super-x 发表于 2006-6-2 13:15:39

[Wii] GGL专访: 宫本茂谈Wii,并非任天堂的次世代主机

E3上宫本茂与他的"忠实玩家"斯皮尔伯格 先生合影

近日,游戏界的传奇制作人宫本茂先生接受了Global Gaming League的独家专访,期间这位马里奥之父与记者谈论了许多话题,包括现代游戏产业、媒体宣传、Wii的命名以及体感等功能,以下就是此次的采访的完整译文。

GGL: 首先想问您的是,为什么起“Wii”这个名字?

宫本: (笑)我也知道在英语中听起来和那个类似,但这不是关键。当我们在决定名称的时候,我们希望我们所做的决定能在全世界引起共鸣,它必须精炼、易读、并且名字听上去与游戏机似乎并没有联系,而“Wii”正是我们想要的。

GGL: 似乎很不符合情理,您说呢?


GGL: 原来如此,那么让我们继续下面的话题。今年对于整个游戏业界可以说是非常混乱的一年吧,无论是已经发售的还是即将推出的次世代主机,您认为日后Wii是否能在这场次世代主机大战中脱颖而出呢?

宫本: 事实上我们并没有打算加入这场所谓的“次世代主机大战”,就目前我们所确定的,Wii并非任天堂的次世代主机,对于我们而言,它只是新一代的家用游戏平台。至于媒体宣传的那场主机大战,与我们无关。微软和索尼在针对特定市场所开发产品时还是很出色的,但如果一味的局限于同一块市场,那么就永远无法突破那条边界。而我们所要做的正是超越传统的游戏市场,无论你是5岁还是95岁都是我们的目标,并带给人们与众不同的东西。

GGL: 在过去的一年间游戏生意普遍不理想,您认为主要的问题出在何处?

宫本: 归根结底还是没有吸引新的玩家群体。反观任天堂的DS,我们在这一年间所销售的数量非常惊人,而年底的Wii也会如此。我们会把人们带回游戏之中,我们会为新人介绍游戏,我们还会鼓励更多的游戏制作人,即使是那些同一类型的游戏做了数年的,我们也会激励他们去创新。总之当足够的玩家投入游戏中时,无论是我们还是整个业界的问题自然也就解决了。

GGL: 话说《新超级马里奥兄弟》已经发售了,不得不说它就像颗重磅炸弓单。在佩服您的同时,很想知道您究竟有什么秘密,即使在游戏业界20多年,始终还是无人能及。

宫本: 这是一个人的原则问题吧,有些制作人凭借自己特有的手法去吸引特定的玩家,而我一直以来都将目光瞄准了所有的玩家与整个游戏环境。对我而言,最重要的是吸引人们的注意力,并让他们融入其中,至于惊人华丽的游戏画面,我想并非足以让玩家完全融入游戏,只要当游戏带给人们很多欢乐的时候,那么即使只是旁观的人,也会被深深的吸引,经典就是这样诞生的,但如今也还是有许多游戏制作人无法理解的。

GGL: 那么哪些游戏人是使您钦佩的呢?而对于KONAMI的《Elebits》在画面上很大程度模仿《皮克敏》,您是否会有不满?

宫本: 在目前的制作人中,《大玉》的制作人斋藤由多加(Yoot Saito)先生是我非常喜欢的,同样Will Wright先生的作品也是我很喜爱的,他们两人都是非常有趣的人,同时作为游戏制作人又非常的具有创造力。


GGL: 在完善Wii手柄的体感与控制时,你们消耗了多少脑细胞?

宫本: 我们大家一个都还没少呢。(笑)这期间我们主要考虑的就是如何让手柄的使用如何吸引玩家,而决不是在游戏中因为不停的挥动手臂而感到疲劳,同样也不希望看到手柄给大家造成困惑、麻烦、伤害等等。

GGL: 《银河马里奥》究竟有什么特殊之处?

宫本: 其实它与如今大多数的动作游戏正好相反,并非将游戏越做越复杂,而是为了玩家将许多事物简单化了,无论是对于不大接触游戏的人还是核心玩家都会在游戏中获得快乐。游戏中玩家所要做的就是尽情的在3D太空中遨游,这也将马里奥的冒险舞台扩展到了整个宇宙。


Change is good.


[ 本帖最后由 super-x 于 2006-6-2 16:25 编辑 ]

S.I.R 发表于 2006-6-2 13:22:26


super-x 发表于 2006-6-2 13:29:50



S.I.R 发表于 2006-6-2 13:31:11

原帖由 super-x 于 2006-6-2 13:29 发表


wingbenny 发表于 2006-6-2 15:57:23


wants_ 发表于 2006-6-2 22:20:56


He's the man behind Mario. That dude who discovered Donkey Kong. A visionary auteur who hails from a golden age of game design. And, oh yeah, also the cat that doubles as senior marketing director and general manager for Nintendo of Japan's Entertainment Analysis & Development Division. (Fun fact: Amazing how the guy's business card can support a title that long, but mysteriously lacks an email address…)

That's right, kiddies – we're talking about Shigeru Miyamoto, the legendary software developer who, for more than 20 years, has brought you a spate of hits ranging from "The Legend of Zelda" to "Pikmin." Currently masterminding the Big N's long-awaited holiday 2006 comeback, we sit down with the famed auteur to discuss modern game production, media hype and whether or not the Wii's actually named after a certain bodily function…

Q: First, why "Wii?" Think that one up while draining the lizard?

A: No. It may sound like that in English, but it's not the case. When we were thinking the name up, we decided that we needed to pick a selection which would resonate with a worldwide audience. It had to be short and simple to recall and be something that wouldn't actually sound like a gaming system. Wii sounded just right.

Q: That seems kind of counterintuitive, don't you think?

A: Does it? What's the point of creating a name that sounds like a traditional videogame system if you're trying to entice new people into the market? If I don't play videogames in the first place, I don't think it would sound all that appealing.

"The Wii isn't a next-generation console for Nintendo, as far as we're concerned..."

Q: Touché. Anyhow, moving right along, it's a pretty chaotic year for the game industry, what with the impending launch or recent debut of so many cutting-edge consoles. What makes you think Nintendo will come out on top of the looming next-generation war?

A: Because we're not even participating in it. The Wii isn't a next-generation console for Nintendo, as far as we're concerned. We see it as a new generation for us instead. It's the media who's saying there's a war going on out there, not us. Microsoft and Sony are very good when it comes to creating products for a specific market. But if you keep playing to the same market, you can never grow beyond its boundaries. We're trying to go beyond the traditional gaming market and reach people of all ages, from 5 to 95. We're trying to give them something they can't get anywhere else.

Q: Given how accessible and user-friendly the Wii hardware is, especially from a beginners' standpoint, we have to ask: Are you just secretly trying to help gamers get laid by giving them something appealing to monkey around with on date night?

A: Perhaps. Hopefully, gamers will see that women and girls are playing the games, and they'll want to go out and buy the system so they can be that guy who knows about all the titles the girls are playing and be seen by the women as cool.

Q: Hubba-hubba, indeed. By the way, in case you haven't noticed back in Kyoto, it's a crappy year for the game biz. What's the general problem, as you see it?

A: The problem is that no one is doing anything to attract a new audience. Look at what we accomplished with the Nintendo DS – we've sold an extremely large number of these systems. Wii will achieve the same results. We'll bring people back to gaming. We'll introduce new people to gaming. And we'll inspire other game designers, even those used to doing the same types of title year in and year out, to try new things. Eventually, enough people will be playing games that we'll be able to look beyond our current troubles as an industry.

Q: "New Super Mario Bros." just shipped, and we have to say it's the bomb. What's the deal, man… you know, the secret to your success? You've been making games longer than some designers have been alive, and you're still the king…

A: It's a question of philosophy. Some people design specific mechanics or gimmicks to entice audiences. I tend to focus on the player and the environment. To me, the biggest thing is to capture people's attention and involve them in the experience. Putting amazing graphics up on the screen won't motivate someone to stick with a game. Showing them new ways to play and making sure they're having so much fun that when somebody sees them playing, that person is immediately intrigued… That's how you create a classic, and is something so many designers today don't understand.

Q: What other developers' work do you see out there that you admire, and how badly do you want to kick Konami's ass for copying "Pikmin's" visual design in "Elebits?"

A: As far as creators go, I very much like Yoot Saito, who created "Odama." I also like Will Wright's work. They're both very interesting people, and as game designers are very independent and creative as well.

As for "Elebits," I actually think the game is very interesting because they've taken the concept of the Wii controller and found a unique way to implement it. As they work towards finishing the game, I think it's just going to become more and more fun.

Q: How many interns did you accidentally lose to brain hemorrhages as a result of trying to perfect the feel and handling of the Wii controller?

A: Well, we haven't lost any yet. But the main thing that we're doing with the games is we're playing close attention to the movements that you're doing and how tired that makes people. I certainly don't want to be playing a game and wind up getting tired because I'm being forced to swing my arm around too much. We also don't want to force people to go to so much trouble or exertion that they get exhausted too quickly or hurt themselves or anything like that.

Q: "Super Mario Galaxy": What's so special about it?

A: It's the exact opposite of most of today's action games. Rather than make things more complex, we focused on simplifying matters for the player. We want casual gamers and hardcore gamers to both take pleasure in the experience. The focus here is on moving around and enjoying yourself in a 3D space. After doing "Super Mario World," it was only natural that our next adventure would have to be spread throughout the entire universe…

Q: Nintendo's proved a lot of people wrong with the DS. Now you're looking poised to clown a lot of haters again with the Wii. How, to quote American marketing head Reggie Fils-Aime, do you guys keep kicking ass and taking names?

A: Because we're always moving in a different direction than anybody else. They tend to do the same games and things over and over again. Change is good. Once people start seeing things from another viewpoint, they never go back. Our continued success is proof enough of that.

S.I.R 发表于 2006-6-3 12:32:20


chao042 发表于 2006-6-4 20:01:41


ayako1986 发表于 2006-6-4 21:10:27



NAGAS 发表于 2006-6-4 22:30:04

原帖由 S.I.R 于 2006-6-3 12:32 发表

PS:5岁到95岁?= =几代人了啊......不过也对,WII能锻炼身体= =....
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