[3/23] 游戏巨头EA宣布为PSP平台开发新作“世界足球2”!
Okay, so I was entertained for about a 1/2 day with EA Sports Soccer game, and the ability to juggle the ball while holding my PSP vertical the entire time, (yeah right) but World Soccer 2 has stepped it up with a new concept with it's it's new "challenge" mode completely revamped into a whole new concept for arcade style play, this game could turn some heads as it trys to pierce the ever popular Pro Evolution crowd.I've always enjoyed the NFL Streets and NBA's that seem to come out with the Arcade style of play and Crazy scoring; so we will have to see how it translates to the world of soccer. 胜利十一人的玩家,或者说那些职业足球玩家,在碰过一次FIFA还继续买EA足球游戏的人,都是非常厚道的人啊,非常非常厚道~~~~~~~~ 这个和FIFA有啥不同? EA出的足球几乎可以54,呵呵