auger 闹归闹,劳您帮我看一下http://www.jun4rui.com/jup/data/1639430.jpg
第二个是不是WARIO? 我等不及了!!!!
饿……当我违一下规 SORRY啦先
[ 本帖最后由 xizongbu 于 2006-6-23 00:25 编辑 ] 怪盗瓦里奥,目前只有这个暂称的名,没有其他消息- - 都是管理员谢你也一样 http://www.newwise.com/upload/Image/2006-05/02/577414_wario.jpg
就是这个啦 http://blog.yyjoy.com/jun4rui/20051001/673_ds01.jpg
还有这个…… 怪盗ワリオ
Kaitou Wario
Action, Working Title, 2006
The name of Wario's new DS platformer translates to "Thief Wario." The bottom screen shows a 2D stage with the top screen featuring what appears to be a map. http://www.famitsu.com/game/news/2005/10/04/h-103_44202_kaitouwario250.jpg.jpg
HEHE You’ve got to hand it to Nintendo – when it doesn't want anyone to know about something, its curtain of secrecy is completely opaque. There’s almost no real data on any of Nintendo’s interesting post-E3 release games, just a few big names and a few vague promises. Case in point: Kaitou Wario, the working title for a new side-scrolling Wario adventure. That’s… basically all the information on it. Hey at least this one has one screenshot.
It takes a little bit of a long memory, but Wario’s side-scrolling handheld adventures used to be something of a flagship for Game Boy, as he usurped the Super Mario Land series from the more famous plumber. His portable games, right up to Wario Land 4 on Game Boy Advance, have been uniformly great platformers; they just haven’t made them in five years. It’s the one bad thing the Wario Ware series brought with it.
Disclaimer: These are Next Generation's E3 picks which we are hopeful to see or are anticipating highly. This is not the publisher's official E3 lineup announcement. 支持 Wi-Fi 2005~2006年待定
没下文的却只有一个555555555555555555 dingyixiaa 你把东西都放一个楼不行啊? - - 我是分批做的省着编辑了不是SORRY 下次改 终于有老瓦的续作消息了T T 某瓦终于不开发软件搞老本行了 可喜可贺 新马下面怎么有三个道具栏??????? 原帖由 nax 于 2006-6-23 12:48 发表
当初GB的WARIO世界(原装货)我可是不看攻略收集全宝器全隐藏路线的,花了超长时间。 老瓦要做回本行了…… 靠,这东西今年E3竟然没展~~~~~~~~ http://www.famitsu.com/game/news/2005/10/04/h-103_44202_kaitouwario250.jpg.jpg
看到这图我竟然想起了恶魔城 - -