EA's head of development David Gardner has warned Sony to pick up its act in the handheld war against Nintendo DS.
The firm's VP and COO of worldwide studios told UK trade paper MCV, "I don't think Sony can afford to sit back. They still have things they can do with the price and performance of the machine, things that they need to address.
EA says it has shifted its handheld priorities since DS began pulling away from PSP. "There's no doubt that EA has historically bet more on PSP," said Garner. "I think we were excited by the technology, but the consumers have proven that actually what they want is fun.
"We must never forget that what we need to focus on is fun and so EA is putting more effort behind DS games, and creative ones that really take advantage of the hardware. 就算NBA07在NDS上独占我也不会买,掌机上做不出啥竞技体育游戏 在PSP上呢,你买不 原帖由 kaka_81 于 2006-8-14 13:28 发表
[ 本帖最后由 心速剑 于 2006-8-14 13:41 编辑 ] 原帖由 心速剑 于 2006-8-14 13:16 发表
PS 回楼下 我才知道不能用表情回复 收到
[ 本帖最后由 DeathLin 于 2006-8-15 15:11 编辑 ] 提醒楼上,这里禁止纯表情回贴,就算是引用也不行。 好像要变成武装战斗帖的样子 PSP上的几款NBA的游戏是不怎么样,不过上自习的时候玩这个是最容易形成围观的...... 说句实话,psp的nba2006比ps2上的好多了.... ea几乎全平台都出的。。。。。。哪几个游戏是独占的? 商人嘛 賺錢纔是第一原則