复读机 发表于 2006-6-26 18:20:17




It's a scan of what appears to be a UK PSP magazine that has appeared across the Internet. The magazine claims to know what dates the EyeToy, GPS, PSOne emulator, Video calling and PS3 connectivity will come into effect.

Although we cannot be sure what the dates actually mean as we don't have a scan of the full page at our disposal, it is safe to assume the magazine has either predicted these dates or got them from a source inside Sony. According to the page, the PSP EyeToy adaptor will be the first of these new features to be available to the public, coming in as early as September. Then comes the GPS adaptor in October, followed by the long-awaited PSOne emulator also in October, along with video calling. PS3 support will bring up the rear in what we suspect will be a firmware launch around November.

This all seems great, but the question on the tongue of every homebrew fanatic out there at the moment is one of two: Will we be able to use the features somehow on firmware 1.5 (hopefully through using something like DevHook), and will these firmwares be compatible with Undiluted Platinum?

Its a sure bet that Sony will try their best to make 1.5 users upgrade with all these updates, and I can just see Sony making an order for an Undiluted Platinum modchip now to test out it's functionality and figure out how to stop it working on future Sony firmware releases. Lets just hope that another developer will come along and rescue us,just like Fanjita and Ditlew with the eLoader, MPH with his downgrader and Booster has with DevHook.

Update: we've got some more complete images of this article from the UK's Official Playstation 2 Magazine, as well as some new details. Most of the information comes from the 2006 PlayStation Business Briefing which states that 15 million PSP's have been shipped across the globe, which they claim has made it "the fastest selling console ever".

Aside from the peripherals mentioned above, Sony also plans to make the PSP Browser capable of watching streaming video over the internet, as well as the possibility to save these videos to the PSP for later viewing.

UK Mag - Image 2The GPS peripheral will interestingly enough have an impact on various games! In the next version of Hot Shots Golf the GPS will be used to determine your location and allow you to download game content only available for that area. The big surprise here is that Ken Kutaragi said that there are GPS-ready games "on shelves now." Who knows, you may have one of these GPS-enabled games in your PSP right now. The magazine even hypothesizes that the GPS add-on could be used to track down nearby PSP owners for multiplayer madness.

Of course there's a bit of talk about the PSOne emulator, mentioning that you'll be able to download and save games to your memory stick using Sony's "E-distribution system." And as you can probably see clearly in the image, 7,000 PSone titles will be available for the PSP, including favorites such as Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Final Fantasy VII & VIII, Silent Hill, and Tomb Raider.

这是一个在网上流传的英国PSP杂志的扫描图,这份杂志宣称知道e EyeToy, GPS, PSOne emulator, Video calling and PS3 connectivity将要发售

尽管我们不能确定发售日期,我们没有完全办的扫描,但是我们可以假设他们预支了这些日期信息或者他们从索尼内部得到了这些消息,根据扫描的这张图来看, PSP EyeToy适配器将是这些新功能中首先向公众公开的。早在九月将会发布之后将在十月发布GPS,紧接着便是PSOne模拟器以及视频服务在十月发布公开。而对PS3的支持我们认为可能需要通过Firmware的升级来添加

这一切听起来不错,但是每个homebrew狂热者一定会问几个问题:这些功能1.5能享用么?(或许通过象Devhook一类的程序可以),这些东西能和 Undiluted Platinum芯片兼容么?

我敢打赌,Sony将近他们全力来利用这些新功能让1.5PSP玩家升级他们的PSP,同时我也可以想象Sony内部正在下令测试Undiluted Platinum modchip测试的功能来看怎样在今后的Firmware升级中来使它无效。让我们来祈祷会有另外一位开发者挺身而出来拯救我们就像 Fanjita和Ditlew以及他们的Eloader,MPH和他们的 Downgrader,Booster 和他的Devhook。

我们得到了一些这个英国PS2杂志的更多图片,以及一些新的细节,大多数来自 the 2006 PlayStation Business Briefing,证明了PSP全球出货已经有1500万,他们声称这是史上卖得最快的。


Gps周边将会给许多游戏带来一个有趣的冲击。在大众高尔夫的下一个版本中,GPS将会探测你所处的位置,然后下载只针对你所在区域的游戏地形。一个巨大的惊喜是 Ken Kutaragi说道,现在在货架上的一些游戏内部已经支持GPS模块。谁知道呢,或许现在你手上的某款游戏就是可以随时使用GPS的。这个杂志甚至假设,PSP上的GPS可以用来追踪在你附近的PSP,这样找人联机就可以方便许多

当然,这里面也谈到了很多关于PSOne模拟器的消息,提到了你将可以通过Sony的E-distribution system的下载和存贮PSOne游戏到你的Memory Stick。或许你可以从上图中看出,包括 Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Final Fantasy VII & VIII, Silent Hill, and Tomb Raider.等大作在内的7000款PSOne游戏将可在PSP上运行。

[ 本帖最后由 复读机 于 2006-6-26 18:38 编辑 ]

63341213aa 发表于 2006-6-26 22:00:48


司馬姨 发表于 2006-6-26 22:46:08

大多数来自 the 2006 PlayStation Business Briefing


复读机 发表于 2006-6-26 23:08:35


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