[6/6] 新机战+新天魔界6+合金装备4+真女神转生........ PS3独占游戏将超过50款!?
情报来源未必可靠,大家当作参考即可 - -=============================================================================================
PS3 独占 (-)
PS3 と PC (*)
多分マルチプラットフォーム (+)
PS3 独占タイトル:
-Eight days
-5th Phantom Saga (確定?)
-Angel Rings
-Black Blade
-ブレイドストーム 百年戦争
-Coded Arms Assault (確定?)
-Dark RPG
-Devil May Cry 4 (確定?)
*Endless Saga (確定?)
-Fatal Inertia (確定?)
-Final Fantasy XIII
-Final Fantasy XIII Versus
-Formula 1
-Full Auto 2 (確定?)
-Genji 2
-グランツーリスモ 5
-Guan Yu Project (Dynasty Warriors 6)
-Heavenly Sword
-Hot Shots Golf 5
-Iron and the Maiden
-Jack and Dexter
-Killzone 3
-Metal Gear Solid 4 (確定?)
-MMORPG from Square-Enix
-Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam World
-モンスターハンター 3
-Monster Kingdom
-Motor Storm
-Naughty Dog
-Omikron 2
-ラチェット&クランク 5
-Redwood Falls
-Resistance: Fall of Man
-リッジレーサー 7 (確定?)
-Rockstar Old West Title
-Romance of the Three Kingdoms
-鉄拳 6
-The Eye of Judgment (確定?)
-The Getaway
*The Wall
*Unreal Tournament 2007 (確定?)
-Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom
-バーチャファイター 5 (確定?)
-WarDevil Enigma (確定?)
-Way of the Samurai 3
-新天魔界 ジェネレーション オブ カオス VI
-新世紀 GPX サイバーフォーミュラ
-ファイナルファンタジー VII
-God of War 3
-キングダムハーツ 3
-ワンダと巨像 2
-Zone of the Enders 3
不確定タイトル (多分マルチプラットフォーム):
+Assassin's Creed
+Heavy Rain
+Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
+Need for Speed: Carbon 情报源:http://www.ps3land.com/article-419.php
Over Fifty PS3 Exclusives!
by Greg Bergen
With all the postive press for the Wii and Xbox 360, good PS3 news has been a rarity since the E3. However, with the help of our members at PS3Forums, we have compiled a list of over 50 titles that are either confirmed or speculated PS3 exclusives. These titles are why we at PS3Land can't wait to purchase a PS3.
PS3 Exclusive (-)
PS3 and PC (*)
May be multi-platform (+)
PlayStation 3 Exclusive Titles:
-Eight days
-5th Phantom Saga (Confirmation)
-Angel Rings
-Black Blade
-Blade Storm: Hundred Years War
-Coded Arms Assault (Confirmation)
-Dark RPG (Working Title)
-Derby Stallion
-Devil May Cry 4 (Confirmation)
*Endless Saga (Confirmation)
-Fatal Inertia (Confirmation)
-Final Fantasy XIII
-Final Fantasy XIII Versus
-Formula 1
-Full Auto 2 (Confirmation)
-Genji 2
-Grand Turismo 5
-Guan Yu Project (Dynasty Warriors 6)
-Heavenly Sword
-Hot Shots Golf 5
-Iron and the Maiden
-Jack and Dexter
-Killzone 3
-Metal Gear Solid 4 (Confirmation)
-MMORPG from Square-Enix (Working Title)
-Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam World
-Monster Hunter 3
-Monster Kingdom
-Motor Storm
-Naughty Dog (Working Title)
-Omikron 2
-Ratchet and Clank 5
-Redwood Falls
-Resistance: Fall of Man
-Ridge Racer 7 (Confirmation)
-Rockstar Old West Title (Working Title)
-Romance of the Three Kingdoms
-Tekken 6
-The Eye of Judgment (Working title)
-The Getaway
*The Wall
*Unreal Tournament 2007 (Confirmation)
-Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom
-Virtual Fighter 5 (Confirmation)
-WarDevil Enigma (Confirmation)
-Way of the Samurai 3
Random Japanese Titles:
-Shin Megami Tensei
-Makai Wars
-Super Robot Taisen
-Shin Ten Makai VI
-Sunrise Eiyuutan
-Shinseiki GPX Cyber Formula
-Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu
Uncertain if in Development:
-Final Fantasy VII (possibility)
-God of War 3
-Kingdom Heart 3
-Shadow of the Colossus 2
-Zone of the Enders 3
Uncertain Titles (may be multi-platform):
+Assassin's Creed
+Heavy Rain
+Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
+Need for Speed: Carbon 我觉得没有什么奇怪的,很正常。
[ 本帖最后由 觉醒的白狼 于 2006-6-6 06:28 编辑 ] 上课前顶一贴
我猜是索尼有SE的21%的股份,所以FF13才会这么早就宣布PS3独占 如果情况属实~
只能眼睁睁..心不甘情不愿被Sony抢劫~ PS3这次是基本没戏 我觉得为了几款独占游戏买一个主机值 花这么多钱买个暖炉,不值 PS3未出游戏已经这么多了 有机战,顶了
索尼在se的股份还不到10%吧 实际确定游戏不到1/5 原帖由 CARD魔神 于 2006-6-6 08:44 发表
= =你跑不了了 次时代每个主机上都有机战的 那就买咯,当初买GC就是为了机战GC的 哪个主机出机战多,我就买哪个 这里萝卜控真多,不过我宁可玩掌机的机站,虽然画面没家用机强,但是现在没有很多时间在电视机前玩机战了。躺床上和汽车上的时候玩玩就算了 -Final Fantasy XIII
-Final Fantasy XIII Versus
OTZ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 日式游戏第三方全部ps3独占也不足为奇,这不是重点
毕竟现在的日本市场变数不小 赚不到钱的话,独占就是美丽的肥皂泡 原帖由 wingbenny 于 2006-6-6 12:20 发表