[4/28] SONY野心勃勃: 2007年3月达成PS3全球销量600万台!!
Sony's sales and operating revenue of 7.5 trillion yen ($63.9 billion) grew by 4 percent, while operating income of 191 billion yen ($1.6 billion) beat the previous year by 68 percent, turning heads on Japan's Nikkei stock exchange. However, an increased tax rate on the company's deferred tax assets led to a weaker bottom line than those numbers would suggest: Net income for the year came to 123.6 billion yen ($1.06 billion), a 24.5 percent decrease from the preceding year.
On the gaming side of the business, Sony's game division showed strong revenue performance but lackluster profitability, with 958.6 billion yen ($8.2 billion) in revenue yielding only 8.7 billion yen ($75 million) in income. Despite revenue growth of 31 percent, profits for the division fell 80 percent year-on-year, a sharp decline that Sony attributed to continued high R&D costs for the PlayStation 3 and "charges associated with preparation for the launch of the PS3." As a result, the game business was a drag on the company's overall profitability this year; despite bringing in about 13 percent of overall revenue, games yielded only 7 percent of the company's profits.
Sony reports that PS2 sales held steady over the last year--an impressive achievement given how long the console has been on the market. The company shipped 16.2 million PS2s during the financial year, as well as 14 million PSPs. The introduction of the PSP has been a boon for the bottom line; much of the gaming division's growth over the last year was due to sales of PSP hardware and software.
[ 本帖最后由 1030 于 2006-4-28 08:55 编辑 ] 4个月600W……不知道以前PS、PS2的情况怎么样…… 产能很强么?
真的假的 先把实体公布了再说.. 传说中见证600万台PS3的神图:http://www.sony.co.jp/SonyInfo/IR/info/presen/05q4/16.jpg SONY在打如意算盘啊 07.3月PS3上没上市还说不准呢 600万。。。。对ps系来说不难吧?????个人认为应该更高一些才对。。。。。看看日本的xbox260。。。。。明显是在等ps3嘛!还有北美的xbox360似乎也没有王者的风范啊!! SONY又在玩文字游戏 “技术”的索尼即“吹牛技术”的索尼 2002-04-11 任天堂:今年底NGC销售目标1200万!
http://www.yesky.com/19/1606519.shtml MS还打算靠XO短期攻下日本市场呢,还不是没成功。。。
SONY的600W,如果机能和初期游戏阵营不让玩家失望还差不多。现在看来技能是基本没希望了,游戏么,貌似也好不到哪儿去,所以。。。 原帖由 土豆 于 2006-4-28 13:14 发表
SONY得先把PS3造出来在说,卖600万个壳子吗? 原帖由 notus 于 2006-4-28 09:46 发表
399叫便宜............... 出货量吧呵呵sony就喜欢这样。。。 不可能吧```````````````` 这些货全部堆在经销商那里,这就是SONY所谓的“出荷”