你盗用我的语句阿 = =
终于想起来是谁跟俺说的鸟。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 one car come one car go two car bang bang one car die Time fleets/Time is fleeting 给你们看看骨骼的翻译:
The passage of time may really fast
我把楼主的那句话直接复制粘贴的 time goes fast time flies like a beam of light passing by my eyes
time is a bullet, the moment I realized it just came by I already died.
时间如同一颗子弓单,当我意识到它路过的时候我已经死去。 long time no see the time is coming soon 原帖由 玫雨纯子 于 2006-6-7 08:17 PM 发表
how time flies
对楼主,这是最标准的也是最简洁的....... time is running clock is ticking 原帖由 gundamdong 于 2006-6-9 10:48 发表
sand in the hourglass is more precious than diamonds.
巧了,我就是看着沙漏起的这个名字 time flies