9. Turn left
10.Turn right and kill the enemy
11.Turn right again
12.Go straight
13.Turn left
14.Turn left again
15.Turn right and defeat the enemy
16.Turn left
17.Turn right and defeat the enemy
18.Jump to the beam on the right
19.Jump to the next beam, quickly jump to the next beam and then quickly walk
   to the end and jump to the ledge.

1. Move all the way to the right side of the ledge and jump up a ledge
2. Jump up another ledge
3. Move to the left, kill any attacking crows and jump up a ledge
4. Continue to the left and drop down a ledge
5. Still to the left until there is a ledge you can jump to and jump up to it
6. Up another ledge
7. To the right and up a ledge
8. Continue around the right and then jump up another two ledges
9. Move around the left and finally jump into the hallway
10.Run up the back wall and jump to get to the ladder
11.Jump between ladders and then jump to the ledge
12.Defeat the enemies

1. Jump across to the ledge
2. Go to the rignt and jump up two ledges
3. Go to the left and jump up a ledge
4. Go to the left and drop down to the ledge far below
5. Go to the left and climb up a ledge
6. Left again and climb up a ledge
7. Climb into the hallway
8. Defeat the enemies and run up the center left wall to grab a ledge
9. Jump between the ledges and one pole to get to the top ledge and you will
   see a crusher
10.Use the crushers to get up to the next ledge and continue the "dance" up
11.When you finally get to the top, climb the ladder to the next ledge
12.There is another ladder in an indention in the back left corner, climb it
13.Jump into the upper area and save at the fountain, you deserve it

1. Hit the switch, go through the door and kill off the enemies
2. Almost everytime you hit a switch enemies appear, so first we want to kill
   all of the enemies
3. Hit the switch to the left of the door you came through, kill the enemies
   and then hit it again
4. Go through the now open door
5. Hit both switches and kill the enemies
6. Hit the switch to open the door back to the "main room"
7. This time hit the switch on the right and do what you did with the other

      |                     X                     |
________|                                           |________
|C2   |                                           |   C1|
|       |                                           |       |
|   R2|L1                                       R1|L2   |
|       |                                           |       |
|       |                                           |       |
|       |                                           |       |
|       -                                           -       |
|       |                                           |       |
|       |                                           |       |
|       |                                           |       |
|       -                                           -       |
|       |                                           |       |
|       |                                           |       |
|       |                                           |       |
|       |                                           |       |
|       |                                           |       |
|       |                                           |       |
|_______|                                           |_______|
      |                     E                     |

The switches are labeled by letters and numbersin the picture above, then
entrance is labeled with an E and the exit has been labeled with an X.

1. Hit L1 and run through the door it opens
2. Hit C1 use Eye of the Storm
3. Hit L2 and then run through the door and hit R1
4. Run through the newly opened door
5. Hit C2 and then R2
6. Run through the exit

This can be done with the use of Eye of the Storm only once, but if you wish to
use it more than once, you can.

1. Turn the lever on the other side of the door...YAY, shortcut!!!
2. Now go through one of the doors and jump down the curtains and poles that
   were just shown, until you reach the ledge.
3. Drop down to some ledges that fall apart
4. Keep dropping until you get to "big ledges" that you can stand on
5. Take your time as you drop down the ledges and use Eye of the Storm at the
   four saw blades.You've made it this far; you don't want to make a deadly
6. Hang off of the edge and drop down the finally curtain.
7. CONGRATS, you made it through the first hard puzzle in the game!

The "Ladder Ledges Take Two":

1. Climb up the ladder and jump to the ledge
2. Jump to the next ladder and climb up
3. Jump to the ledge and climb the ladder
4. Jump to the crevice and shimmy to the left
5. Jump to the first pole, swing/wall jump to the next pole and then the next
6. Making sure you are facing towards the bottom of the screen (not the top),
   have a little faith and swing towards the wall.
7. Shimmy to the left and jump to the ladder, climb up.

End of Added Puzzle
Once again, congratulations on a job well done.
Continue forward through the trapped hallway towards our destination.When you
come to a big gap, wait for the spikes to be out of the way and run along the
left wall and jump to a ledge on the right.Hang before the spikes hit you and
climb when it is safe.The rest is simple, hang when the spikes pass under you
and then shimmy to the left.Pass the razor traps and climb up the small
ladder.Jump to the "switch ledge" behind you and run through the door.
Welcome to the Hour Glass Room.Watch the cutscene and YAY a new sword!Be
sure to save your game at the nearby fountain and prepare for some back


The Key and the Lock...3.08
To get back through the door, run up the left wall and pull down th switch.
Get past the traps the same way you did before except in the room with the big
gap, you need to shimmy around the lower ledge instead and jump between the
ledges in the center of the room.

Revelations Exclusive Puzzle...3.081
The "Ladder Ledges Take Two" (In reverse):

1. Climb down the ladder
2. Jump to the crevice on the prince's left
3. Shimmy to the right
4. Jump backwards and keep jumping off the wall until you grab the pole
5. Drop down to the bottom pole and swing to the crevice in the wall
6. Shimmy to the right and dorp to the ledge
7. Climb down the ladder
8. Jump to the next ladder and descend
9. Jump to the ledge and jump to the next ladder, climb down

In this next room you can just walk through the center now, save here if you
would like.

The "Ladder Ledges" (In reverse):

1. Go to the back left corner, jump off the wall to reach the ladder and climb
2. Run along the wall in front of you and jump to the next ledge, climb the
3. Landscape view and jump to the ledge with the ladder, climb the ladder
4. Jump from the ladder to the pole
5. Climb to the right side of the pole
6. Swing to the ladder or ledge (doesn't matter), climb the ladder
7. Shimmy to the prince's left, run along the wall and jump to the last ledge
8. Climb the last ladder

End of Added Puzzle
Continue through the hallway and traps until you finally make it to the Center

Go to the eye shaped thing at the other end of the room and there will be a

First turn the switch toward the pathway to the Hourglass room.Now go back
to the "eye" and face towards the path to the Hourglass room.You should now
be able to see the eye, the switch and the path to the Hourglass room (in that
order).Drop down to a slightly lower ledge.Now hang off the side of the
ledge that is pointing towards the Hourglass Room (wow, important room huh?).
Now jump towards the wall and keep wall jumping until your reach the bottom.
Drop down on to the lower ledge to the left.Now this part is a little

1. Run along the wall behind you
2. Jump right before the wall ends
3. Keep wall jumping up to the ledge

Center the view to make things easier and walk forward to the end of the
ledge.Now run along the wall to the prince's left; do the same thing you
just did before, except this time you are wall jumping until you get to the
ledge below instead of above.If you landed on the ledge to the left, then
jump to the ledge on the right (if not, ignore this action).Move around the
right side and go through the doorway.Now make it past the traps to the

To get back up to the main floor start by climbing up the ledge on the
prince's left and jump to the ledge across the gap.Then jump between the two
walls to make it to the top.From here you can either go through the sections
in the order 3.09, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 or in the order 3.11, 3.12, 3.09, 3.10.
The order you decide will not effect the outcome of the game.But if you
decide to use the second order: the section names, The Towers and The Second
Tower, will be switched.


The Towers...3.09
Facing the Hourglass room, turn the switch to the left.Jump to the
"Hourglass room ledge" and destroy the weapons rack to your left.Run along
that wall and jump to the ledge.Run along the next wall, to the ledge and
move to the left.Climb up to the ledge and then jump across to the ledge
behind you.Run up the wall to another ledge.If you want a chest, jump to
the ledge right of the door and bash the chest in front of you; jump back
when finished.Now jump to the doorway and run up the wall ahead of you, to
get to a weight switch.Run through the door and go all the way to the end of
the hallway, so that you are touching the back wall.   Run up one of the sides
and keep wall jumping until you get to the top.Continue past the saws and
down the hallway.Hit the switch and go through the door.Run up the wall to
the right of the small waterfall (not the wall the waterfall is on) and keep
wall jumping to the ledge that is much further up.Keep wall jumping to
another ledge and to another ledge, until you finally make it to the top.
Hit the switch and go through the open door (in the same room, not down
below).Go down the hallway and watch the cutscene.Welcome to the dreaded
stairs puzzle room!!Turn left and save at the fountain.

The Stairs Puzzle (Exclusive)...3.091
This puzzle is pretty hard to explain with words, so I am going to try my best
to explain it using ASCII art.There is one thing you need to know first and
that is if you go to the center of the room (in the middle of all the columns)
and put it into landscape view, you will see the room from up above.The
other thing you need to know is that you can rotate the stairs.I will
attempt to show you what the stairs should look like from that view.

For the first door the stairs should look like this:
               ______                           ______
_____________|      |            _____________|      |
|                1   |             |                2   |
|_____________       |             |_____________       |
            |_    _|                           |_    _|
                ||                               ||
                ||                               ||
                ||                               ||
                ||                               ||
                ||                               ||
                ||                               ||
                ||                               ||
                |__|                               |__|
                ||                               ||
                ||                               ||
                ||                               ||
                ||                               ||
                ||                               ||
                ||                               ||
                ||                               ||
               _||_                           _||_
_____________|      |            _____________|      |
|                3   |             |                4   |
|_____________       |             |_____________       |
            |______|                           |______|

After setting the stairs up like this you should be able to climb up to the
door using stairs 3 and 1.Once through the door, pull the switch...and holy
crap...more doors.Get back down the stairs and save if you would like.

Now get the stairs to look like this:
               _||_                            ______
_____________|      |                        |      |_____________
|                1   |                        |2               |
|_____________       |                        |       _____________|
            |______|                        |_    _|
               ______                            _||_
_____________|      |                        |      |_____________
|                3   |                        |4               |
|_____________       |                        |       _____________|
            |_    _|                        |______|

Climb up stairs 3 and follow the ledge to stairs 1.Go through the doorway
and down the hallway.Jump between the walls to get to the top and continue
past the traps.Hit the switch on the prince's right and quckly jump the gap
and run to the lever.After pulling the lever run back through the still open
gate and jump over the gap again.If you mess up and get stuck, drop down and
follow the doorway in the room back to the stairs room.Run up the wall on
the left of the doorway you entered from to get to the ledge and then jump to
the next ledge.Go past the switch and pull the lever.Now go back to the
beginning of the room.Hit the switch again, run and pull the 1st lever
again.Continue on through the doorway.There is a chest in this room, but I
have yet to figure out how to get it.Get past the traps and take the ladder
down.Continue and drop to the stairs below, don't go through the doorway
because there is nothing there.You will be on stairs 2.Continue up stairs
2, drop down to stairs 4 and continue up.Go through the door and go down the
hallway.When you get to the edge, run along the right wall to the pole
(yes, it is possible to run along the right wall).Swing from pole to pole
and finally to a ledge.Take the ledge right and jump across to another
ledge.continue in the same direction, this will take you to the other side
of the hallway.Rotate the lever and watch the cutscene.You are almost
done.Go through the door and jump to the curtain to get down, save if you

Now get the stairs to look like this:
                __                                 __
               ||                               ||
               ||                               ||
               ||                               ||
               ||                               ||
               ||                               ||
               ||                               ||
               ||                               ||
            _||_                           _||_
             |      |_____________ _____________|      |
             |1               |                2   |
             |       _____________|_____________       |
             |______|                           |______|

               ______                           _||_
_____________|      |                           |      |_____________
|                3   |                           |4               |
|_____________       |                           |       _____________|
            |_    _|                           |______|

Climb up stairs 1 and two and go through the door.At the end of the hallway,
jump between the walls to get to a ledge above.In the next room, drop down
below and kill the enemies.Now continuously jump between the wall and the
right column until you grab hold of the column (this is hard to get right, but
can be done).Climb the column up and jump towards the wall, you will grab a
ledge.Shimmy to the left and drop to the ledge below.Move to the left and
jump to the ledge above.Shimmy to the left and finally drop down on the
other side of the room.Continue down the next hallway killing any enemies
that attack.Be careful its easy to get turn around in here.When you
finally arrive at the doorway with a gap behind it, run along the wall and
jump to the ledge.Jump up to the crevice and shimmy all the way to the right
side.Drop down to the crevice below, shimmy more to the right and pull
yourself up on to the ledge.Continue down the hallway and pull the lever, go
through the door and take the stairs down.Follow the ledge all the way to
the right end and take the curtain down.Save if you would like to.

The 4th and final configuration of the stairs should look like this:
               _||_                           ______
_____________|      |                           |      |_____________
|                1   |                           |2               |
|_____________       |                           |       _____________|
            |______|                           |_    _|
               ______                           _||_
            |      |_____________ _____________|      |
            |3               |                4   |
            |       _____________|_____________       |
            |_    _|                           |______|

Climb up stairs 1 and go through the hole in the wall.Go down the ladder and
jump to the next while avoiding the trap.Roll to get to the back left corner
of the next room (you have to roll because there is a short ledge blocking
you).Jump to the ledge above you (be sure to JUMP without pushing any
directions).Move to the left, jump to the ledge above and then jump up to
the next ledge.Jump up another ledge and finally jump to the top.Like
before, hit the switch to pass through the gates and to the door in this area.
Go down the hallway avoiding the sword traps.climb down the ladder and then
go through the doorway.Drop to stairs 2.Continue up and down the connected
stairs and finally through the last doorway.Congratulations, you defeated
one of the puzzles that gives everyone the most trouble.

Continue down the hallway, avoid the swords and jump up to the "pole switch."
This opens the shortcut past this puzzle.Take the curtains down and continue
to the left.

Continue to the prince's right and down the hallway.Run up the wall at the
end of the hallway and continue.Save at the fountain.

Kill the enemies and then find the opening in the railing (not the small
balcony).Climb out on to the ledge, drop to the ledge below and drop to a
hang.Shimmy to the left and drop down 2 ledges.Drop to a hang, shimmy to
the right and drop down to the floor.Continue forward and defeat the mass
amount of enemies.


This guy is actually very easy, but very fun to fight.Rush between his legs
and keep cutting the back of them.when he falls down, press X to climb up on
his back.From here you can do one of two things:
For a quick kill, use Eye of the Storm and constantly beat his head.
For a more interesting fight don't use Eye of the Storm and keep repeating the

Now kill off the two enemies who still think they can take you on and go
through the door.Take a left and hit the switch on the wall.Now use Eye of
the Storm and go into what used to be a small hallway and dead end.Run up
the metal box and then run up the wall to a ledge.Then jump to the ledge
above and save at the fountain ahead.


Clockworks and Gears...3.10


The Second Tower...3.11
This time (facing the Hourglass room) turn the switch to the right.Now climb
up the ledge closest to you.Run along the wall and then jump to the ledge.
Climb around the right, jump to the ledge above and then jump across to the
ledge behind you.Again, jump to the lege above, walk left and then jump to
the ledge behind you.Jump up to the ledge.If you want a chest, climb the
ledge directly in front of you and jump to the next ledge to get to it.Climb
back down and go through the doorway.

Hit the switch at the end of the hallway and go through the next door.Climb
down the ladder and drop down.Continue down the hallway and to the right.

Revelations Exclusive Puzzle...3.111

1. After the cutscene, go forward, while huging the right wall
2. Run along the wall to the pole ahead of you
3. Swing from pole to pole and get to the ledge
4. Go through the doorway and down the hallway, killing enemies along the way
5. Through the doorway, turn right and jump to the ledge
6. Continue to the end of the ledge
7. Run along the wall and jump to the next ledge
8. Continue to the end of the ledge
9. Hang off the ledge and drop to the pole below
10.Drop to the pole below and then drop to the beam
11.Jump to the next beam and then the beam after
12.Drop to the pole below
13.Run along the left wall to grab a pole
14.Swing to the ledge below
15.Run along the right wall to get to a beam
16.Get to the last beam and drop to the small ledge below
17.Shimmy to one side and drop to the crevice below
18.Shimmy to the left end
19.Drop down two crevices and shimmy to the left
20.Drop to the beam
21.Drop to the next beam, making sure you are hanging off of the left side
22.Hanging off of the left again, drop to the pole
23.Swing to the pole and then to the column
24.Jump to the next column
25.Climb to the bottom
26.Jump towards the wall, landing on the column support
27.Drop to the ledge below
28.Run along the wall and jump to the next column
29.Climb up, jump to the ledge and save (rub the sweat off your head because
   we aren't done yet)

1. Drop off the right onto a small ledge
2. Drop to the crevice
3. Drop down the crevices until at the last one
4. Use Eye of the Storm, drop to the ledge and run along the left wall
5. Run along the left wall again and then drop to the ledge below
6. Then run along the right wall to a safe ledge and catch your breathe
7. Run along the right wall to another breaking ledge
8. Run along the right wall again but this time to a pole
9. Drop to the pole below
10.Drop to the ledge below and run along the left wall
11.Run along the left wall again
12.Run along the left wall again, to a pole
13.Swing to the next pole
14.Drop to the beam
15.Jump to the beam on the right
16.Drop to the small ledge and then to the crevice
17.Shimmy all the way to the right
18.Drop down the crevices until you get to the bottom

1. Hang off the edge and shimmy all the way around and drop to the ledge
2. Run along the wall and then jump to the dead tree
3. Walk up the tree and onto the long right root
4. At the end of the root, jump up to the branch
5. Swing to another branch
6. Then swing to a "tree ledge"
7. Jump to the next ledge
8. Run up the "tree wall" and to another ledge
9. Jump to the crevice in the ceiling and climb it until you automatically
10.Follow the tree to another crevice; jumping to this one is a pain, but it
   is possible.Try facing the camera and jumping to it.
11.Climb to the end of the crevice and drop down to a pole
12.Drop to the next pole and then drop down
13.Defeat the enemies

1. Run up the side of the 1st pillar to get to a crevice
2. Shimmy around until between the pillars
3. Wall jump between the two until you get to the next ledge
4. Shimmy around and jump to a crevice in another pillar
5. Shimmy around and jump to the column
6. Climb down and jump onto the ledge below
7. Climb up the next column
8. Jump to the stalagtite
9. Climb up and jump to a ledge (it doesn't look like you can jump to it, but
   when you jump the prince will grab the edge and hang)
10.Jump to the crevice in the ceiling and climb it to the end and drop to the
   ledge (at this point stuff starts to break)
11.Jump from stalagtite to stalagtite and finally to a ledge
13.Have faith and jump towards the big mark in the wall, you will land on a
14.Jump to the crevice and shimmy around
15.Jump to the small blue ledge
16.Jump to the next blue ledge (by the way these ledges are here from the
   stalagtites that fell from the ceiling)
17.Now jump to the big ledge
18.Kill the enemies and save

1. Back track a little and jump down to a blue ledge
2. Jump towards a small ledge directly in front of you and you will grab a pole
3. Swing to the next pole
4. Swing forward to the ledge

If you want a chest:
Go through the doorway, continue down the hallway going straight and running
along the right wall to cross the gap.Turn right and get the chest.Now, to
get back...looks impossible right?It is actually possible to run along the
same wall you used to get to the chest to get back.Go back down the hallway
and out the doorway

5. When back outside the doorway jump to the crevice to the prince's right
6. Shimmy around to the left end
7. Jump to the stalagtite
8. Climb up and jump to the crevice
9. Shimmy around to the left end and drop down
10.Then drop to the ledge
11.Run up the wall to get to a big hole in the wall
12.Walk close to the wall and then walk through the connected tree
13.Run to the end of the tree
14.Jump down the hole that was just made
15.Walk to the end of the ledge
16.Jump to the ledge
17.Run across the bridge
18.Kill the creatures
19.Go to the end of the ledge and jump to the tree branch
20.Swing to forward to a branch
21.Jump to another "swinging branch" in front of you
22.Swing to the ledge in front of you
23.Jump onto the mushroom looking ledge to the right
24.Run up the tree to the ledge
25.Continue forward and jump to the stalagtite
26.Climb to the top and jump to the next stalagtite
27.Turn to the other side and jump towards the screen
28.Continue and drop off the other side of the ledge
29.Have a faith and stand on top of the crumbling ledge, you will fall and
   land on a ledge below
30.Drop down on to the ledge below and run your but off
31.To the right and up some is a white block sticking out of the wall, run up
   the wall to the right of it and grab a crevice
32.Shimmy to the left and climb onto the block
33.Run up the wall, hanging from another crevice
34.Shimmy to the right and repeat
35.Shimmy to the right and jump to the stalagtite
36.Climb up and jump to the crevice
37.Shimmy to the right and drop down to another crevice, repeat until you get
   to the last crevice
38.Use first person view to center yourself with the middle hanging pillar
39.Jump towards the pillar and keep wall jumping until reach a crevice far
40.If you want a save and a chest; instead of going through the doorway, go
   the other direction and go around
41.After saving, go through the doorway
42.Hit the switch to the left inside wall of the doorway
43.There will be a cutscene of you going through the doorway


1. Run along the left wall
2. Run along the right wall
3. Use the rope to get to the pole ahead
4. Swing to the next pole and then to the ledge
5. Wall jump between the two walls to get to the upper ledge
6. Run up the wall to the top
7. Use Eye of the Storm and run along the right wall, hitting the switch
8. Run through the door
9. Kill the enemies and go to the end of the ledge
10.Run along the right wall to the stairway
11.Jump to the pole, swing to the next pole and then swing to the ledge,
   avoid the razor trap
12.Jump to the next razor trap ledge
13.Avoid the trap
14.Jump to the curtain and jump to the ledge at the bottom
15.Avoid the double razor and jump to the next ledge
16.Avoid the razor and jump to the pole
17.Swing to the ledge and roll under the swords
18.Jump to the next ledge and roll under the swords
19.Use Eye of the Storm, run along the wall and jump to the pole
20.Swing to the pole, swing to the curtain and jump to the ledge
21.Run along the right wall (hitting the switch) and run through the door
22.Run along the wall to the ledge
23.Fight off the enemies
24.Continue along the ledge
25.Jump towards the curtain, the prince will grab a pole above
26.Swing to the curtain and jump to another pole
27.Swing to the curtain
28.Continue up the stairs and past the razor
29.Continue down the hallway and past the traps
30.Jump to the pole to the right of the doorway
31.Swing to the next pole
32.Swing to the ledge
33.Run around the ledge and run along the wall to the rope
34.Swing to the next rope
35.Swing to the curtain and jump to the ledge
36.After the cutscene, hit the switch on the left wall and go through the door
37.Pull the lever, by opening the door this will create a permenant shortcut
   through the new puzzle.
Congratulations!!You finally finished!!
End of Added Puzzle
If you want to check out the shortcut you can, but when you are done come back
and continue along the hallway.

If you have no sand or want a chest, avoid hitting the switch and drop down.
Continue down the path to the the end.After getting the chest and some sand
return the way you came and use the ledges to get back to the switch.

Use Eye of the Storm, hit the switch and run over the metal ground to the next
ledge.Go to the end of the ledge.Run up the right wall and jump to the
pole above you.Use these poles to get to the switch and use Eye of the Storm
again.Get to the next ledge and save.That ends this section.


The Water Maiden...3.12
Continue down the hallway and watch the cutscene.Kill off the enemies.If
you need a health refill afterwards, then drink the water from the large
fountain in the center.Go back to the entrance and face the center fountain.
Look to the prince's left and up, you should see a ladder.Run up the wall
and jump to get to it and climb up.Defeat birdman and climb up the next
ladder (this ladder is just opposite of the ladder you came up).Defeat
birdman again.Look to the right side of the room to find birdman, using
first person view may help.Run along the right wall to get to the rope.
Using the rope, run some more and then jump to birdman's location.Defeat
birdman again this time killing him.Run along the wall, towards the statue,
and jump to a pole above it.From here, swing to the door.

Now jump to the ledge you see in front of you and drop to the ledge below.
Move around to the left and drop down to an inconspicuous ledge below.Then
drop down two more ledges and finally down to the floor.Kill the
unsuspecting enemy, I like to use the following move if I have one sword:
press and hold triangle until you grab the enemy, then repeatedly tap circle.
Run along the wall opposite of the one you came from, grabbing a hard to see
ledge.Climb up these ledges, which are exactly the same as the other ones,
and save at the top.

Go through the door and watch the cutscene.Pull the lever to close the door
behind you and open the next door.Continue to the stairs, killing the next
unsuspecting enemy and killing the enemies at the top of the stairs.If you
want a chest go back to the top of the stairs and turn to face the room.
Then go straight until you hit a pillar and go around the pillar, finding the
chest on the otherside.

This is kinda hard to explain, go back to the top of the stairs and face
towards the room.Turn to the left and go around the pillar stuck in the
wall.You should see a hole in the side railing, hang off the side here and
drop to the ledge below.Hang down and shimmy around, drop to the ledge below
and drop to the ledge.Run along the wall to the next ledge and go through
the doorway.Continue down the hallway and climb on to the ledge to your
right and drop down to the ledge below.Walk to the left and jump to the next
ledge.Drop down a ledge, move to the left and drop down another ledge.
Finally drop to the floor and go to the right side of the ledge (the side that
sticks out).Jump forward to a pole and swing the the other side.Destroy
the pots for sand that you will need for the the traps or you can save these
as sand for afterwards, if you already have sand.Now climb to a ledge very
similar to the first one you climbed to.These ledges are exactly the same as
before except that there is one extra ledge at the bottom.Once again, I will
not explain the traps because it won't help at all.You can get back out of
this area the same way you came in.

Once you are back in the room, go to the top of the stairs and face the room
(yes, again).If you go into first person view and look at the square pillar
in front of you, you should see a ledge.Run up the side of the pillar to get
to it.Use Eye of the Storm, run up the side of the box that came out of the
ground and run up the wall to a ledge.Pull yourself up and jump to the
branch behind you.Follow the branch to the other end and jump to the beam
ahead of you.Follow the beam to the ledge and move around the left side.
Jump to the pole and swing to the next ledge.Move around the left and follow
the beam to the otherside.Move around the left again and out on to the beam.
Jump to the pole and swing to the branch.Go to the end of the branch and
jump to the rope.From here swing to the pole you can see on the screen and
swing to the crevice ahead of you.Shimmy around the right, climb onto the
ledge and jump to the beam.Defeat birdman and climb up onto the small ledge
behind where birdman used to be.Jump to the crevice, shimmy around the left
and climb the ledge.Jump to the ledge and look to your right.Hey, its your
friend (birdman).Jump to the ledge he is on and beat him again.Now, run up
the wall that was behind him and jump to a switch.Instead of jumping back to
the ledge you were on before, jump below and teach birdman ANOTHER lesson in
pain.Now climb back up to where the bridge now is.Cross the bridge and
push the wooden box on to the switch.Drop down and you will now be able to
continue forward.Pull the lever and watch the cutscene.

Drop to the ledge below and then drop down to the running water.Have a drink
if you need it.The automatic camera view should allow you to see a crevice
above.Jump to it, shimmy around to the other side and drop to the ledge
below.Walk out on to the beam and center the view behind you.You see the
cracked wall, we can't get through there yet so we will be back when we can.
I myself don't know what is on the otherside and I've beaten Revelations and
Warrior Within; my guess is that it will be a chest, "I'll be back."Anyway,
climb out onto the small part of the beam and jump to the rope.Climb down
and then drop to the ground.Hey, we are at the beginning again!Pull the
lever and go through the door you entered this area from.Be sure to save on
the other side, that was a lot of work.


Water and Gardens...3.13
If you need help getting past this next area, refresh your memory by looking
back to at the 3rd "paragraph" of section 3.12 (follow the directions exactly
because it is the same thing both ways).

Once you get to the doorway, hang off the edge, shimmy to the left and drop
to the curtain.Now this part is a little hard to explain so try refering to
the map below, I will label the levers by number.I will label the statues
S1 and S2.I will label the fountain.The main entrance will be ME.The
exit will be marked X.

__________________   ME   _________________
|                                           |
|                                           |
|                                           |
|                                           |
|      2         /----------\         3   |
|               /            \            |
|            /   Fountain   \             |
|             |                |            |
|             ------------------            |
|            |                  |         |
|            |                  |         |
|            |                  |         |
|            |                  |         |
|            |                  |         |
|            |                  |         |
|            |                  |         |
|      1   |                  |   4   |
|            |                  |         |
|            |                  |         |
|            |         X      |         |

1. Turn lever 1 towards S1
2. Turn lever 2 towards S1
3. Turn lever 3 towards S2
4. Turn lever 4 towards the right wall

Actually I guess that wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, oh well.After
you are finished go through the now open exit.Continue to the hole and run
up the right wall to a ledge.Move to the left side and jump up to a ledge.
Shimmy to the left until you can climb up on to the ledge and then continue
to the left end.Jump up to the ledge, jump across to another ledge and then
jump up to the next ledge.Jump up to yet another ledge and then finally jump
across to the top floor.Continue down the hall to the portal and activate
it.Don't forget to save on the other side.

After saving continue forward, the first thing you will notice is that there
are now enemies to kill.After killing them, follow the ledges down.You
were just here so it should be easy.Just keep in mind that some of the floor
at the bottom is missing so you need to go all the way to the right side of
the bottom ledge before dropping.Kill the 2 enemies and continue.Kill the
next 2 enemies.When entering the gardens you should see a stone block to
your left, climb on to it.Run up the wall and jump to a beam.Jump to the
beam in front of you, follow it and then jump to the beam in front of you.
You are on top of the fountain, follow it around to the right end.Jump to
the prince's right and land on the ledge.Defeat the enemy.You should see a
spot near where the enemy was, that you can hug the wall and climb out on.
Now jump to the ledge above you.Jump to the crevice, shimmy around the left
to the ledge.Defeat the 4 enemies, the best thing to do is throw them off
the edge.Run along the right wall to a branch and follow the branch to the
end.Jump left to a ledge, move to the right and drop down to the branch
below.Move to the end and drop to the beam.Follow the beam forward and
jump to the ledge in front of you.Jump to the branch above, follow it to the
end and jump to the doorway above.

You've been here before, but things are a little different.Jump to the
ledge, drop to the one below and move to the left.Drop down three ledges and
jump to the branch behind you.Follow the branch to the end and jump up to
the crevice.Shimmy around the left, drop to the branch and follow the
branch around.Jump to the ledge to the prince's left and jump to the ledge
above.The ledges are the same as they are on the other side.Save and then
go through the doorway.

Defeat the enemies and hang off the only edge that is straight.Drop to the
visible ledge below.Hand down and shimmy to the right.Drop to the ledge
below, there is one there.Hang down and shimmy around the right and jump
across.Kill the enemies and then run up the wall next to the ledge you came
from, you should grab a ledge.Climb up and then climb to the ledge above.
Jump to the crevice and shimmy around the left.Climb up two ledges and climb
on to the broken bridge.Run along the wall and jump to the crevice.Shimmy
to the left and climb up.Kill off all the enemies and then return to where
you climbed onto the ledge.Climb on to the small ledge and then jump up to
the ledge above.Jump to the tree behind you, climb up it and then leap to
the branch.Jump up to the next branch and then swing to the thin ledge
ahead.Walk to the end and then jump to the crevice.Shimmy all the way
around the right and drop to the ledge below.Now walk out on to the beam
and jump to the branch.Swing to the ledge above, turn to your left and jump
to the next branch.Swing to the ledge and defeat the enemies.Run along the
wall behind the small column and you should land on a beam.Get to the ledge,
turn right and save.

Run up the wall to your right and then jump to the tree (it doesn't look like
you can make it, but you can).Jump from one tree to the next until you reach
the last one.Now jump to the branch and follow it to the ledge.Kill the
enemy and walk around the small ledge on your left.Run along the right wall
to the crevice on the other side of the gap and shimmy to the right and climb
on to the ledge.Go into the hallway and use Eye of the Storm, so that you
can use the crushers to get to the other side.Be sure to save again.

Use Eye of the Storm to get past the next crushers, except this time run along
the wall from the 2nd crusher.From the rope, swing towards the spikes and
jump to the tree right before you hit them.Use the tree to jump to the
column and drop down to the ledge.Go through the doorway, kill the enemies
and then go through the next doorway.Climb out onto the beam and jump to
the tree.Jump to the ledge ahead and then run along the wall to the left.
From this ledge jump to the column, climb up and jump to the beam.Go into
the room and beat the enemies, exit through the next doorway.Watch the
cutscene; look, its your friend birdman!!!

Run along the wall to a ledge and from here jump to a column.Now jump to the
tree, but don't jump to the next column (if you have trouble finding the tree
use first person view or landscape view).Instead, slide down and jump to a
pole that you should easily see from landscape view.Swing to the broken
column and jump the beam.Get on to the ledge and look ahead; we are almost
to birdman.Go out on to the next beam, jump to the pole and swing to
birdman.Uh-oh, its the Dahaka...RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!


Once again, I will only detail the not so obvious parts of the chase, like go
down the hallway (when in doubt, run along the wall).I actually suggest you
do the chase without my help because the movements are obvious and it will be
much more exciting.

1. Run along the wall, to the ladder
2. Jump to the pole and swing from pole to pole
3. Run along the wall, as the ground breaks below
4. Run along the wall to the ledge
5. Run along the wall to the doorway
6. Run along the wall to the ladder
7. Again, run along the wall to the doorway
8. Run up the wall to th ledge
9. Run along the wall to the ledge and quickly shimmy past the barrel and
   climb up
10.When at the end of the hallway, turn the left corner and run along the wall
   to a rope
11.Swing to the ledge
12.Take the ladders down

Whew, safe at last.go through the portal and save on the other side.

Go down the hallway, kill the two enemies and climb up the ladders.Once on
the top ledge, defeat birdman.Run along either wall to a rope and then swing
to the next ledge.Watch the cutscene, if you look below you will notice that
you are in the fountain room again.Go to the right, the direction the
cutscene showed you.Hang of the railing, jump to the pole, swing to the next
pole and then finally swing to the balcony.Kill the enemies who are
patiently waiting for death.Go through the doorway, down the hallway and
climb up the ladder.Jump backwards to a weight switch and then go through
the door.Once you are through the hallway turn left and climb on to the
ledge.This is probably second nature to you by now, but move to the right
and jump to the ledge above.Then jump to the crevice and shimmy to the right
and climb up.Climb up the ladder and use Eye of the Storm to get past the
saws.Run along the wall past the next saws and jump before you reach the
other wall.Save again.

Run up the right wall and jump to the ledge above.Everyone say YAY, puzzle
time!!Go to the center lever and point it in the opposite direction.While
turning it, you should see a chest in the top left corner of the screen; get
it if you want.If you go to landscape view, you should see a small stone
block below one of the "rotating pillars."Climb on to this block.Then run
up the pillar to get to the top.Go out on to the beam and jump to the
column.Climb up, turn right and jump to the crevice.Shimmy left, drop down
and run along the wall to a rope.Swing to the ledge with a lever.Turn this
lever clockwise once and then jump to the pillar you just rotated.Walk out
on to the long beam and jump to the ledge ahead of you.Follow it to the
right side of the room.Use the beams to get to the next pillar.Turn right
and get to the next lever.Point this lever in the opposite direction.Run
along the wall to the rope and swing to the ledge (you will notice that both
sides are almost exact mirrors).Get up to the crevice, jump to the column
and then to the pillar.Walk out on to the beam and jump to the ledge.Get
the chest if you want.Then roll under the grating on the left.Turn the
lever until water flows, have a drink if you need it.

Climb up on to one of the small ledges behind the switch.Now run up the wall
and you should grab a ledge.Climb up, jump to the next ledge and enter
through the doorway.Get through the traps, which I once again won't explain
to you.When finished come back to this room.

Roll back through the grating and jump back to the pillar.Back track your
way to the last lever.Point it in the opposite direction, the way it was
before you turned it (pointed towards the screen).Then back track to the
next switch.Leave this switch as is.Now finally back track your way to the
ground, and kill the foolish enemies waiting for you.Point the center switch
to the right and watch the cutscene.One of the locks is now open.If you
decided to do this tower first, like me, then follow the 1st paragraph of the
next section and then go to section 3.09.If this is your second tower, then
continue like normal.


The Door is Open...3.14
Now back track the way you came, drop down and save.Climb back up, but this
time turn around and run along the wall to a ledge ahead of you.Run along
the wall past the saws.Everything else is the same as before, if you need to
refresh you or memory look back a little in this section.When you get to the
door, climb up the ladder antd jump to the switch.Once you are to the
balcony again, kill the two enemies and use the poles to swing across to the
middle.This time go around the left, run along the wall to the rope and
swing to the balcony.Kill the enemy and get the chest if you would like to.
hit the switch and then use Eye of the Storm.Make your way back and climb on
to the new ledge.Run up the wall and jump to the pole. Move around the right
side and swing to the ledge.Go around the right side of the ledge and drop
down.Run up the wall and jump to the switch.This switch may already be
activated (it was for me and this hadn't happened to me until my second time
playing).Drop down and run up to the right ledge.Move around to the right
and jump to the next ledge.Move around to the right again and drop down.
Climb down the ladder, jump across the gap and climb down the next ladder.
You should recognize this area and even recognize birdman.I just ignore him
here, but you can fight him if you want.Climb down the next ladder, drink
the water if you want and go through the doorway.Save at the fountain, this
area should look very familar.Drop down and continue to the end.Climb up
the ledges and then repeat.Go through the shortcut door on your left, you
should now find yourself in the central hall.If this was your first tower,
then there will be a cutscene and after watching go to section 3.09.If this
is your second tower then continue normally.



This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private
use.It may not be placed on any web site or otherwised distributed publicly
without advance written permission.Use of this guide on any other web site or
as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of

Copyright 2005 Dorian Javidi


Contact Me...5.00
If you have any questions or concerns about this guide or about the game itself
you can email me at djman@nc.rr.com or pm me on my cytosoul account.

司馬姨 发表于 2006-3-22 22:01:21


阿成 发表于 2006-3-22 22:59:33


々非非£ 发表于 2006-3-22 23:07:29





阿成 发表于 2006-3-22 23:15:12

原帖由 々非非£ 于 2006-3-22 23:07 发表


我觉得PSP有这么好的硬件条件应 ...

阿成 发表于 2006-3-23 07:28:18


妖猫村正 发表于 2006-3-23 18:50:29


もっと楽しい 发表于 2006-3-24 08:56:03

你当下载不要钱啊日本这里有啊 你买不平时书是 500 一送体验光盘就变成了 1500 1000元买一个你觉得划算?
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