[IGN]记事出品 《回顾:赛尔达传说:时之笛》
回顾:塞尔达传说—时之笛The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
星期5,七月, 28, 2006由Hyrule-Times发布于IGN,Johnson翻译
那年是1998。在经过了数年的热切渴望和等待,任天堂终于在新的主机上初次发售了一款塞尔达系列的新作。它的大小有256 兆(32mb)和全3D的游戏环境以及两种不同状态的林克,全新的塞尔达被期待能够吸引一个更广阔的游戏爱好者范围,从儿童到成年人,而这些人都是伴随着NES和SNES游戏成长起来的。虽然,任天堂64从来没有赢过索尼的PS1,但是《塞尔达传说时之笛》强烈的刺激了市场并贡献给了N64一个巨大的销量,这很大程度上延长它寿命,不至于太过短暂。但是比游戏的优秀销量更为重大意义的事情是它的冲击性!在整个游戏业界和在评论界都在喝彩,它甚至赢得了来自最苛刻的游戏评论家的赞扬。已经没有很多关于时之笛能写的事情了 – 毕竟在我们原来IGN N64版块有着比任何主题都要多的时之笛的文章 – 但是我会再次尝试。
感受这种夜幕的幽暗,简朴的游戏开头,没有快节奏的管弦音乐,没有动感的爵士音乐。 游戏知道这样更好 – 它不需要华丽的开头。
你是首发就入手时之笛的吗?如果是的话,你就应该有一个特别的“发亮的”的包装盒(右边) -- 而不是无特别的标准版本(左边)
虽然有很多的特别版,但它们不再具有更多的价值了 ——但是‘red blood’版本却不一样。 真的,早年的这个版本的游戏有干农流着血的场景。当游戏评定为E后,这种版本很快(和安静的)撤回了。
很久很久以前… 在生命诞生之前,在混沌的世界形成之前,三个黄金女神降临在混乱的海格尔大陆。她们是Din,拥有能量的女神,Nayru,带来希望的女神和Farore,代表勇气的女神。Din 用她的燃烧的手臂,耕耘大地,创造了地球。Nayru倾入了智慧,赋予了世界的生命法规。Farore用她美丽心灵在生命定律上创造了所有的生命形态。然后三位伟大的女神回到了天空,留下一个黄金神圣三角。自从那时,三角力量成为海格尔生命的奠基。而放置三角力量的地方成为了神圣之地。
在游戏开发时,照片表明那时的三角力量,能让你在年轻和成人林克之间转换。而在最终完成的版本中,我们看到了一个相似的场景,但是用Master Sword(大师之剑)取代了。
当你在探索Kokiri村庄的时,你学会了怎么样操控好角色,怎样捡起道具,如何于怪物战斗,以及怎么样灵活使用视角系统。老赛尔达玩家可以轻易做到这些事情,就像他们以前老游戏中那样玩的,第一次接触的玩家会有一个机会领会到相比其他3D主角,林克所能做的不同的事情。很多的玩家都会花去大量时间,只是在茫然的寻找宝剑,辟砍路标和乱砍草丛。关于游戏第一阶段,老玩家并没有感觉到他们完全的在玩新游戏。 你能跳入水中和游泳,你能举起石块。 你也能跳跃(虽然是自动的)。但是看一眼你的空荡的物品栏,你就会开始梦想这些最后你能得到的道具,和它们的战斗效果。但从一个现代玩家的角度去思考的话,这些游戏设计如今已经是游戏中的平常不过的事情了。超级马奥64已经展现给我们 如果操控角色同时控制3D视角。而时之笛展现给我们的是如果把游戏要素在一个真实的3D世界中相互融合。
紧接着,你进入了第一个关卡在Daku树内部。然后你就会体会到经典的赛尔达操控方式观念如何出色的在3D世界中得以运用。因为出现了很多拥有简单故事元素而又紧凑融合的新类型游戏(通过真实时间的片段场景)和一个高智能的游戏导向系统,LoZ脱离出90年后纯冒险故事的泛滥年代。虽然在市场上的,有相当多的游戏坚持用游戏开头演示来告诉故事情节(注CG剧情过场动画)。在时之笛中,没有任何裂痕存在于“情节”和“游戏”中。它们只是同一种经历。当你第一次进入关卡,视角会变成非玩家控制,然后展示你现在环境的全景。不管何时,每次你开锁一道门或者引发一个事件,视角会移动到林克的背后,让他在在一个适合的角度表现。在具体的地图中,帮助箭头指示了游戏的流程走向。任天堂充分的意识到了,在3D环境中的漫游进行游戏 远比2D地图要更复杂。在2D世界中,你只需要简单继续前进。 不管玛丽有多少光辉,玛丽64还是有一个引导的缺点 ――当制作赛尔达的时候,NCL用积累的经验调整了游戏的控制方式和视角系统。
最吸引人的事情之一是赛尔达游戏就是一个世界的存在,它连接所有的事情。代替了简单的流程和给你最终幻想的地图行走方式,NCL创造了一个宏大的,真实的中心连接着所有的事物。这不是一件小功绩,考虑到N64缺少多边形的表现能力,所以当你第一次踏入时之笛世界看见地形的全景时,难道你不会惊异?你肯定是的,一个辽阔的地景 ――足够大以致产生探索真实世界的感觉。这不是像玛丽64中的桃子公主的城堡里的小花园。在旧赛尔达游戏中,每个关卡都是非常靠近的在一起,如果你要把旧赛尔达世界转变成3D形式,结果就会是迪斯尼乐园,而不是一个在呼吸的生命。
任天堂的杰作?一个辽阔现实的海格里,在整个冒险中,游戏会在适当之时给你暗示。你看见远处隐隐若现的山。你看见一个太高不能越过的栅栏。你看见一个在水底的洞穴入口。你看见这个世界的深处,思考所有这些你将会挑战的。没有隐形的墙壁,没有人为的限制会强迫你转向.如果你看见了一些有趣的东西,问题只是你能不能到达那里。 终于你已经熟悉了游戏世界,然而开始烦恼花太多时间在穿越地图,这时你得到了Epona。这不只是一个让人兴奋的游戏特色:对于这种类型游戏,它是必须要得。骑马,你能更快的行程,还能在不同的高度欣赏同一个环境。一旦当你得到了马,你再探索游戏地形。曾经是巨大的无聊的无限延伸的大地,突然变成了一个跳跃障碍训练场。这时任天堂的老诀窍了。一些开发者知道如何最有效的利用游戏。
你曾经穿越时间,所留下的印迹,又伴随着时间而淡忘。因为你完成了太多的事情。你还记得Deku树吗?要不你记得卓拉的领土,迷失的森林,Kokiri森林,森林神殿,Hylia湖,Gerudo山谷,海格里城堡,隆隆牧场,死亡之山,Goron村庄,水之神殿,墓地,lord Jabu Jabu, 影之神殿,还有沙漠巨像。在时之笛里,真的有很多很多的难忘的回忆和场景。你还记得你在湖里钓鱼是多么的闲暇吗?你已经忘记了你是如何寻找到反射光盾的?还有隐藏在夜幕中潜行于Kakariko村庄打猎Skulltulas,在辽阔的草原下面,你迈着承重的脚步踏入水之神殿, 让我们也永远追寻和回忆那些bosses,像超大的Dodongo,恐怖的爬行蜘蛛Gohma,和最后笨重的甘农
时之笛对游戏业界的影响是意义深远的。大多数的3D冒险游戏如今拥有一个雷达追踪和quick-center 视角系统,更多的游戏现在流行使用穿插在游戏流程间的过场动画,来讲述故事,以防止在游戏和理解故事之间出现间痕,许多第三视角游戏允许用一个手动的第一视角瞄准系统来使用射程武器。但是就像时之笛是创世纪的又多么好玩的游戏,它同样有着一些遗憾。对于新手,游戏的要求明显是过于困难了。除了N64的技术瓶颈(被迫运行一个较差的平滑帧频),任天堂基本上集中精力在首创3D的第三视角冒险游戏,所以花了较少的时间在一些基本探险要素上,有些需要更多让玩家用自己的直觉发现,而有些则应该更隐秘些。 有一个例子,你必须要在马背上让Ingo挑战你赛马,可很多玩家都没有能力理会到。还有一个例子,就是Navi(精灵)的一直不停“hey”提醒声。这本是设计来帮助玩家领到下个任务,但Navi实际上是扼杀了玩家在游戏中的对其他事物的兴趣。任天堂对于玩家的游戏领悟能力应该更加自信些,让玩家自己去探索,发现。 -- 或者,在另一种情况下, 因该至少给你一个关闭Navi的唠叨提示的选项。
评论家也指出事实上时之笛的“黑暗世界”并不是几乎和以前的出色和独特, 比如虽然游戏主题普遍认可 但非常缺少配乐 ,比如玩家疑惑在一些方面时间仍然没有改变。还有回旋镖被限制只能由年轻的林克使用。不过,游戏的短处和游戏所拥有的优秀品质是不足挂齿的。时之笛一个如此出色的游戏。它的画面可能是看上去是过时了(尤其是当你在大屏幕电视玩它时),但是游戏性依旧是最好的。
我衷心希望你能已经做了。 有着太多地要素你能在时之笛中寻找,只通关一次肯定不行的。 当然,用今天的标准眼光来欣赏此作的视觉,你会难以掩盖流露出陈旧感受, 是的,midi(乐器数字界面)音乐听上去有些屑碎的金属搬杂音,但是他仍然是多么杰出的游戏阿!
Friday, July 28, 2006, Posted: 10:57 am
Hyrule-Times good 52 ,bad 8 (鲜花52,鸡蛋8)
available online:http://blogs.ign.com/Hyrule-Times/2006/07/28/26391/#comments
accessed date:8,26
[ 本帖最后由 记事 于 2006-9-4 17:03 编辑 ] 如果有任何人曾经写过给游戏设计者的权威著作,那么它第一句话应该是: “ 请玩《塞尔达传说时之笛》” 在我的一生中,我玩过数不尽的游戏,我玩过Pong,我玩主机有Fairchild Channel F, Atari, 苹果电脑,ZX Sinclair, PCs, C64, Atari 400(以及后来的XL和ST型号), Amiga, Vectrex,各种版本的GameBoy,NES,Colecovision,Master System,NeoGeo Pocket,Genesis,SNES, 3DO, PlayStation, Game.com, DC, PS2, Xbox, Gamecube, 和XBOX360。而这些只是,我一次能够立即浮现在我眼前的。我都不愿去计算在那过去的20年中,我到底花了多少钱在游戏上了。因为我是以前的N64.com/IGN64的EIC,我玩过每一款在澳大利亚市场上销售的N64游戏。妈的, 我玩过不尽其数的游戏,都无法记录下来…但是不会再有一款游戏能够让我对它的开发制作组产生和时之笛的制作组同样的敬意。
很幸运,稍许改进的时之笛版本又在Gc出现了,The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time / Master Quest(里塞尔达),The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition(塞尔达收藏版)。这两作通过一些特殊方式供应,如特典,不过甚至在市场上销售过(未经任天堂授权)。
评论引用7/28 11:26am, Zago85发布
3 words...
Good idea...need to go and play it again...
简译:三个词... 最好,游戏,永远。好主意,需要再次回味。
7/28 11:21am, -VashTS发布评论:
Ahhh, Ocarina. I need to go back and play the Master Quest again before Twilight Princess comes out...
Retrospective: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
It's 1998. After years of waiting and hype, Nintendo finally debuted a new installment in the Legend of Zelda series for a gaming console. Weighing in at 256 megabits (32MB) and packed full with all-new 3D locations and two different Links, the new "Zelda" was supposed to attract a broad audience of gamers from the very young to older players who had grown up on the NES and SNES titles. Although the Nintendo 64 never caught up with Sony's PlayStation, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Zelda no Densetsu: Toki no Okarina) provided the biggest sales spike in the console's much too short lifespan. But more significant than the game's sales was the effect the title had on the industry and the critical acclaim it won even from the most jaded game critics. There isn't much that hasn't been written about Ocarina of Time -- after all, our old IGN64 site features more stories about Zelda than any other topic -- but I'll try.
Check out this cool, understated beginning. No booming orchestra, no fancy intro. The game knows it's good -- it doesn't have to try hard.
If anybody ever writes a bible for game designers, then this should be the first sentence: "Play through The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time." I've played a lot of games in my life. I've played Pong. I've played games on the Fairchild Channel F, the Atari consoles, on Apple computers, on the ZX Sinclair, on PCs, on the C64, on the Atari 400 (and later XL and ST machines), the Amiga, the Vectrex, various Game Boys, the NES, Colecovision, Master System, NeoGeo Pocket, the Genesis and all its attachments, Super NES, 3DO, PlayStation, Game.com, Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox, GameCube, and Xbox 360. And those are just the ones I can mention off the top of my head. I don't even want to think about how much money I've spent on arcade machines in the last 20 years. As the former EIC of N64.com/IGN64, I've played every single N64 game that ever hit the market, from the Australia-only HSV Adventure Racing to obscure Japanese games like Getter Love! Heck, I've played countless games that never made it out… But never again has a game instilled me with as much respect for a development team as Ocarina of Time.
Were you one of the first to own Ocarina of Time? Then you should have the special "shiny" box on the right -- not the boring standard edition (left).
It's not that the visuals were beyond anything ever done on a console at the time. It's not that other games haven't sounded better or had more compelling characters or a more appealing storyline. It's that no other game has created a gaming experience as complete and organic as this game. When the game debuted, it was THE 3D adventure game, providing a template for the genre for years to come. Nintendo's EAD team didn't just take Zelda and turn it into a 3D game, it designed a whole gaming experience around the 3D perspective.
Since there are so many gold copies, they aren't really worth much more -- but what about the 'red blood' version? It's true, early copies of the game had Ganon bleeding red blood. Since the game's rated E, this was soon (and quietly) changed.
The story of Ocarina of Time begins with a little bit of Hylian lore. In the game, this back story isn't explained until later in the quest, but the manual lays out the mythology right from the start:
A long time ago… Before life began, before the world had form, three golden goddesses descended upon the chaotic land of Hyrule. They were Din, the Goddess of Power, Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom and Farore, the Goddess of Courage. Din, with her strong flaming arms, cultivated the land to create the earth. Nayru poured her wisdom onto the earth to give the spirit of law to the world. Farore's rich soul created all life forms who would uphold the law. These three great goddesses returned to the heavens, leaving behind the golden sacred Triforce. Since then, the Triforce has become the basis for Hyrule's providence. Where the Triforce stood became sacred land.
Old footage (left) shows the Triforce, supposedly included to let you switch between young and old Link. In the finished version, a similar scene involves the Master Sword instead.
The saga of the sacred Triforce echos through most the adventures in the Zelda franchise. Though the actual Triforce is not found in Ocarina of Time (it was originally meant to be obtainable as shown in early alpha footage of the game), it effectively guides our hero's quest in his first N64 adventure. As far as story goes, everything is directly integrated into the quest. As you play through Ocarina of Time, you learn about both Link and Zelda as well as their adversary, the evil Ganondorf. The moment the mysterious thief from the desert is mentioned by name, returning players will have figured out that Ocarina of Time is in fact a prequel. Though Zelda fans have fought Ganon before, the game marks the first time they get to see the vile creature in its pre-pig days. Gamers who have never heard of Ganon or Ganondorf before will of course be in for a nasty surprise at the end of the game...
Playing Ocarina of Time
Think back to when you first played the game. Do you remember how well constructed the whole adventure was? Modern games love to throw players out into a wild, wide 3D world to dazzle them with sheer size and go "here, this is all yours to explore!" Nintendo designed Ocarina of Time as a game for both fans of the series and complete newbies. It all starts off in a rather confined area. There are plenty of things to do, but the area is limited so that you don't get carried away or confused.
As you explore the Kokiri village, you learn how to use the controls, how to pick up objects, how to fight, and how use the camera system. Returning Zelda players will try to do all the stuff they used to be able to do in the old games, and new players will have a chance to figure out all the things Link can do versus other 3D game heroes. Most players will spend a lot of time in this first area just messing around with their sword, cutting signs, and slashing bushes. The cool thing about this first level is that returning players don't feel like they're starting all over again. You can jump in the water and swim. You can pick up rocks. You can jump (albeit automatically). But one look at your empty inventory screen and you'll start to dream about all the things you will eventually be able to pull off in addition to all of these actions. When viewed from a modern player's perspective, many of these actions are now commonplace in games. Super Mario 64 had shown us how to navigate 3D and simultaneously control the camera view. Ocarina of Time showed us how to interact with a living 3D world.
Then you enter the first dungeon, the Deku Tree, and you find out how well the classic Zelda gameplay concepts work in a 3D environment. A lot of what makes LoZ stand out from the glut of adventure games of the '90s is the tight integration of simple story elements (told via real-time cutscenes) and an intelligent orientation system. Although pretty much every game on the market at the time insisted on pre-rendered clips to tell the story, in Ocarina of Time, there is never a break between "story" and "game." It's all one experience. As you enter the first dungeon, the camera pulls out and shows you the scope of the environment. Whenever you unlock a door or trigger an event, the camera moves behind Link and has him look in the right direction. There are orientation aides in the form of a detailed map system with arrows. Nintendo was very aware of the fact that a roaming 3D environment is far more complicated to navigate than a static 2D map where up is always up. Despite its brilliance, Super Mario 64 made the pitfalls of platform navigation in a 3D game painfully clear -- with Zelda, NCL used what it learned and adjusted the controls and camera system for adventure gameplay.
How things can change... A fence turns from an insurmountable barrier into an obstacle (left). A lake without water presents a completely different experience (right). You return to the same environments, yet the experience changes.
One of the coolest things about past Zelda games was the existence of an overworld, which linked all the levels together. Instead of taking the easy way out and giving you a Final Fantasy-style overworld map to navigate, NCL created a huge, realistic hub to link everything together. This was no small feat, considering the N64's lack of polygon muscle. Weren't you amazed the first time you stepped out into Ocarina of Time's overworld and saw the scope of the landscape? There it was, a sprawling landscape -- large enough to create the feel of exploring a realistic world. This isn't like the small garden area around Peach's Castle in Super Mario 64. The dungeons in the old Zelda games were so close together, if you just translated the old overworlds into a 3D environment, the result would have been Disneyland, not a living, breathing world.
Nintendo's solution? A sparse, realistic Hyrule that merely hints at all the adventures to be had. You see a mountain in the distance. You see a fence that's too high to climb. You see a cave entrance underwater. You see the expansive size of the world and think about the things you will be able to do. There are no invisible walls and artificial limiters that force you to turn around. If you see something interesting, chances are that you can get there. And once you're familiar with the overworld and start to worry that it'll take too much time to travel around, the game gives you Epona. The horse is not only a cool gameplay feature; it's a necessity for this kind of game. Using Epona, you can travel around more quickly and enjoy the same environment on a different level. Once you've got the horse, you explore the same landscape again and what once was a huge barren stretch of land linking hot spots suddenly becomes an obstacle course. It's an old Nintendo trick that few developers know how to pull off effectively. Nintendo repeats this technique a few times in Ocarina of Time. When you find the Lens of Truth, you begin to wonder how many invisible doorways there are in Hyrule. When you get the Stone of Agony, you start to wander around just to find more hidden underground secrets. And let's not forget the ultimate change, Link's growing up from inexperienced kid to a more competent warrior. While you'll find similar game design in many modern videogames, the Zelda and Metroid franchises continue to reign supreme as they get it just right.
It's easy to forget all the things you get to do in Ocarina of Time because there is just so much here. Do you remember the Deku Tree? Or how about Zora's Domain, the Lost Woods, Kokiri Forest, the Forest Temple, Lake Hylia, Gerudo Valley, Hyrule Castle, Lon Lon Ranch, Death Mountain, the Goron Village, the Water Temple, the graveyard, Lord Jabu Jabu, the Shadow Temple, or the Desert Colossus? There are so many memorable moments and sights in Ocarina of Time. Remember how cool it was to be able to fish near the lake? Have you already forgotten how you figured out the reflective Mirror Shield? Or how about that ominous-looking windmill, hunting Skulltulas at night in Kakariko Village, stepping into the open field underneath the Water Temple, or the surprise when Evil escapes the well? And let's not forget the bosses, like the oversized Dodongo, the creepy spider Gohma, and finally the hulking Ganon.
Compare this with other adventure games and you'll quickly find that this kind of variety coupled with carefully planned action-adventure gameplay and pacing is unique indeed.
Ocarina of Time's influence on the rest of the gaming world is profound. Most 3D adventure games now feature a lock-on and quick-center camera system, more games now use in-game cutscenes to tell the story to prevent a break between gameplay and story telling, and many third-person games allow for a manual first-person aiming system when using ranged weapons. But as ground breaking and enjoyable as Ocarina of Time was, there were also some pitfalls. For starters, the game was definitely too ambitious for its own good. Apart from the N64's technical limitations which necessitated a less than smooth framerate, Nintendo basically had to create the 3D third-person adventure from scratch, so less time was spent on making certain quest elements more intuitive and others less obvious. One example for this could be many gamers' inability to figure out that you'd have to be on horseback to get Ingo to challenge you to a race. Another example would be the constant "hey" reminders from Navi. Designed to help out gamers find their way to the next challenge, Navi actually ended up distracting from the game. Nintendo should have been a bit more confident in the gamer's ability to find things through exploration -- or, in this particular case, should have at least given you the option to turn off the Navi nag hints. Critics also point at the fact that the "dark world" in Ocarina of Time wasn't nearly as cool and distinct as the one in Link to the Past, that the popular Overworld Theme was sorely missing from the soundtrack, that it was confusing that time stood still in some areas, or that use of the boomerang was limited to Young Link. But in the end, the game's shortcomings are minor compared to what the game does right. Ocarina of Time is an amazing game. It may look dated visually (especially when played on a large TV set), but the gameplay remains top.
Should you go back and play it?
I hope you already did. There is so much stuff to do in Ocarina of Time, playing through it only once doesn't do the game justice. Yes, the visuals are dated by today's standards, yes the midi music sounds tinny, but what a brilliant game it still is!
Where can I get it?
Everywhere. The gray version of Ocarina of Time can still be found in many game stores, both used and new. The gold cart is a tad trickier to find if you're looking for a new, mint condition one, but used gold carts are also plentiful. You can of course also check the Nintendo Classifieds forum, or scour Ebay and related auction sites.
Ocarina of Time was also made available for the Chinese Nintendo iQue system, which allows players to download games to flash memory cards via special kiosks. The iQue is exceedingly rare outside China and the clunky controller doesn't quite deliver the same experience when playing Ocarina of Time, but it's interesting for collectors nonetheless.
Luckily, a slightly enhanced version of Ocarina of Time is also available on GameCube as part of the The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time / Master Quest compilation as well as the The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition disc. The two were made available via special bonus offer, as pack-ins, and even sold (not sanctioned by Nintendo) in stores. If you're not a purist and have no issues playing the game without the Nintendo 64 controller's patented Z-Button setup, grab one of these special edition re-releases for GameCube and relive one of the most pivotal game releases of the last decade once more.
[ 本帖最后由 记事 于 2006-9-4 17:05 编辑 ] 标题错鸟~~~ 支持楼主的耐心翻译,不过我个人还是比较喜欢看原创的东西,希望楼主不要被Wii China BBS那堆人影响,新闻翻译论坛是没有任何前途的,有时间就多原创,少翻译,这样才能提高我们中国自身的游戏文化.
PS:里面错别字不少,望仔细检查然后更正. 呵呵,谢谢楼上的支持
回楼上的。 原创自然对网站来说有着非常重要的意思。是一种持续的动力。
但是很多的新闻不都是翻译的吗? 中国人没有办法拿到第一手资料。而IGN最大美国最大的娱乐网站之一,影响力不会怀疑的。
我早就发表过,中国人很少有人能在业界前沿。正规产业】未成气候,游戏公司还是起步。所以很多评论,我个人认为还是日本或者欧美的更好些。wiichina,的翻译都是很辛苦做出来的。给国人了解下,国外的想法,也很好的。原创自有国内的强人去发表,(攻略感受之类的) 。我就做一些自己能做的事情吧。 各司其职!
翻译和原创区别当然有,但是文章,这是没有区别的。 你要是觉得好,就支持,要是觉得不好,仍个鸡蛋什么的,我也欢迎,当然最好说出你自己的观点。
[ 本帖最后由 记事 于 2006-9-3 13:08 编辑 ] 原帖由 Juste_B 于 2006-9-3 12:28 发表
支持楼主的耐心翻译,不过我个人还是比较喜欢看原创的东西,希望楼主不要被Wii China BBS那堆人影响,新闻翻译论坛是没有任何前途的,有时间就多原创,少翻译,这样才能提高我们中国自身的游戏文化.
PS:里 ...
没翻译哪来“原创”的新闻…… 路过的 给个评价啊。讨论下 支持,楼主真的很耐心,辛苦了。 国外的玩家还用了一些新插件让模拟器上的时之笛有GC风之韵的效果呢~厉害呀 可能吗? 风之韵效果? 动画渲染?我不理解, 要想有
动画渲染,不是需要重新制作画面的。 好长啊
没n64呀 没玩过时之笛
风之韵倒是玩过 不知比起来怎么样 楼主很不容易啊,我上网是绝对不会干这种费力的事的,支持楼主一下 LZ干脆把赛尔达作个回顾专辑吧~ 。。。其实原文作者 的确是做了一个赛尔达几乎全部系列的,回顾。 但是每篇都tmd超长。而且还特别难翻译,比较新闻。
目前作者还没写风之韵。我就等着... 原帖由 Juste_B 于 2006-9-3 12:28 发表
支持楼主的耐心翻译,不过我个人还是比较喜欢看原创的东西,希望楼主不要被Wii China BBS那堆人影响,新闻翻译论坛是没有任何前途的,有时间就多原创,少翻译,这样才能提高我们中国自身的游戏文化.
PS:里 ...
什么意思? 风之韵,我也通关过。
二者比较的话,游戏难度,时之笛高些。 流程,时之笛长些。 关卡设计,动作设计,丰富度都是很出色的。个人观点了。很多人都是先入为主。
但是就像这篇回顾说道了, 风之韵所有没有的,是时之笛的创举。 时之笛开启3D冒险游戏, 而风之韵却没有这种时代的高度。
不过风之韵,自然有更出色的画面。赏心悦目 时之笛虽然有着它的缺点,但是人们对它的赞赏早就把缺点冲淡了,每每提起就是神作的说,一代传奇的作品,有种不可名状的东西在里面,很奇妙的冒险感觉,从所未有,深入人心,久违了的感动。
如果这样一部作品出在今天,它还会有他目前的地位和评价吗? 原帖由 rayz 于 2006-9-3 22:45 发表
如果这样一部作品出 ...
你现在吃红烧肉感觉如何?放七几年你看看好吃不好吃 我对赛尔达真的不太了解.. 在玩就是在玩了时之笛之前,我还只是纯mario和zelda饭~~