[转贴]《Game Informer》杂志透露的Wii硬件的最终秘密!
《Game Informer》杂志透露的Wii硬件的最终秘密转自EMU-ZONE X神 http://bbs.emu-zone.org/newbbs/viewthread.php?tid=378571
即将发售的最新一期《Game Informer》杂志透露的Wii硬件的最终秘密:
- 进行图形开发成本将很低廉;
- 开发者友好的“摄像机”程序(意指不明);
- Wii将支持:HDR lighting, normal maps, bump-mapping, nurbs rendering, and panoramically-composted depth-composited cubemappng, ray-tracing.(那XBOX360可以提前退出了)
- 芯片虽然很强大但是很便宜;
- 要有效的利用Wii创新的硬件进行开发,游戏开发周期将和PS3/Xbox360差不多;
- Wii将内建一个还不错的摄像头拍你的face;
- 一个无限耳麦将在发售的时候提供(是卖是送还没说);
- SD卡支持2~7G;
- 将支持新的路由技术,有点类似P2P网络,用这种方式来分享资源,例如即使你没有上网没有热点,周围的Wii用户上网了,你就能利用他的无线网络也连上网进入任天堂的“Wii Connect24”;
- Wii最终版将包含物理加速芯片(PPU),虽然只有32M内存,但是将给主机很大助力;
- 一个简单的游戏开发工具将从“Wii Connect24”分配给玩家,玩家可以建立简单的2D/3D游戏;
- 最大的秘密将是“图形解决方案”(The last big secret is the “graphics solution”),没具体说,只是说将包含在最终版的开发包里面。
记得之前新闻里提到Wii处理器性能介于AthlonXP 2400+ 和AthlonXP 3000+之间,
支持SD卡容量达2~7G,也就是说破解途径之一?(参考PSP) 原帖由 reg-neo 于 2006-6-6 09:55 发表
- 一个简单的游戏开发工具将从“Wii Connect24”分配给玩家,玩家可以建立简单的2D/3D游戏;
至少玩篮球游戏不是溜冰了(当然也要看制作商的态度) 起立鼓掌!!1 竟然支持HDR lighting? HDR lighting 是什么。。。。 Wii本来就不是靠这个的!!还是关注它的游戏 PPU PS3也支持,没啥好眼气的,这东西以后肯定得普及。 支持玩家私人自制游戏软件(这个等于开放了部分硬件开发权限~)
这样没准盗版有戏了 原帖由 wingbenny 于 2006-6-6 17:14 发表
HDR lighting 是什么。。。。
HDR High-Dynamic Range 高动态光照渲染,是一种像素亮度编辑特效,在当今的猛游戏阵营中盛行。
所以,HDR的最终效果是亮处的效果是鲜亮的(记得RE4中LEON的匕首么),而黑暗处也可以清晰的分辨物体的轮廓,位置和深度,并非眼前一团黑,使画面趋近真实动的物理环境 听上去明白了。。。。但是还是不明白。。。。。 原帖由 web5566 于 2006-6-6 23:43 发表
sd卡 的读取速度问题呢?价格呢?
1G 的差不多就300左右呢…………
既然有usb,就要能多多利用嘛 原文
This article from the upcoming Game Informer magazine focuses on the pros and cons of the development environment of the upcoming Nintendo Wii. As well as revealing the last big secret concerning hardware functionality. Here are some summarizations from that article.
-Inexpensive graphics development.
-Developer-friendly “camera” program
-Will support HDR lighting, normal maps, bump-mapping, nurbs rendering, and panoramically-composted depth-composited cubemappng, ray-tracing.
-Chipsets are very inexpensive although EXTREMELY powerful, WILL incorporate many aspects of the Project Reality study.
-Nintendo is providing extensive documentation to ease the incorporation of the Wii-mote.
-Challenging to program effectively for the Wii-mote, due to it being very new to the industry.
-Marketing to be more challenging for bigger third-party franchises due to nature of the innovative qualities.
-The development cycle to possibly equal the time cycles of PS3 and Xbox360 due to the time needed to be innovative and effectively program for the controller.
-The challenge of marketing the Wii’s controller in ads and commercial may turn third-parties away from exclusivity. (The challenge to display through ads how “playing is believing”)
-The Final Secret/minor surprises also-
-Wii will include a built-in decent resolution camera that can be used to add your face to character models and add innovation to games. These snapshots can be tweaked as well. It is still being decided whether to allow camera to record and stream video. Mention made to have this feature be a strong feature in online play.
-A wireless headset will be made available at launch.
-SD cards will range from 2GB to 7GB and will be priced “within reason”.
-A new router technology is still in development and not yet available to developers. In the final product Nintendo hopes to be able to make every Wii a sort of “Wi-Fi hotspot” with each user connecting to that user and so on. They also want to be able to allow different users to share things and are thinking about setting up a pseudo-P2P network through Connect24, where users can share content and “other things”. This means that even if you have a dial-up connection or no internet, you can still connect to Wii Connect24.
-The Wii will indeed have a PPU included in final hardware. It will have only 32MB though, which will still take a considerable amount of pressure off of other chips.
-A still-in-development simple dev tool will be made available to users through the Connect24 network. It will allow users to create a simple game in 2D or simple 3D and share it with the world. This will hopefully be available on the network by launch.
-The last big secret is the “graphics solution”. It revolves around a whole lot of non-volatile RAM (opting out of HDD support, RAM is much faster than a HDD). And a development interface that centers on a AI-controlled command-line interface. This additional tech only included in final dev kits, while most developers don’t have access to final dev kits. 很厉害嘛...支持WII.. 原帖由 aaafffei 于 2006-6-7 21:53 发表
看来这为给JS杀的不轻啊...... 如果是真的~~就太强大了~~