ㄜ戀の楓ㄝ 发表于 2006-6-8 23:49:10

[求助]谁有<MEDIEVIL>的攻略,好难玩啊(本贴内英文攻略征召翻译 NB大大滴~)


[ 本帖最后由 复读机 于 2006-6-10 18:33 编辑 ]

Kayin 发表于 2006-6-9 03:31:19

Dan's Crypt s4a

You start in Dan's Crypt, after watching the intro video. Move into the Main
Hall and read all the books. Once you have done this, if you turn to face the
Rune gate, you will notice a room to your left. Go in here and as you pass
through the door, you collect your first Health Bottle. When you revisit the
Crypt, this will instead be a Health Vial, which will come in handy.

This room is Dan's Study. The books are Dan's Diary, the Enemy Guide and the
Artefact Guide. Read them all. They update as you progress the game.

Now go back to the door and cross the Main Hall into the Training Room. Again
as you go through the door, you will collect your first weapon, the Wooden
Sword. If you ever lose it in the game, you can return here to regain it.

You will see dummies hanging from the ceiling in here, you can practice your
sword skills if you wish. You can also read the books, weapon and attack type
To the left you will see another door, if you go through here, and jump the
lava (it will kill you, otherwise) to get the Time Rune and a chest of 50gc.
Again, as with the health, every time you return here, you can collect the
coins again.

Now go back to the Main Hall and use the Time Rune on the gate and walk up.
Talk to the green gargoyle and leave the Crypt.

You will notice the door has green smoke in it. This indicates the end of the
level, so if you have not completed the level, do not leave! Otherwise you
have to do the whole level again!

Total for Level:
Money: 50gc
Items: 1 Health Bottle
Runes: Time Rune
Weapons: Wooden Sword

The Graveyard s4b

In the graveyard, go forward, down the hill, and to the left. In here you
will find the Short Sword, and 3 bags of 10gc. Go back out and fight your
first enemies, zombies.
If you go to the right, kinda straight across from where you found the short
sword, you will find a book you can read. Turn around and go and talk to the
Continue on and kill the zombies as you make your way along the path.

You will then come to a Y junction, both left and right paths crossing
bridges. Go to the right and kill the Zombie Guard here. They are strong, but
slow. Kill him and the other zombie and collect the Earth Rune.

Go back and take the left path now, killing the zombie and zombie guard, and
then the two other zombies a bit further on. Carry on along the path until
you come to the Rune Gate. You will also see a Health Vial beside the crypt
up the lil hill. Collect this if you need it, and kill the zombies that
appear. There are also more zombies behind the crypt, which you can kill and
then go back to the Rune Gate, or you can go back to the Gate, and kill them
on your way back, either way, it has to be done :p

Go through the Rune Gate and kill the zombie guard and two zombies. Collect
the club. This weapon has a 100% usage, once you reach 0%, you lose the club
until you pick up another. Picking up another one, will restore it to 100%.
Turn around and you will see a big boulder in front of you. Bash it with the
club and it will break, notice the percentage went down to 99%?
Go in here and kill the zombie. Use the Health Fountain if you need to.

Now go back out to the crypt and on towards those other zombies. If you
didn't kill them before, kill them now :p
In the left corner, you can pick up the throwing daggers, handy for killing
enemies further off, or harder ones you don't want to lose much energy over.

Follow the path round and smash the boulder with the club again. Now kill all
the zombies that appear. Carry on into the forecourt with the statue in the
middle. Kill the zombie to the right. You can hit the statue with your sword,
so it turns and opens the gates. Open the first gate and kill the two
zombies. Pick up the 2 bags of 10gc and buy anything from the shop gargoyle
here, if you wish.

Go back and hit the statue, to open the second gate. In here is the Chalice
and a book you can read, it tells you about the Chalice and Hall of Heroes.

Now go back and hit the statue again, to open the third gate. Kill the two
zombies, then hit the statue to open the fourth gate. This continues on to
the rest of the level, but there is still a fifth gate to open. Behind it is
another Health Vial. If you don't need it, carry on through the 4th gate. If
you do need it, hit the statue, collect the vial and then hit the statue
again and again, until the 4th gate is open again.

Go through and kill the zombie and smash the boulder. Go down this entrance
and kill the 4 zombies, cross the bridge and kill the next 2 zombies and the
zombie guard. Through the opening behind them is a gargoyle you can talk to
and the Moon Rune. Pick it up and go back out. Go to the treasure chest and
open it for the bronze shield! To the left there is another Health Fountain
for you to use.

Now go back over the bridge and out to the path, with the statue to your
right. Go to the left, use the Rune and go through, drop down and kill the 3
zombies. Jump on the middle platform and jump to the left, into the little
graveyard. Collect the 3 bags of 10gc and then kill the 2 zombies. Go up the
little hill and collect the 2 treasure chests for 100gc each and then jump on
the stones and jump over the fence, and go back through the gate and drop
down again.
Now follow the path round to the broken bridge. Jump across and talk to the
gargoyle. After that, go up to the door and it will open, enter to leave this

Total for Level:
Money: 280gc
Items: 2 Health Vials, 2 Health Fountains
Runes: Earth Rune, Moon Rune
Weapons: Short Sword, Club, Throwing Daggers, Bronze Shield
Hall of Heroes - Crossbow
Cemetery Hill s4c

Watch the cut-scene and then off you go! Go forward over the bridge and you
come to a Y junction. Go right and kill the skeleton pirates. Use your club
to bash the boulder and continue on and kill more skeleton pirates. Open the
treasure chest for the bronze shield. It replenishes the one you have back to
full hit points, assuming you still have it :p

There is a book to the right for you to read, then enter the cave. Use the
health fountain if you need to and enter the door. There is a fire in the
middle of the room, light your club, by swinging it in the flame, and go back
to the first room. Bash the bookcase, hit the switch and go through the newly
opened door to the left.

Go straight forward and light the pedestal with your club. Equip your sword
and kill the 4 mummies. Then collect the spade and the Moon Rune and go up
the stairs. Go right to get the Witch's Talisman.

Drop down and go forward to the grave on the right. Use the spade and get the
treasure chest for 100gc. Now go back to the Y junction and go over the
bridge, killing the zombie guard and 4 zombies. The chest to the left
contains a bolt of electricity, so move away once you open it, else you'll
get hit. The chest at the other side has a club in it.

Go to the Rune Gate, read the book and use the Rune on the gate. Go through
and kill the 2 headless zombies, 2 normal zombies and 1 pirate skeleton to
the right. There is a shop gargoyle to the left, if you wish to buy anything.

Follow the path on and kill the various enemies. You should see the Chalice
and a Health Vial through the trees, beside the water. Collect them and turn
around and go forward. The path to the right is the one you've just come from
so take the path to the left and kill the zombie and zombie guard on the

Now you come to a hill with rocks rolling down. Go up the hill, avoiding the
rocks, there are holes in the hill you can hide in, to let them pass. Be
careful, however, as the light coloured rocks fall down the holes on the path
and will hurt you. You can break these lighter rocks with your club.

Once you get to the top, there is a Health Fountain to the right if you need
to use it. Go through the door to end the level.

Total for Level:
Money: 100gc
Items: 2 Health Fountain, Spade, Witch's Talisman, 1 Health Vial
Runes: Moon Rune
Weapons: Bronze Shield, Club
Hall of Heroes - Warhammer
Dan's Crypt Revisited s4d

Now you have the club and the spade, it's time to go back to Dan's Crypt.

Pick up the health if you need it. Go forward to the Rune gate, and smash
through the wall to the left of the gate, with your club. Now equip your
short sword and shield. Beat the mummy to get 100% in the chalice. Go to the
hole and use your spade to dig up the chalice.

Go get the Time Rune and 50gc while you are at it, and leave for the Hall of

You can read the books again, if you wish.

Total for Level:
Money: 50gc
Items: 1 Health Vial
Runes: Time Rune
Weapons: Wooden Sword
Hall of Heroes - Long Sword
Hilltop Mausoleum s4e

Read the book. Move forward to kill the mummies and the thieving imp. Some
more imps will jump out of the graves. Kill them, but beware they don't steal
your sword! If they do, equip another and go kill the imp to get it back.

Open the chest at the bottom for a club. Use the club or warhammer to break
the silver graves, and collect the bags of coins for 100gc. One grave you
open, the 2nd on the left if you are at the bottom and face the door you came
in, leads down to the next part of the level.

Drop down and go forward, killing the 3 imps on the way. In this room you are
faced with a red door, with a blue to the left and green to the right. You
use your hammer/club to break them.

Firstly, go to the left, and down the path behind the blue door, jumping the
crystals as you go. In this room is the Earth Rune. As soon as you collect it
and leave, the floor starts to collapse behind you, so run like mad, jumping
the crystals again.

Now go down the middle path, behind the red door. Use the Rune and drop down
and kill the imps. Read the book. To the left of the book there are stairs
leading up, but notice the wall next to it? It looks fragile, so give it a
whack with the club/hammer, and go in. There's a shop gargoyle in front of
you and 4 bags of 25gc in the left corner, surrounding a Health Bottle.
Collect these and buy anything you need.

Go back out and up the stairs. Kill the imps and use the Health Fountain in
the corner if you need to. Hit the switch and then go through the door and
pick up the Moon Rune. Go through the other door and talk to the Mad Pianist.
He wants you to find him some new music. Go back out the door and go through
the newly opened gate and drop down the grave from earlier, it's a quicker
route back down.

Go back to the room and go to the right, down the path behind the green door.
As with the blue door path, there are crystals to jump. Use the Rune on the
door and collect the Music Sheet. Again, the floor collapses behind you, so
make a run for it.

Make your way back down the middle path and up the stairs, back to the Mad
Pianist, and give him the Music Sheet. The cage holding the Chaos Rune will
open, so collect it and go back across and down the stairs. Use the Rune on
the gate, and go through. Push the flaming box to the end, and then push it
to the right, as far as you can, breaking the red jewel heart. Pick up the
Song Sheet to the left and the treasure chest to the right, for 50gc.

Now make your way back to the Mad Pianist, avoiding the ray of light in the
middle of the room before him. Give him the Song Sheet and the cage holding
the chalice will open for you to get.

Go back out and walk into the ray of light. This is the Stain Glass Demon! :p
He will seem to breathe in crystals, this is when you can hit him. Al-Zalam
gives you the hint that his heart seems to be his only weak point. There are
two sets of throwing daggers behind him, get them, this is what you will use
to kill him with. He will spit out a trail of crystals at you, so run ahead
of them in a circle around the demon. When he goes to breath in again, throw
some daggers. I usually manage 3 or 4 hits before he spits out more crystals.
He will also throw crystals at you, run or jump to avoid them. He will also
jump up off the screen, when he does this, quickly move as he will land on
Sometimes he will hit you with a ray of light, which will encase you in a
crystal. Just press the attack buttons repeatedly to break free.

Once you kill him, collect the Stain Glass Key and jump out the broken
window in front of you.

Total for Level:
Money: 250gc
Items: 1 Health Bottle, 1 Health Fountain, Music Sheet, Song Sheet, Stain
         Glass Key
Runes: Earth Rune, Moon Rune, Chaos Rune
Weapons: Club
Hall of Heroes - Spear
Return to the Graveyard s4f

From where you start, jump over the bridge and kill the zombies. Jump up on
the platform and collect the throwing daggers. Go back to the bridge and wait
for a coffin to go passed, and drop onto one. Jump off at the stairs and use
the Stain Glass key on the lock. Now turn around and drop onto another coffin
and jump off at the next stairs. Kill the zombies and use the Health Fountain
if you need to. Go through the opening to collect the Moon Rune and turn back
and cross the bridge, and out onto the path and turn left. Use the Rune on
the gate and collect the Health Vial and the 2 treasure chests which contain
100 gc each. Drop down and then go up onto the platform, and over into the
little graveyard to collect 3 bags of 10gc and to kill the zombies.

Now go back to where you collected the Moon Rune and continue on the path.
Kill all the zombies and continue on the path, through some trees. You will
come to a gate in front of you, and to the left is a werewolf. Kill it, and
go to the right, killing the zombies and further on, the werewolves. If you
open the first chest here, it is one of those electricity bolts, which will
help kill any enemies in the near vicinity. The other two chests contain a
zombie. Kill everything and continue to round the corner.

To the left here, is a spade and a shop gargoyle. Back out of here, and on to
the left, round the corner, is another werewolf. Kill it and collect the
chest further on for 100gc. Turn around and open the other chest here for a
bronze shield. There is also a Health Vial up on the box. Jump up to collect
it and then jump on to the roof. Jump up on to the roof to the right and go
over and drop down the chimney for the Earth Rune.

Now drop down and go right, round to the gate, and go through. Watch the cut
scene with Death, and afterwards continue on into the little hut and hit the

Go back round to where the shop gargoyle is, the gate opposite here is now
open. Go through here and kill the enemies, some zombies and skeletons. Go on
following the path and you will have to kill a few more skeletons and then
you come to a crossroads, with a building in front of you. Kill the enemies
in front of you, and then the ones to the left and right.

Now take the path to the right, and hit the statue to open the first gate to
collect the Star Rune. Hit her again to open the next gate, and as you go to
collect the Chalice, a zombie appears. Kill it, get the chalice and then hit
the statue again. Notice she opens a gate over to the left, on the hill.

Now go back down the hill and go up the left hill. Hit the statue once, she
will open another gate, over on that hill in the middle. Go back down the
hill and use the Star Rune on the gate. Kill any enemies that get in your way
and take the path to the left, not the one leading up. Kill the enemies and
take the path to the left. Kill the zombie and collect the throwing daggers.
Jump over on to the ledge and collect the 2 treasure chests, containing 50gc
each. Use the Health Fountain if you need to, and jump back over to the path.

Now go back and go left again, and go up the path this time. This time i went
to the right, as there were two skeletons here, one shooting arrows at me.
Go right round the path, killing the couple of zombies and then go up again.
Kill the mummy up here and then use the spade on the grave for your first
piece of the Anubis Stone.

Go back down to the Rune gate, and go right. Hit the statue twice so you can
get the Chaos Rune, and then hit her three more times to open the gate to the
right. Go through this gate and kill the zombie and skeleton.

Use the rune on the gate and go through. To the left of the gate is a Health
Vial. it is kind of hidden. Now kill the werewolves as you continue on this
path. You will come to a gate that will open as you approach it.

Boss time! There are some werewolves running in a circle around you. If you
stay in the middle, they will come one by one towards you. Or you can go to
them to kill them. The choice is yours. Once they are all dead, two more
jump down.

They will run round you in a circle again, you can see them. One will turn
invisible and come at you. You will see it's eyes. This is when you hit it.
You can only hit them when they are invisible.

Once you have killed them, watch the cut-scene and go through the gate.

Total for Level:
Money: 430gc
Items: 2 Health Fountain, 3 Health Vial, Spade
Runes: Moon Rune, Earth Rune, Star Rune, Chaos Rune
Weapons: Throwing Daggers, Bronze Shield
Hall of Heroes - Longbow
Gallowmere Plains s4g

Now, on to Gallowmere Plains. This is the crossroads. It is not a level you
have to beat, you can skip it right now and you can also keep coming back

The Undead Carnival is here. Also, the cheap shop gargoyle! There is also
Lazy Farm.

The Undead Carnival is through the tent door to the right of where you start
in the level.
At the Carnival you can play 6 mini-games. If you progress and complete the
challenges set in front of you, you get a Carnival Token.

Through the tent door, starting at the left, the 6 tents are:-
   Arrow O' Fate - shoot the targets, still and moving
   Weapon Master - kill all the enemies with the chosen weapon
   Guardian O' The Bell - kill enemies, stopping them from ringing the bell
   Pit O' Death - kill enemies, on a ground with holes
   Whack-A-Zarok - hit the zarok's with the hammer
   Trebuchet O' Terror - shoot the targets, still and moving

The next tent is the Voodoo Witch. She will tell you things about the levels
for free.

Arrow O' Fate, Trebuchet of Terror and Whack-A-Zarok consist of Challenge
One, Two and Three. Each challenge then consists of Challenge A, B and C. You
must complete A, B and C to proceed on to Challenge Two, and again for Three.
Get Gold in A, B and C to proceed, getting Magic will also give you 100gc. So
that's a possible total of 900gc per mini-game.

Guardian O' The Bell and Pit O' Death also consist of 3 Challenges, each with
A, B and C, although there is no Gold or Magic ranking, or any money to be

Weapon Master consists of 8 challenges. You will need to kill the enemies
using, Dan's Arm, Short Sword, Throwing Daggers, Crossbow, Warhammer, Long
Sword, Spear and Longbow.

As long as you carry all these weapons, you can complete this mini-game.
There are also no Gold or Magic rankings on this mini game, nor money.

Lazy Farm has two more mini-games for you to collect:-
   Shepherds Delight - herding sheep and chickens
   Vermin Control - splat a rat!

These work the same as before, 3 Challenges, each comprising Challenge A, B
and C. No rankings and no money. Complete all 9 challenges for the token in
each. Enjoy the herding! :p

Once you win your 8th token, you do get a large sum of money (5000gc) so it
is worth collecting the tokens. Of course, as well as the money, you get the
Woden's Brand.
You get it from the shop gargoyle in the middle of Gallowmere Plains. He
also sells health vials for 50gc instead of the usual 100gc, so stock up

If you walk in a circle from the start of the level, which leads back to the
graveyard, to the left, you come to the door to the Sleeping Village.
Next is the entrance to Scarecrow Fields and Pumpkin Gorge.
Further on again is Lazy Farm.
The next door you come to is the entrance to the Enchanted Forest.

There are books at each entrance, telling you where they lead.

Next on your circular walk is the above mentioned Carnival. Opposite the
Carnival entrance is the above mentioned Shop Gargoyle.

Like i said above, you can skip everything here and continue on with the game
or you can play the mini-games to get the Woden's Brand.

Total for Level:
Money: possible total of 7700gc - depends if my counting is right ;)
Items: 8 Carnival Tokens
Runes: none
Weapons: Woden's Brand
Welcome to the Sleeping Village s4h

On to Sleeping Village. Watch the cut-scene. Now for the level. You are faced
with 3 Boiler Guards. Don't get too close, as they will flame you. I used the
longbow to kill them from afar. They will shoot at you, though, so be

Once you have killed them, walk right forward to the Blacksmiths. In front of
the door is the Silver Shield. If you turn to your right, you will see some
more throwing daggers here.

Turn around and you will see an opening in the wall. In here are two more
Boiler Guards. Kill them and then go in, there is a chest to your left, it
contains 50gc. You will also see the chalice in here, and another 50gc chest
to the right.

Go through the other opening here and to the left you will see a shop
gargoyle and two Boiler Guards further on. Buy anything if you need to and
then the guards. If you walk out on to the next path, to your right is a
Health Vial, and also 3 more Boiler Guards up the path a bit. Straight on
from where you came out is a Club. Go collect the club and climb the stairs
to the right. Hit the switch up here.

You can either go back down the stairs and up the path to kill the Boiler
Guards, or you can drop down from beside the switch. The choice is yours :-p
Kill the guards and go left through the gate you opened, kill the next Boiler
Guard and then go through the newly opened door, to end the level.

Total for Level:
Money: 100gc
Items: 1 Health Vial
Weapons: Silver Shield, Throwing Daggers, Club
Hall of Heroes - Gold Shield
Inside the Asylum s4i

Each room of the Asylum consists of various enemies you have to kill. You
must kill them all, before you can move on to the next room.

The first room, the enemies are just zombies, and won't take a lot to kill.
Go through the door that opens at the top right.

The second room, again the enemies are zombies, but there are two cannons on
the far wall, at the left and right, that fire every now and again, so move
when they do. Go through the door that opens at the top right.

The third room, there is a green water pit in the middle. Again, two cannons
sit on the far wall. There is a health vial in the bottom left corner. The
enemies are zombies again. If the enemies fall into the pit in the middle,
they die. Drop down the trap door that opens, for the next room.

The fourth room has one zombie to begin with, and behind where he comes from
at the middle of the far wall, is another health vial. More zombies appear
and then some headless ones. After you kill them all, the trap door on the
floor opens, but wait, as 4 treasure chests appear at the front of the room.
Each contain 100gc. Collect them, then drop down.

The fifth room has a two sides, separated by a green water pit. This is handy
as you can jump from one side to the other, and any following enemies will
die :p
The enemies in this room are zombies and headbangers. They are the ones that
are wearing straight jackets. They do take a few hits to kill.
Anyway, there is another health vial at the top right of the room. Kill the
enemies and then drop down the trap door on the right side of the room.

The sixth room is circular, and has headbangers at first. Once you kill the
first few, the gates open and more come out, but there's also a shop gargoyle
behind one. Jump in beside him, and hit him, if you need to buy anything, you
most likely will need health :p
Continue to kill the enemies, more headbangers and zombies. Once they are all
dead, go down the trap door that has opened.

The seventh and last room is again, circular, and again has headbangers to
start with. And again, once you have killed them, the gates open and one has
a Health Fountain behind it.
More headbangers and zombies appear, and also eventually, headless zombies.
Once you have killed them all, the circular fence in the middle opens and you
can drop down here.

Now the boss! Collect the Health Vial right in front of you and walk forward.
Watch the cut-scene. If you don't play with the sound on, i do recommend it
for this, as it's funny :p

You have to defeat the Mad Axeman! He will either throw his axe out on a
chain, when you can run up and hit him a couple of times, or he will hit the
ground and get his axe stuck, where again, you can run up and hit him. Watch
when he gets the axe out though, as he spins round and will hit you.

When you have hit him enough times, he will start to chase you. Hide behind
a pillar, and he will headbang it, losing energy at the same time. Do this
for all 4 pillars, and he will die.

The gates in the room will open, so collect the Chaos Rune and the Club, and
go through the door that also opened. You will hear the Mayor calling for
help now.

The Mayor's cell is right in front of you, but you don't have a key. Turn to
the right and go up the 3 stairs. To the right here, is a treasure chest with
50gc in. Use the Chaos Rune on the gate and go through. You will see to the
left the wall looks fragile, so equip your club and break through. Pick up
the Mayor Key. You will see you can also break through the wall to the right
here. You can do so, as there is a Health Fountain in here. This is also
where the Chalice is. You will notice you can't get to it though, as there is
a lake of lava you just can't cross. You will need to come back once you have
found the Dragon Armour.

Go back out and use the key on the cell, to release the Mayor. Watch the cut
scene, and he will tell you what to do next.

Collect the Forest Key and the Moon Rune and go out the cell and use the Rune
on the gate, and leave the level with the Mayor.

Total for Level:
Money: 450gc
Items: 3 Health Vials, 1 Health Fountain, Mayor Key, Forest Key
Runes: Chaos Rune, Moon Rune
Weapons: Club
Sleeping Village s4j

Talk to the green gargoyle and then kill the werewolves and Nellie Mad. She's
that little pink thing running around! I used the hammer to squish her :p

Now go to the right and go through the gate. Go to the left and you will come
to closed gate. Read the book, it will tell you to shoot some ducks. So turn
around and go to the Duck Shoot. You have 100 arrows to kill 30 ducks in 104
seconds. Completing the challenge opens the gate, so turn around and go on
through it.

If you continue straight on, you will get the chalice. Turn back and go to
the right and notice the stairs. There is a Health Fountain up here if you
need it.
If you continue on (right if you come down the stairs) you will see a door
in the wall to your right. There is a bag of 25gc here. Go left and collect
2 more bags.

Go back out the opening and go straight forward, to the front of the house.
See those boxes? Jump up them and onto the roof of the pergola (that round
thing next to the boxes :p) and then jump on over to the roof. Go to the
left and round the roof. You will come to the end, but notice the chimney to
the left, glowing? Jump in!

You are now in the Mayor's House. Collect the 3 chests for 150gc. There is a
Health Vial on top of the safe in the corner. Go through the door. Go to the
gate in front of you, there is a switch before it, to open it.

Go through the gate and kill that Nellie Mad and the werewolves. Further on
there is another Nellie Mad. You can read the book at the gate to the Mayor's
house and the other in front of the fountain. From the fountain, look towards
the Mayor's House and go to the right, back to the start of the level. Kill
the werewolf and go in to the church yard to the right. Kill the Nellie Mad
and the 2 zombies that appear. Go in the church door. Go forward, collect the
chest for 50gc and read the book. You need a crucifix!

Go back out and go left, and down by the shop gargoyle. Go towards the stairs
again, and go up and hit the switch again. Now go back down and to the right.
Go down the stairs to the right here and kill the werewolves. Go to the other
stairs, they look like stairs, there are in fact spaces between each ledge,
so be careful not to fall. Go up here and hit the switch. You will see the
fountain stopping. Go to your right and through the opening and round to the
right. Jump up the boxes to get passed. There will be, i think five, Boiler
Guard here to kill.

Collect the Chaos Rune from the fountain and use it on the doors to the left
of the Mayor House Entrance Gate, and go in. Read the books, and then use the
club to break down the bookcases. Behind here is another book and the
crucifix cast. Go back outside and go down the path, the way you are facing.
There is a door to the left you can enter, and also another to the right, at
the house facing you. Go in the left door first.

Kill Mrs Mad and hit the switch in the top corner, opening the door to the
left. Go through and you will see the Star Rune in the corner. Jump over all
the ledges to get it. In the corner diagonally opposite the rune is another
Health Bottle, so on your way back, jump over and get it.
Go back through the door and back on to the street. Now go to the door you
could see at the right.

Kill Mrs Mad and move one of the barrels onto the switch. Now use the rune on
the gate and kill Mr Mad. Go down the stairs. Go to the right of the room and
3 werewolves will come out of the hole in the wall. Kill them and the door to
the right opens. Go through. Kill Mr Mad and go up the stairs.

In here, kill Mr Mad and read the book. Go through the door to the right and
kill Mrs Mad. Move a barrel onto the switch again, and then jump up on the
cupboards, to get to the Earth Rune in the corner.

Now go back through to the first room and down the stairs. Use the rune on
the gate and go through and hit the switch. now go back upstairs and get the
Landlord's Bust. Go back the way you came and leave the building.

Watch the cut-scene. Now go kill some Boiler Guards! Once you have killed
them, face the fountain and Mayor's House. From here, go right, towards the
start of the level. Remember the first time you were here and got the Silver
Shield? Well, we're going into the building it was in front of, the
Blacksmiths. So go here and in the door.

There is a chest in the left corner, open it for a Silver Shield. Read the
book. Use the crucifix cast on the embers, and then use the bust on the cast.
Now jump on the bellows to the left and voila, we have a new crucifix!

From outside of this building, the church is just to the right, so go in and
place the crucifix on the altar. A secret door will open, it's hiding the
safe key, so pick it up and leave. Go back to the Mayor's House, which is
left, then right and then left and right again, from the church.

Use the safe key on the safe to get the Shadow Demon Claw. Leave the house
and go out the gate, go right and straight forward and through the door to
end the level.

Please note that killing Mr Mad, Mrs Mad and Nellie Mad will actually remove
some souls from your chalice count. However, with the last set of Boiler
Guards you kill, you get back up to 100% again, so there is no need to worry
about not killing the Mad family!

Total for Level:
Money: 275gc
Items: 1 Health Fountain, 1 Health Vial, 1 Health Bottle, Shadow Demon Claw
Runes: Chaos Rune, Star Rune, Earth Rune
Weapons: Silver Shield
Hall of Heroes - Hero's Crossbow
Scarecrow Fields s4k

Now on to Scarecrow Fields. Go forward and kill the two scarecrows. Light the
club and go through the fence where the scarecrows were standing and light
the hay to the right. While this burns, turn and push the hay barrow out of
the way and go through. There is another hay stack in front of you. Light it
and go back to the first. There is a chest in it's place. Collect it for

Turn around, the 2 Hay Monsters should have followed you. Being hay, they
don't like fire ;) so light your club again, and set them alight! Once you
have killed them, set your club on fire again and go get that other chest
from under the other hay stack for another 50gc and go left. Go right and
light this hay stack. While it burns you can go to the right for a shop
gargoyle. Once the hay has burned, get the chest for 50gc and go through and
get the Star Rune.

Go back and take the second right. At the end is a door to the right, go in
and open the chest for a club. Go back out and left and use the rune on the

You are now in the corn fields, Al-Zalam says not to leave the path and i'd
say, follow his advice if you value your health! There are wheat demons in
the fields and you die instantly, so don't go there!

Following the path, kill the scarecrow and collect the 2 bags of 25gc each to
the left. Follow the path until you reach another scarecrow to the right.
Kill it and collect the Health Vial behind it. Carry on on the path and go
through the gate. It closes behind you and you have to kill the Mecha Imp.

Stand between it's legs, to save getting stomped and as it passes, you will
see it's back. Use arrows to kill it. Go through the gate at the bottom, when
it's dead. Dodge the windmill and follow the path round. Kill the two Hay
Monsters and then go in to kill the Mecha Imp.

Go through the gate and kill the Hay Monster. There are two, they might not
be near the gate, they might be further round to the left. If you go right
round the building, you will come to another hay barrow. Push it out the way
and go in and read the book. Go right into the barn and push the hay bale
against the other boxes. Jump up and go round the edge and hit the switch.

Go back outside and go right, and jump over the fence. Herd the chickens to
the piles of feed for them to eat, and collect the bag of 25gc, Health Vial
and the Combine Harvester Part.

Go back into the barn and use the part on the harvester. Follow it out the
door. Go along the path it has created and over the bridge. Use the Health
Fountain, get the Earth Rune and buy anything from the shop gargoyle if you
need to.

Go back over the bridge and along the path. Go left and straight forward. To
the left is a hay stack you need to burn, so go right and then left. A
scarecrow will come at you from the left. Behind it is a fire. Once you have
killed it, turn around and go to the chest. There is a club in here, but
don't collect it yet, wait until you've burned the hay stacks down. To the
right there is another scarecrow, kill it. There is also another hay stack
opposite the chest. Light your club and burn those stacks to the ground!

The stacks turn into a chest of 50gc. Behind the one furthest from the fire
is a scarecrow and 3 bags of 25gc. Behind the one nearest the fire is a
Health Vial. Now collect the club and go to the right, where the scarecrow
was and dodge the windmill. Use the Earth Rune on the gate and follow the
path to the right.

You come to the first trap. A blade rotates anti-clockwise. Follow a blade
round, jumping the wood, and go through the first opening to the right.
There are 2 chests here, holding 50 gc each. Go back to the trap and go right
and take the first opening again.

The second trap, it's a rolling block. Follow it and this time take the
second opening. Follow the path for the chalice. Now go back, the next
opening is right beside you. Go through and get the Health Vial. Go back and
take the second opening to the right.

The third trap is grain swirling towards a, erm, drill type thing. Only one
opening, just jump across to it.

The fourth trap is 3 rotating blades. There is a bigger space between the 3rd
and 1st blade, this is when you should move through this trap, as you have to
go to the left, against the blades. When the 3rd blade passes you, jump to
the left, over the ridge. You are short enough to just stand here, without
the blades touching you, they go right over your head. Wait until the 3rd
blade passes again and then jump over the next ridge. Do this for the last
ridge and then go through the opening.

The fifth and final trap you have to activate. There is an opening right next
to the one you came through, go in and hit the switch. Now go back out and go
with the flow! Take the second opening to get the Chaos Rune. You now need to
take the third opening to get to the Rune gate. Use the rune and leave the

Total for Level:
Money: 400gc
Items: 3 Health Vials, 1 Health Fountain
Runes: Star Rune, Earth Rune, Chaos Rune
Weapons: Club
Hall of Heroes - Hero's Sword
Pumpkin Gorge s4l

Follow the path, killing the bouncing pumpkins that come at you. You will
come to a plant that comes out of the wall. Avoid these, wait til it goes
back in and go passed it. There are a few before you come to the main area.

Kill the pumpkin plants here, there are 6 in total. To the left as you come
in, there are some throwing daggers.

Go to the gates in the middle and watch the cut-scene. Go into the house to
the right. You have to run in a clockwise circle to go up. Collect the 2 bags
for 25gc each and go through the door. Kill the pumpkin plant here and go up
and the kill the others. Collect the bag of 25gc to the right. In the middle
you will see one of the roots you need to kill, so give it a few hits.

Once you have done this, go back to the house and go down, then out the door.
From here, go to the right. Kill the pumpkin plants. You will notice a Rune
gate in the middle and an opening to the left, but there is a path to the
right you are going to take first. Go up here, up the wooden path, and drop
down the hole at the top.

Run clockwise so you go up and collect the Time Rune. Going out the door here
takes you back outside, so run the other way to go down. Collect the chest
for 50gc and the Health Bottle too. Now go upstairs and collect the 4 bags of
25gc each. Go through the door to the left.

From here, go right until you see the Rune Gate. Use the Rune and go up the
path, being careful of those plants that come out the wall. Kill the pumpkin
plants as you go. At the top of the path, kill the other pumpkin plants and
collect the chest for 50gc. There are also some more throwing daggers. Kill
the root, and go back down the path.

Now go to the right and kill the pumpkin plants. Go up the wooden ramp. Some
baby pumpkins will come down at you, kill them as you go and go through the
door. Go left through the door here and go down and through the door. Kill
the pumpkin plants and collect the Health Vial. Kill the root then go back in
and up again. Go out and down the ramp and go right. Kill the baby pumpkins
then talk to the farmer. He will give you the Pumpkin Key. Go into his barn
for 6 chests containing 50gc each. Go back out and go forward, to the right
slightly you will see a well. Jump down here.

There is the chalice in front of you. Behind you is a shop gargoyle. Jump
through the hole and up the path, leaving the well. To your left now, you
will see a Health Fountain, use it if you need to.

Drop down and use the Pumpkin Key on the door to the left. Go up the path and
kill the pumpkins you come to. You will eventually come to a Y junction, go
straight ahead first. Up here you will have to jump on the moving toadstools
to get further up the path. It's a case of jumping from one toadstool to the
next and also onto the ledges at the left and right, to reach the top. Try
not to fall off, that yellow dust harms you.

After the second toadstool, jump to the right ledge and collect 3 bags of
25gc each. Now go up and jump across to the next toadstool, and the next,
which is a little behind you, and over to the ledge for another 3 bags of
25gc each. Jump right off the tip off the ledge onto the toadstool, and after
the 3rd, jump onto the right ledge for a Health Vial.

At the top of this path, you will see a Cauldron in front of you. Use the
Witches Talisman here.
She will tell you to kill the Pumpkin King. Behind her house is a chest with
a Bronze Shield in it.

Go back down all the toadstools, and go left at the Y junction. Follow the
path, killing the pumpkin plants along the way. Read the book and then go in
the gates. You will see the Pumpkin King in front of you. Behind the right
gate is some more throwing daggers. You will also notice all around there are
pumpkin plants and babies, go kill them all!

Now, from the gate, go in a circle starting from the left. Behind the left
gate here, there is another of those roots, so chop it to bits. Now go to the
left and up the lil hill, chop that root and to the left of the house there
is 2 bags for 25gc each.

Go back out and to the left again, you should now be opposite the original
gate you came in. Go behind the lil hut and get 2 chests for 50gc each and
chop the 2 roots here. Also, to the left of the chests there are some boxes,
jump up here and on to the roof of the hut for a Health Vial.

Jump down and continue on your circle journey. The next root is on a little
island, i'm assuming there was water here, as there are fish flapping about!
Chop the root and look to the right, there are 2 bags of 25gc here.
Continuing on the circle, you will see the last root beside a barn. Chop it.

Now for the Pumpkin King! Move towards him and he will wake up. Tentacles
will grow out of the ground, creating a circle. He will throw out Pumpkin
Plants at you, this is when you can hit him. Either daggers, or arrows will
Kill the Pumpkin Plants and he will throw more out, letting you hit him

If you get to close to him, he will bash you, so stay back. He will also hit
you with his tentacles, so avoid it.

You can also just avoid the Pumpkin Plants and hit the King again, he will
hit you with his tentacle.

After you have hit him enough times, he will throw out some pumpkin babies.

Once you have killed him, it's time to go back and talk to the witch. Same as
before, up the toadstools and use the Talisman on the Cauldron.

She will give you the Anubis Stone piece. Now go back down the toadstools and
go back to the Pumpkin King. The door for leaving the level is opposite the
gate you go through, behind the little hut.

Total for Level:
Money: 875gc
Items: Health Bottle, 3 Health Vial, Pumpkin Key, 1 Health Fountain
Runes: Time Rune
Weapons: Throwing Daggers, Bronze Shield
Hall of Heroes - Health Bottle
Back to Gallowmere Plains s4m

You need to go back to Gallowmere Plains to get to the Enchanted Forest.

From the start of the level, go to the right, passed the Undead Carnival
entrance and shop gargoyle. You can buy stuff if you need to.

The door you come to is the Enchanted Forest entrance, you will need to use
the forest key on this door, to gain entry. You won't need to do this again.

Total for Level will be as before:
Money: possible total of 7700gc - depends if my counting is right ;)
Items: 8 Carnival Tokens
Runes: none
Weapons: Woden's Brand
Enchanted Forest s4n

Go forward and read the book. There should be two toads jumping about here. I
used the hammer to hit them. From where you began, if you face the statue, go
to the left, there is an opening right there. Use the Witches Talisman on the
Cauldron to summon the witch. Watch the cut-scene and she will give you a
Butterfly Net.

From the Cauldron, go back towards the statue and go left. If you are playing
with the sound up, you will hear the Fairy calling you. He is further on
here. Go towards him and you will speak to him. Now it is time to catch him.

Once you have caught him, he will give you his fungus. Go back to the
Cauldron and face the statue. I will do this, it's easier to explain where
the next ones are, as you won't end up in the same place as me, after
catching each fairy.

So, from the Cauldron, there is a path opposite you, passed the pond with the
statue, go down here. You will come to a platform, which you can ride up into
the tree tops from, it has a few little toadstools in front of it. To the
right, there are two more toads and a shrubbite (tree stump). If you turn
your back on the shrubbite, it will chase you, slowly. Kill the toads. There
are 3 bags of 25gc behind the big tree. Now lure the shrubbite back out of
this area, passed that platform. If you are coming out of here, jump up to
the left, you should see a ledge. Lure the shrubbite near here and then face
it, when it is close enough, to make it stop moving. Jump on it and then jump
onto this ledge. You will hear the fairy calling on you.

Watch the cut-scene then catch that lil dude! Get the fungus and then drop
down and go right to the platform. The shrubbite should be following you, so
use it to jump up and ride into the tree tops.

We will do a few things up here, now. Walk forward over the first bridge. To
your right is another bridge, but go forward first. Jump the gap in the
bridge and then jump up onto the toadstool. Now jump on to the next, going
around the tree as you do. At the top, jump into the nest and push an egg out
of the nest. It will smash on the top of the tree and you will get an item.
Three eggs, three items, they are the chalice, a silver shield and the Earth
Rune. There will be a bird flying into the nest, but i'm not sure if it harms
you, as i've not been hurt by it.

Make your way back down the toadstools and then over the bridge. Now take the
left path. Jump the holes and follow the bridges round until half way over
one, you come to a shop gargoyle. Buy anything you need and then carry on to
the house. This is where the next fairy is. Talk to him, then catch him. You
will get his fungus.

Now make your way back over the bridges, back to the platform to take you
down. Go back out to the statue. From here go left, there is a book here for
you to read.
Continue on and take the next path on the left. There is a toad down here you
can kill. There is also a shrubbite. Lure him near the start of this path,
there is another ledge up to the right you need his help getting up to.

In here is the last fairy and also 3 bags of 25gc each. Go back out to the
statue area and take the 2nd path to the left. Use the Talisman on the
Cauldron again and hand over the fungi to the witch. She will open the gate
here to the Shadow Demon Prison.

First we need to do something else, however. Turn around towards the statue.
Take the next path to the left from here. Use the Rune on the Gate and go in.
Jump onto the platform and it will rise up. This is a boss. Well, in fact,
two of them! They are called Demonettes. You will need to use arrows or such
like, to kill them.

They will fly back and forth, you can try to hit them, but they do stop to
fire a bolt of electricity at you. Use this time to hit them.
They will tilt the platform you are standing on, when this happens, hold up
until it levels out again. Rocks will also fall on to the platform. You will
see their shadows, so avoid them.

Once you have killed them, the platform raises up. There are 9 25gc money
bags around the top of the tree. Collect them and then go across the bridge.
There is a Health Fountain here. Now go across the next bridge and collect
the Moon Rune. Ride the platform down and go towards the statue again.

Now go back to the Witches Cauldron and go through this gate. There is a toad
down here, so kill it. There is also a shrubbite you need to lure about half
way along this path, as there is a ledge up. Jump up to it and you will get a
Health Vial and further on, a shop gargoyle. I'd suggest to stock up on your
health, as the following enemies are a pain to kill (well, so i thought!)

Go down to the door and use the Shadow Demon Claw to open it. Go in and
follow the path. You will come to a pond, with a round stone in the middle
with a flaming pedestal in the middle of it. On the far wall you will see a
switch you can hit. There is also 3 more switches you stand on, to the left
of this switch, and a book to the right.

Read the book, it tells you what to do. We need to put that flame out.
If you look at the 3 floor switches, so that the other switch is to the
right, the switches do the following:
   Left switch - rotates the 1st and 3rd rows
   Middle switch - rotates the 1st and 2nd rows
   Right switch - rotates the 1st row

You need to rotate the rows so that the symbols line up and put that flame
out. If you are having trouble lining them up, look to the left and right
symbols to help you.

Once you have done this, go to the pedestal in the middle to get the Anubis
Stone piece. Watch the cut-scene. See those 'things' that come out? You need
to kill those now!

Follow them through the hole they created to get back outside. There is one
of these creatures here. When you hit them, they will curl up. Hitting them
when they are like this does no damage at all. Drop down and go left. There
is another one up here. There are two out by the statue. What i did was i
jumped in the water beside the statue and used arrows to kill them. They
can't get you in the water, you see ;)

There are another 2 up the path beside the platform into the tree tops. What
i did was i lured the shrubbite out, so i could jump up beside the platform,
and again, i used arrows to kill the creatures.

Now go back to the statue and take the path to the left. Use the Rune on the
gate and go through. There is the last of these creatures in here, and also a
toad. Kill them both and continue on this path to end the level.

Total for Level:
Money: 375gc
Items: 1 Health Fountain, 1 Health Vial
Runes: Earth Rune, Moon Rune
Weapons: Silver Shield
Hall of Heroes - Flaming Longbow
Pools of the Ancient Dead s4o

Walk forward and talk to the green gargoyle and then talk to Death. After
that, if you face Death (no pun intended ;p) turn to your right. In front of
you is a bridge, there is a Health Vial here. Get it if you need it.

Now go back to Death and take the bridge to the left. At the end of the path
turn left, there is a chest containing a Club here. Facing the chest, turn
right and go forward. Take the path down. You can't kill these Armoured
Knights, you must hit them into the Pools to get rid of them. There are also
Undead Warriors here. Kill these and make your way left (or forward) to the
Chalice. It is on a little island. Jump over to get it then jump over again
to get another Health Vial. If you turn around now, you will see a Mecadeath
Part slightly to the left. Get it and make your way back towards the Boat

Instead of going back up the path, take the bridge to the left. Dispose of
the Armoured Knights and jump across for another Health Vial. To the left,
behind the tent, there is another Mecadeath Part.

Now make your way back to the bridge you just crossed. Go forward and cross
the next bridge and get rid of the enemies in this area. Just to the right
here is an Undead Warrior on an island, along with another Mecadeath Part. Go
get it, then jump back on the path. Continue forward over the bridge and kill
the skeleton and Undead Warrior and put those Armoured Knights in the Pool.

You will see 2 bags of 25gc beside that old tent, get them and turn around,
there is another bag over on the island in front of you. Jump back and go
through the opening in the wall here.

When you go through, there will be rocks catapulted at you, so keep moving.

To your left is a Health Vial. Get it. To your right there is an island with
another Mecadeath Part on, so collect it. Now go back to where the Health
Vial was and you will see a bridge to the right. Cross it and get rid of the
enemies here. There is another Health Vial on the island here.

From this island, face the wall, you will see an opening to the left of you,
go through here. Kill the skeletons and Undead Warriors in here and then
climb the stairs to the right. Follow the path along, jump the hole, and take
the first path to the left. You will see the Chaos Rune in here. The door
will lock behind you and you need to get rid of the Ghouls. To do this, use
the Ballista surrounded by the fencing. They will fly about, then stop and
laugh, and also throw flaming boulders at you.

Once you have killed them all, the door will unlock, so go out and continue
left. There is a shop gargoyle just to the left as you leave the Ballista.
At the end of the path, use the Rune on the gate. Go down the stairs and kill
the enemies. Go through the opening opposite the stairs, there is a Health
Fountain here.

As you came through the opening, go left and up the hill. The gates will
close behind you. There is a Mecadeath Part in front of you, collect it and
then kill the enemies to open the gates again. As you go down the hill, you
will be chased by erm, whatever it is! Dodge it and go forward out into the
Pools again.

Go right, collect the Health Vial and follow the wall round. You will see
more Armoured Knights over to the right. First jump over and hit the switch
to raise the bridge. Now go over the bridge to the right (not the new one) to
get the last Mecadeath Part and the Star Rune. Go back over the bridge and
go left to get rid of the Armoured Knights. There is another Health Vial on
an island here.

Once you have killed them all, make your way back to the bridge you raised.
Cross it and make your way over to the Boat House. Use the rune on the gate
and go in. Go left and cut the rope then go to the other side and cut the
rope there. There are also 2 bags of 25gc at this side. Go back out the gate
and go right, around the boat house and back to Death. Give him the Mecadeath
Parts and watch the cut-scene to end the level.

Total for Level:
Money: 125gc
Items: 7 Health Vials, 1 Health Fountain
Runes: Chaos Rune, Star Rune
Weapons: Club
Hall of Heroes - Battle Axe
Scurvy Docks s4p

Follow the path and talk to the green gargoyle. Go through the gates and kill
the Boiler Guard to the left and right. Just to the right of the gate, there
is a fence and behind it, 3 bags of 25gc. Go round the fence and get them.

Now we will go right, from the gate. You will pass a Rune Gate to your right
and also a book you can read. Go straight on, through the opening and go to
the left. Go down the pier to the right. There is a chest at the end
containing a bolt of electricity. In the boat you pass there are 3 bags of
25gc, so jump in and get them. If you go back off the pier, go left and round
the corner and kill the Boiler Guards.

Now you will see a building with a Bell. Ring the bell. Watch the cut-scene.
You need to become a Pirate!

Turn around, and kill the skeleton pirates here. Now jump in the boat to get
the Moon rune. Jump back onto land and go right, and back through the opening
you came through earlier.

Now continue to the right. Kill the enemies here and then read the book.
Further on, there is a shop gargoyle. Just before him, there is an opening to
the right. In here is the Moon Rune gate. Use the Rune and go through.

To the right, there is a chest containing a club. Now continue on and kill
the skeletons. Further on, you will come to a pedestal, with a path to the
left and right. Take the left path and kill the skeletons in here.

Now equip your club and light it at the fire. Run back to the other pedestal
and light it to open the door at the end of the right path. Go up the path
and kill the skeletons in here.

There are 3 doors to your left and one to your right, and another pedestal in
the middle of the room. You need to go back and light your club again to
light this pedestal.

Once it is lit, the door to your right, and 2 to you left open, letting some
skeletons come get you. Kill them. Go through the right door to get a spade.
Now go over to the left doors. As you look at them, the right one is a Rune
Gate. Take the right door. There is a chest in here with a Silver Shield in
it. Go back out and take the left door now.

There is a boulder blocking your path to the left, so break it down. In here
you will find a Health Fountain, Throwing Daggers and a chest containing
50gc. Collect everything and then go back out the cave and take the path to
the left, it takes you outside.

There is a Smugglers ship in front of you. Take the path up to your right and
follow it along, you will pass a cannon to your left. Jump the hole, there is
a fire in front of you. Go right and jump over and kill the skeletons. Go to
the right and jump over, kill the skeleton and continue on. Jump over into
the cave and collect the Pirate Hat. Now retrace your steps back to the fire.

Light your club and go up to the left and light that cannon you passed
earlier, you need to smash the ship, haha! Once you've done the first bit,
push the cannon along to the left. You will probably have to go back and
light your club again. Once you've hit the middle part, move the cannon yet
again. It might take you a couple of tries to line the cannon up properly.

Once you've hit all three parts, you can now board the ship. Go to your left
and down the hill, then straight up the other side. Go up to the top, killing
the skeletons. There is a chest up here which contains a Club. Now you need
to jump over onto the ship. Kill the skeleton and collect the Health Vial.

Drop down and kill the skeletons and collect the Skull and Crossbows. Go up
and collect the Chaos Rune. Now you need to walk the plank ;) to get off the
ship. Go right and forward into the cave, making your way back through to the
fire. Use the Rune on the gate here and go through.

Kill the skeletons here and then go grave digging! There is a book on the
left wall to read. There are two graves, the first contains the Wooden Leg.
The second contains the chalice. From the second grave here, there is a wall
to one side and fence and the sea to the other. On the wall opposite this
grave is a boulder. Bash it with your club. In here is a Health Bottle and 2
chests containing 50gc each.

Go back out and walk down to the right and collect the Time Rune. Drop down,
you are now back at the Harbour Master area. We need to get the last pirate
item first. Go forward and through the opening to your right. In front of you
is the Rune gate, so use the rune. Go in and collect the fish. Go back out to
the right and walk round to the water fountain. Jump in it and use the fish.
Watch the cut-scene.

Now turn around and go back to the Harbour Masters. Put all the items on,
apart from the flag :p and ring the bell again.

Watch the cut-scene to end the level.

Total for Level:
Money: 300gc
Items: 1 Health Fountain, Spade, 1 Health Vial, 1 Health Bottle
Runes: Moon Rune, Chaos Rune
Weapons: Club, Silver Shield, Throwing Daggers
Hall of Heroes - Magic Sword
Dragon Island s4q

Read the book in front of you. There is a health fountain to your left, fill
up if you have to. Go through the opening, in the middle of the book and
fountain. Open the chest for a silver shield. There is also a shop gargoyle
you can buy from.

Now look to the left of the opening you came through, there is an opening
here. Go through it and walk to the right. Watch the cut-scene.

Now for the fighting! Al-Zalam gives you the hint that the crystals look
loose. The dragon will appear through one of the holes in the wall and try to
flame you. Equip your club/hammer and bash the floor. You will notice a rock
falls from above.
Hit the appropriate part of the floor, to make the rock fall and hit the
dragon, closing that hole in the process. Try not to get flamed, hide behind
the crystals to avoid this.

From the left, the first floor part drops a rock at the 3rd hole from the
left. The second part drops a rock at the 4th hole. The third part
drops a rock at the 1st hole. The fourth part drops a rock at the 2nd hole.
Sometimes more than one rock fall at a time, so this all might be random!

Beside the 4th floor part, at the very right, is a club if you need it.

Also, if you do not drop the rocks quick enough, the ones you have filled in,
will disappear, so be quick!

Once you have filled 4 holes, you now have to fight the dragon properly.
Equip your sword (and shield if you wish) and get behind a crystal. The
dragon breaks through the middle of the wall, and proceeds to flap his
wings. If you are not behind a crystal, you will get forced back in to the
When i first played this level, i wondered what it was doing, it looks kinda

Anyway, once he has stopped flapping, he breathes some flames. Run up and
hit him with your sword, jumping to avoid the flames, and then retreat
behind a crystal and start the process again.

Beware that after a few flames, the crystals will disintegrate.

Once his health meter has drained, he will start crying at you to stop, and
he hands over 'his mother' the Dragon Armour.

Total for Level:
Money: none
Items: 1 Health Fountain
Runes: none
Weapons: Silver Shield, Club, Dragon Armour
Return to Dan's Crypt s4r

   Now you have the Dragon Armour, you can go back to Dan's Crypt for a new

   Do the usual, get the health vial if needed and the Rune and 50gc. Now,
   equip the Dragon Armour and jump into the lava you cross to get the Rune.

   Follow the lava round until you can jump out, and go up and get the Chicken
   Drumstick. Now when people say this is a great weapon, believe them, it is!

   It will kill an enemy in one shot, and will leave behind some health too!

   Now leave the crypt, going back the way you came.

   Note: to un-equip the Armour, just equip another weapon. Also, if you press
   the attack buttons while wearing the Armour, you will breath fire! This is
   because you can't equip another weapon while wearing the Armour. Also, be
   careful where you un-equip it.

Total for Level:
Money: 50gc
Items: 1 Health Vial
Runes: Time Rune
Weapons: Wooden Sword, Chicken Drumstick
Inside the Asylum Revisited s4s

Now you have the Dragon Armour, you need to do the Asylum again. I won't walk
you through it, as you've already done it :p (see s4i above if you need to)

I will continue from when you have beaten Mr Axey!

Right, as you break down the wall to get the Mayor Key, break down the other
wall for the Health Fountain, and equip the Dragon Armour. Cross the lava and
kill the three zombies and get the Chalice. Go back, free the Mayor, and end
the level. 100% in the Chalice means a trip to the Hall of Heroes!

Total for Level will be as before:
Money: 450gc
Items: 3 Health Vials, 1 Health Fountain, Mayor Key, Forest Key
Runes: Chaos Rune, Moon Rune
Weapons: Club
Hall of Heroes - Magic Longbow
Haunted Ruins s4t

You start the level after a cut scene with Death. Equip your Dragon Armour
and proceed up the hill, over the small lava rivers and onto a big pool of
lava. Cross this and equip another weapon, you don't need the armour now for
a while.

Continue on, and you will notice the Health Fountain to your right, fill up
if you need to. Further on you will find three chickens and a book. Read the
book and do as it says, feed the chickens!
There are 3 piles of feed, the third one further on is a switch for the

Cross the bridge and you come to a door, which you can't get through. If you
look to the left, you will notice some stairs leading up. If you have your
sound on, or subtitles (i have both on) you will hear the cries from the

At the top of the stairs, go left for 100gc. Now go back and go to the other
end and read the book. Do as it says and jump down and quickly kill the
guard, before he reaches the switch at the other end. Also watch you don't
hit the switch yourself!

Now break the crystals, watching not to hurt yourself, using the Magic Sword.
I don't think any other weapon breaks them, apart from the Woden's Brand, but
i could be wrong.

Once you have broken all 3 crystals, you can hit the switch to save the
farmers. You will see a cut scene of them escaping, and opening a door back
beside the chickens.
Also, the door they leave through, that was previously closed, remains open,
and at the other end to the switch, the door opens and two more guards are
heading your way. Kill them.

Now go back to where the farmers and chickens are. If you go through the now
open door, you will get 300gc. You can also use the Health Fountain if you
did not use it at the start.

Now go back up to the castle. When you come to where the farmer's were held
prisoner, you can go left to a shop gargoyle. Going this way, you will see a
lake of oil in front of you, which you die in. The shop gargoyle is up to the

Now go back to the prisoner area and go to the right. You will notice you
pass a Rune gate, you can also read the book.

To the right room, there are 4 cannons in here, avoid the cannonballs and
head to the door at the other end. If you face the door, turn to your left.
There are stairs up here. Go up them. Make your way along, killing the five
Undead Warriors up here. You will eventually come to stairs down, but
continue on. There is a bridge to your left with a health vial in front of

Go left across the bridge, kill the 3 Undead Warriors and collect the Star
Rune. Now go back across the bridge, and go left down the stairs. There are
5 of those guards down here. If you don't have the Woden's Brand, try using
the Chicken Drumsticks to kill them.

To the left you will see a chest, collect it for 100gc. If you go passed the
Rune gate to the right side, you will find another chest of 100gc. Now go
back to the Rune Gate and use the stone.

Through here you will see flames blocking your path. Equip the Dragon Armour
and pass through safely. Go through the door in front of you. Read the book
and then walk forward and you will fall down a trap.

This room is full of flaming platforms. In the distance you will notice a
door to the left and a door to the right. Some of the platforms have those
guards on them. Again, i used the chicken drumstick to throw at them,
positioning myself away from the flames on my platform.

If you are jumping from one platform to another, remember to equip your
Dragon Armour again, as the platforms have flames on, and also, if you miss
and fall, there's a pit of lava down there!

If you firstly make your way to the left door, you will find the Crown in
If you come back out, with Dragon Armour still equipped, drop down into the
lava below, and head to the left, you should find the Chalice around here.

To get back up top, there is a ramp opposite the left door, so you are
heading towards the top right. Go up the ramp and make your way across to
the right door this time. There is a Health Fountain here.

Go through and you will come out with the flames blocking your path in front
of you, turn right and go through the door. This time, jump over the hole you
fell down before. Go to the throne and use the Crown. King Peregrine will
appear and talk to you, telling you what to do to save Gallowmere. He will
also give you the last piece of the Anubis Stone.

Now to do as he says! Go into the tunnel behind the throne and you will come
out in the room behind the door by the cannons. When you do the rest of this
level, you are on a 90 second timer. Now, hit the switch and turn around and
collect the now lowered Earth Rune. Now you have to kill those two stone
I did this by equipping my Dragon Armour, as they can flame you. I then used
my own flame breath to hit them and push them towards the wall opposite the
switch, and off the edge, to their deaths.

Once killed, the door to the cannons opens, so go passed the cannons and to
the Rune gate back out the front. Hit the switch, this will get rid of the
oil to the left, that we couldn't get over before. So go round there (from
the room, as you leave, it's to your right) and go up to the catapult. Hit
the switch and a rock will get fired and break the wall. Now hop in the
catapult yourself, to end the level.

Total for Level:
Money: 600gc
Items: 2 Health Fountains, 1 Health Vial
Runes: Star Rune, Earth Rune
Weapons: none
Hall of Heroes - Lightning
Ghost Ship s4u

   And here is where you land from that catapult throw! You start on the left
   side of the ship. Kill the 4 skeleton pirates with swords and the 1 with a
   gun. Read the book next to the gate. From the book, if you turn around to
   face behind you, go up the stairs. Read the book. Pick up the powder keg.
   You need to find a total of 7 of these, 1 down, 6 to go.

   Go back down the stairs and turn to the right, it looks like a dead end, but
   there is a door here. Go in, and you find yourself at the top of stairs. Go
   down and kill the 2 pirates and collect the Chaos Rune.

   Now, up on the deck, you can do this any way you want, this is the way I did
   Go back up to the deck. If you face the Rune gate, there are stairs leading
   down, at each side of the ship. To the left, you appear in a room you can do
   nothing in. You can see through the bars to two Boiler Guards, and there is
   also one up on the level you can't jump to.
   Go back and go to the right stairs. You appear in a room you could see with
   the two boiler guards. I used the chicken drumstick to kill them, quite
   handy that is ;)
   Once you've killed them, pick up the powder keg, that's 2 of 7.

   Go back up to the deck and use the Rune on the Gate. Pick up the health vial
   if you need it. Go down the stairs and you are faced with a spinning trap,
   much like the ones in Scarecrow Fields. The trap does not hurt you, it just
   pushes you along. There are 4 holes in the deck here. Go forward, so that
   you are running with it, not against it, jumping the holes in the ground, as
   you go. You will come to a ramp down to the right, but if you look to the
   left, you will see another powder keg, so dodge the trap again, to get it.

   Now, you need to drop down a hole in the deck. From the powder keg, it is
   the 4th hole you jump, right before the ramp down. Down here you will get
   the Moon Rune, and have to kill a Boiler Guard. Before dropping down to go
   back up to the deck, go through the door opposite, and you will find two
   small chests, each containing 50gc.
   Go back up to the deck, and back to the spinning trap. Go round the trap to
   the ramp down, and go down here.

   In front of you is a barrel trap, there are barrels moving about over the
   deck. If you turn more to your right, you will see 2 bags of coins. Collect
   these and then turn to face the barrels.

   Again, there is a door at either side of the ship. To the left you are faced
   with two more Boiler Guards. You can also equip your Dragon Armour to kill
   them. This also protects you from their flames. At the end of the corridor
   is a Health Fountain. Fill up if you need to.

   Go back up to the deck and go to the right door this time. Nothing exciting
   in here, just some rats and a shop gargoyle. Buy anything you may need. You
   can see above you, a level with money bags, which you cannot jump up to.

   Go back to the deck and face the moving barrels. In front of you is a door
   and two barrels moving from side to side, on a ramp. At the top of either
   side of the ramp, are two more barrels, moving back and forth. When the
   barrels pass you, move forward into the door.

   In here, kill the skeleton pirate and drop down the hole. You land in the
   room with the money bags, you could not reach from down below. Collect the
   four bags of money, and also the Health Bottle. You will have to drop down
   and go back up top to the barrels again. This time, when the barrels go to
   the left, you go to the right. Jump the two barrels up here and collect the
   powder keg, 4 of 7 ;)

   Jump back over the barrels and down to the middle, and do the same at the
   left side, to get to the Rune Gate. Go through and up the ramp, and drop off
   at the opening. Kill the 4 sword pirates and 1 gun pirate, and go to the
   right of the Rune gate, where there is a door open. Go down the ramp and
   avoid the cannons, and go down the ramp to the door.

   In here i equipped my Dragon Armour, with my Gold Shield, and killed the 4
   Boiler Guards. Go down the alley and collect the Health Vial. Hit the switch
   and the door beside you opens. This takes you back out to where the Health
   Fountain was earlier in the level. If you did not use it before, you may
   need to now.

   Go back through the door you just opened and go up the ramp to the left.
   Collect the Time Rune that's up here. Go back up to the deck and passed the
   cannons again, to the Rune Gate. Use the Rune and go through.

   In front of you, the floor is full of holes, and there are nets for you to
   stand on. It's a case of jumping, net to net, to get across.
   Jump on to the first one and you will notice the nets are like trampolines,
   you bounce!

   Jump forward on to the next one, and then turn to your left, in front of you
   is another powder keg. So go jump and get it. From here, if you face the
   nets, you will see a chest across to the left. Now go get it for 25gc.

   Now we want to jump across to the right, to the exit from the nets and on to
   some fun jumping :p
   To the left up here, is a swing, jump on to it. Jump across to the 2nd swing
   and then the 3rd. Now turn to the right and jump across to the spinning
   platforms. You will spin round and pass a bird cage, ignore this for the
   moment and continue to spin round. The next platform you come to holds the
   6th powder keg, so jump over and get it. Jump back onto the spinning
   platforms and as you continue round, jump off onto the stairs. Kill the 2
   sword wielding pirates and the gun wielding one, and go right up the middle
   to get the last powder keg. Go back to the spinning platforms and jump back
   on. Now we are going to go round and walk (or jump) into the bird cage.

   It's actually a lift ;) that takes you up. Move on to the platform, before
   the cage goes down again, and collect the Chalice at one side, and another
   Health Fountain at the other. you can walk across the cage without it going
   down. It won't go down without you, but if you end up going down before you
   have collected anything, just jump when it reaches the bottom, and it will
   go up again.

   Now that you are back down, drop down on to the deck below and kill the 4
   skeleton pirates and hit the switch. This will take you back into the room
   that had the Boiler Guards in. Handy if you never used that Health Fountain
   in there ;)
   You can also go up the ramp to the side of the ship, there's another cage
   here to take you back up, too.

   Now make your way back to the mofo cannon at the other end of the ship. It's
   time to put those kegs to use!
   Best way to do this would be to go down to the very bottom of the deck,
   where you hit the switch, and go into the Boiler Guard room. Now go straight
   on and go through the next door you hit the switch to open, and go right and
   follow the corridor round and through the door. You will now be back at the
   spinning trap/barrel junction. Go passed the spinning trap and voila, the
   cannon is up the stairs in front of you!

   Use the powder kegs at the back of the cannon and watch the cut-scene.

   Open the chest in the right corner for a club. Light the club from the fire
   in the middle and light the cannons, to hit the Pirate Boss.
   Be careful, as he shoots out 5 cannon balls at you, 3 times in succession.
   Time it right when you light the cannons, and you will hit him. He will then
   summon 3 skeleton pirates in beside you. Kill them, and light your club
   again, and repeat firing at him. If your club runs out, it reappears in the
   corner again.

   Once he's been killed, it's off to the Hall of Heroes ;)

Total for Level:
Money: 275gc
Items: 7 Powder Kegs, 2 Health Vials, 2 Health Fountains, 1 Health Bottle
Runes: Chaos Rune, Moon Rune, Time Rune
Weapons: Club
Hall of Heroes - Health Bottle
Zarok's Lair s4v

I would suggest stocking up on some items before doing this last level.
Mainly Health and Arrows, the best ones you have, if possible.

Watch the cut scene and then kill the many Boiler Guards that come at you. I
equipped my Dragon Armour and went in close to them, they start to flame you
instead of shooting you, and I just flamed them back!

Next comes some sword wielding skeletons and some archer skeletons. I used
the Magic Sword to kill them, it's quicker.

Then comes Lord Kardok, a centaur (half man half horse). He will run in a
circle around the edge of the floor. He will shoot out those bolts of
electricity (like from some chests) so avoid these.
I hid behind the pillar in the middle of the floor, positioning myself so the
bolts won't hurt me.
After he has thrown some, he will rear up on his hind legs, now is your
chance to hit him.
Once he had thrown his last bolt, i went after him, so i was closer and then
I used arrows to hit him (the square button attack, as it throws 3 arrows at
a time) and i did this twice, before retreating behind the middle pillar to
do it all again!
Once you have hit him so that his health is half gone, walls appear around
the floor, so you are in an arena, as such. He will now charge at you. Do as
Al-Zalam says and dodge him, he will get angry and rear on his hind legs
again for you to hit him. Dodge him when he is charging towards you, not
when he is running in a circle.

Once you have defeated him, he leaves behind two Health Vials you can use.

Now Zarok sends out Fazguls. Watch the cut-scene, you will now be equipped
with the Anubis Stone. Use it to heal your troops, but be careful, as using
it uses your own health, so use it wisely! Your troops will turn red when
they are running low on health, so now is the time to zap them.

Once the Fazguls are dead, i think it's 6 Health Vials appear. Pick them up.

Watch the cut-scene. Now for Zarok. He's turned into one mofo snake!

Listen to Al-Zalam, he says to hit Zarok on the mouth. When he coils, he is
going to slam down and shudder the ground, jump to avoid the sonic boom that
it creates. Now he will throw out some green bottles at you, avoid these. He
will then have his head near the ground, run in and hit him, usually a
distance weapon, like an arrow, hopefully he will flash to say you have hit
him. He will go back up straight and then zoom out at you, I ran to the edge
of the floor, it's easier for dodging him. Now you can hit him again, more
than once.

Once you have hit him enough times, he brings his tail into action, and
Al-Zalam says that's his weak point, I used my best sword to hit it. He will
spin his tail round, jump to avoid it. It will then stop, where you hit it

Once you have hit it a few times, the whole process starts again, with him
coiling to create a sonic boom.

Once you have killed him, watch the cut-scene.

Total for Level:
Items: possibly 8 Health Vials
                                  THE END!

ㄜ戀の楓ㄝ 发表于 2006-6-9 23:34:57


Kayin 发表于 2006-6-10 00:08:56

原帖由 ㄜ戀の楓ㄝ 于 2006-6-9 23:34 发表



复读机 发表于 2006-6-10 00:19:24

原帖由 Kayin 于 2006-6-9 03:31 发表
Dan's Crypt s4a

You start in Dan's Crypt, after watching the intro video. Move into the Main
Hall and read all the books. Once you have done this, if you turn to face the
Rune gate, yo ...
英语高考阅读- -

内个~~ 谁来把这个全都翻译成中文的话 NB大大地~



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