[3/31] UMD电影即将退出历史!? 美国电影业、零售商开始放弃UMD销售
美国最大的电影公司Universal和Image Entertainment正式宣布放弃推出UMD电影。其他大电影公司如Paramount、20th Century Fox和Buena Vista也都纷纷开始减少旗下UMD电影的退出。
text by www.NewWise.com
[ 本帖最后由 司馬姨 于 2006-3-31 10:43 编辑 ] 有钱人玩的呀 买这个还不如买游戏。。。。 是啊,买了数个游戏但从未买过一个UMD电影或UMD音乐...
个人感觉到UMD电影或UMD音乐很多余,有自转的MP3和MP4就够了...但就是讨厌PSP无法播放480x272的MP4,死Sony... 还是性价比的关系吧,在家的话DVD加家庭影院的组合已经完美了,真要坐车坐船什么的就算看也要晕死吧 没了UMD电影,拼游戏的话PSP的命运可想而知 没关系,PSP还有[棒子]啊 -_,- UMD电影价格大约几多 原帖由 Liew 于 2006-3-31 10:40 AM 发表
典型的中国思考方式 原帖由 Wisdom 于 2006-3-31 11:58 发表
PSP的成败跟UMD已经没什么关系,至于游戏,希望SONY能快点开窍吧 买UMD电影就是烧钱…… umd上不是有A片吗? 原帖由 lyklovecty 于 2006-3-31 10:09 PM 发表
看来索尼需要大量的A篇来带动市场 主要是PSP的电池持续时间太短了 转YAHOO的新闻:
Flow of movies in Universal Media Disc format has dramatically slowed down following disappointing sales and now has threatened the much-heralded Sony PSP's feature. Two major studios have already completely stopped producing movies on UMD; a good number of other studios are expected to follow suit. Even retailers are shoving the items to a small corner of their store shelves; Wal-Mart is about to dump the category entirely.
Universal Studios Home Entertainment has completely shunned the UMD-movie production; One high-ranking executive commented that the situation is awful and that "sales are near zilch. It's another Sony bomb -- like Blu-ray."
Even Paramount Pictures Home Entertainment is said to be contemplating on aborting the UMD business. Spokeswoman Brenda Ciccone said that "We continue to evaluate the PSP platform for each title, and if it makes sense for business reasons and the target audience, we will release them," adding that "Our focus right now is much more aimed at HD (high-definition) at the moment, though."
Image Entertainment has confirmed that it is out, while other studios -- including 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment and Buena Vista Home Entertainment -- is perceived to be on their way there.
"No one's watching movies on PSP," said the president of one of the six major studios' home entertainment divisions. "It's a game player, period."
The speculated reason behind the said immediate decline in sales is the dubious marketing moves by the studios themselves. The initial sales were really strong, producers, perhaps sensing a gold-rush equal to 1849, then began to release too many movies, too fast. This somehow affected the consumers' interest as they start to veer away from the UMD's -- talk about maximum overload. It didn't help that Apple's video iPod took the limelight.
Sony, thru Sony Pictures Home Entertainment president Benjamin Feingold, is still optimistic about their hand-held movie-watching feature, revealing that plans of making the PSP connectable to TV sets for big-screen viewing (I thought there were other gadgets specifically made for that, like let's say, THE DVD PLAYER?!) are being finalized to draw back the public's interest.
"We're hoping the format's going to be reinvigorated with next-generation capability that may include living-room or normal television playback," he added. I believe there's a word for that, quixotic, you can even say, desperate. 原帖由 司馬姨 于 2006-4-1 06:37 AM 发表
Flow of movies in Universal Media Disc format has dramatically slowed down following disappointing sales and now has threatened the much-heralded Sony PSP's feature. Two major st ...
SONY的如意算盘就这么落空了?....... 原帖由 司馬姨 于 2006-3-31 08:44 发表
...其他大电影公司如Paramount、20th Century Fox和Buena Vista也都纷纷开始减少旗下UMD电影的退出 ...