Easy Nintendo: First i would like to thank you for this interview, it really means alot to us here at Easy Nintendo.
Red Steel got alot of attention at E3 this year, what is Ubisofts reaction to that?
Xavier Poix: Well we are very happy that everyone got to experience it for themselves and that many of them came away pleased.
EN: How is the online multiplayer going to work? how many players, what sort of modes will it have?
XP: Unfortunately i cannot comment on anything new in regard to multiplayer at this time other than to say it will have most if not all of the standard modes you would expect from a first person shooter.
EN: Can you comment on the price?
XP: (laughs) Sorry.
EN: How about the Wii hardware? What are the specs?
XP: Although i cannot give you exact numbers at this time i can give you a rough idea about the power of the machine. I would compare the graphics chip to somewhere inbetween the
ATI Radeon X1400 and the Radeon X1600
, and the CPU to
between the AthlonXP 2400+ and the AthlonXP 3000+
EN: Can you tell us how much memory at what speed the Wii has?
XP: I cannot say how much memory the Wii has,
but its running at 650mhz
EN: As we saw in many current-gen titles, 480p can result in significant jaggies. Can we expect AA and AF from Ubisoft's Wii titles?
XP: Red steel will have 4x Antialiasing and 8x Anisotropic Filtering.
EN: What's been your favorite thing about working on Red Steel?
XP: The controller, easily.
EN: What was the biggest challenge?
XP: Not telling the world about it back in january (laughs). Honestly the biggest challenge has been making sure the control is just right.
EN: Will Rayman on the Wii be a port of the current-gen game with new controls, or will it have new art assets for Wii?
XP: Its not a port, other than that i cannot say.
EN: We've been hearing a lot of consistent talk about 60fps at 480p widescreen from other developers. Is this something we'll see a lot of on Wii?
XP: I believe so yes.
EN: Why is this target so easy to hit?
XP: The hardware is totally free of bottlenecks, nothing is slowing us down.
EN: For us graphics whores, what kind of sweet graphical effects will we see in Red Steel or Rayman that we haven't seen in Gamecube games?
XP: We have alot of self shadowing going on, also we will have some normal maps and bump maps things like that.
EN: Will there be any innovative uses of physics in Rayman?
XP: Quite a few interesting things with physics in both Red Steel and in Rayman. We've got ragdoll in Red Steel for example.
EN: You said that you were using FEAR as inspiration for Red Steel's AI. How is that shaping up?
XP: Yes, we loved FEAR and we tried to draw alot from it in terms of AI. In Red Steel the AI will throw grenadesback at you, it will duck for cover and also try to flank you. Many things.
EN: Will we see any sort of single disc network play like you have on the DS?
XP: No comment.
EN: Will Sam Fisher be making a return to Nintendo's home console?
XP: At some point.
EN: Lost Magic was one of the first compelling 3rd-party games for the DS in a while. Does Ubisoft have any more big
plans for the handheld?
XP: We do, keep an eye on the Tokyo Gameshow.
EN: What was your favorite Ubisoft Gamecube title?
XP: Prince of Persia (all of them)
EN: Speaking of Prince of Persia, will we be seeing more acrobatic platforming adventures on Wii?
XP: No comment.
EN: Metroid Hunters was an amazing feat on the DS. Any chance that Ubi will enter the fray with an FPS of their own?
XP: Possibly.
EN: Could you possibly tell us anything specific about the Wii GPU?
XP: I can tell you that it has double the number of pixel pipelines (of gamecube), and that it processes physics. It really takes a huge load off of the cpu.
EN: Is the T&L setup fixed function like it was on the gamecube?
XP: No, fully programmable.
EN: How much Edram does it have?
XP: 2MB for the framebuffer 2MB for the Zbuffer and 4MB for texture cache. Unfortunately I am out of time, id like to come back for another interview sometime.
EN: Thank you very much Mr. Poix.
哦,上帝!Wii的图形性能在镭X1400~X1600之间,处理器在AthlonXP2400+~3000+之间。内存云型在650Mhz。而《Red steel》则有4x抗锯齿和8x的各向异性的过滤!
看来Wii的能力还是不俗啊! 我觉得可信度不是很高 如果这是真的,那老任淫了........... x1400~x1600....
還要有 4x AA....
絕對會lag 我的电脑
A64 3000+
呵呵,看来以后模拟WII很吃力的说. 连目前市场上主流电脑的配置都不到。。。。还想持续发展5年。。。。。 不要拿遊戲機的性能和電腦比
這性能在遊戲機裡算不錯的了 Red steel的画面够烂的说! 觉得机能完全不可能这么高 如果有这么高就会超高兴~~~呵呵~~ 对,估计实际机能是:比PS2强点,比XBOX弱些,恩,大概就这样吧。 原帖由 panqie 于 2006-6-2 01:39 发表
你说的是GC并不是WII~~~WII应该会比XBOX强二倍以上~~嗯~ 原帖由 panqie 于 2006-6-2 01:39 发表
神直接说它是GC不就完了 看不明白哦...究竟是好是坏. 原帖由 panqie 于 2006-6-2 01:39 发表
最近接二连三的看到P神降临,实在要拜。 要是真的的话老任还真留有一手啊
支持下 Wii应该处在比XBOX强1.5倍差不多。 神又出现
拜的头都痛了 原帖由 S.I.R 于 2006-6-2 05:17 发表
xbox是733 的p3 和 gf3的显卡
性能大概要在2-4倍之间 原帖由 小贼 于 2006-6-1 22:59 发表