FFTA save problem~!!!
I play FFTA(E).But I can't save...........It's means I can't finish the game~!!!
Please help me~~!!!>.< Delete your previous sav file and set your save format to Flash 64k.Then enjoy your game.:) Delete your previous sav file and set your save format to Flash 64k.Then enjoy your game.:) Delete your previous sav file and set your save format to Flash 64k.Then enjoy your game.:)
[ 本帖最后由 妖猫村正 于 2006-5-13 09:26 编辑 ] 盗版还是正版??是烧录么?
有电池么??? 对啊`说的太过含糊```如果是gba卡带,那就是没电了``请换个电池 如果是烧录卡也可能是你的rom的问题,换个rom可以试试 LZ先要说清楚是什么平台上的..才能予以相应的解答~ 原帖由 kired 于 2006-5-13 13:36 发表
ps平台的可能性太小了```` 而且这里是掌机区 =.=
[ 本帖最后由 1004 于 2006-5-13 18:47 编辑 ] Maybe bacause it's Chinese version,try the English one.I have met this question,that time the card I used is EWIN256M. 没用过ewin~~ 烧录卡牌子什么的都没说。。。可能电池有问题 Sorry~~~I haven't meet this problem before..........so I don't know what should I need to tell you..........
I play GBA rom game on the computer.......... If you can't solve this problem you'd better return to play games on you computer~