ken9999272 发表于 2006-5-5 16:36:31


Datel's 4GB HD for DS
Max Media Player adds hard drive to DS.

   April 25, 2006 - In the ongoing rivalry between the DS and PSP camps, PSP fans have long flaunted their handheld's media capabilities as a huge difference between the PSP and DS. The DS has been somewhat lacking in picture, video, and music playback for quite some time. Fortunately for DS fans, Datel has set out to change all that.
   Announced   just a few days ago, Datel's MAX Media Player for the Nintendo DS is a 4 GB hard drive unit that pops into the DS's GBA cartridge slot. A fully-featured media browser is built into the device, and when connected is able to launch MP3s, JPEGs, and videos on the DS screens.
   The device can connect to PCs via USB for file transfer, and bundled software will format videos and images to fit the DS screen. 4GB is a lot of storage space for video compressed to DS size, enough for 10 full-length movies according to Datel. Thanks to some recent advances in DS hacking circles, Datel is even including software that will be able to launch applications on the DS, allowing for the possibility of some retro-emulation action.
The Max Media Player should be available now, and will retail for $189.99

   长期来DS饭与PSP饭阵营斗争中,PSP的支持者总是拿其强大的多媒体功能压制DS饭们,幸运的是Datel作为你们的救星出现了,你们可以在PSP饭面前扬眉吐气了。Datel前些日子发布的“最强大多媒体播放器 for ds”-----一个拥有4G容量的硬盘是播放器,让你的ds可以放MP3、图片当然还有视频了。-----你只要连接电脑、利用付送的软件转换成ds全屏格式影片,呵呵,可以放几十部A片啊!!


elementll 发表于 2006-5-5 17:19:16



更酷的酷CAT 发表于 2006-5-5 19:50:52

如果可以玩SFC MD的话我立即就买,玩不了的不买,嘿嘿,老外加油哦。想我光顾的话。

妖猫村正 发表于 2006-5-6 00:40:49


S.I.R 发表于 2006-5-6 07:10:58

原帖由 更酷的酷CAT 于 2006-5-5 19:50 发表
如果可以玩SFC MD的话我立即就买,玩不了的不买,嘿嘿,老外加油哦。想我光顾的话。


逆转·EXE 发表于 2006-5-6 08:51:29

原帖由 ken9999272 于 2006-5-5 16:36 发表

朝圣者 发表于 2006-5-7 00:50:41

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查看完整版本: 老外的m3,硬盘形式的4GB