http://www.gwn.com/news/story.php/id/10307/Tokyo Press Conference Live Blog Coverage
Times are in local time from Tokyo, Japan.
9:40 AM: Conference is about to start. Get ready!
10:20 AM: The press are all inside now. There's a LOT of buzz in the air. If Nintendo don't announce date and price today, I think the Internet may implode. Stay tuned and keep refreshing for our live blog coverage.
10:35 AM: The conference is starting a little later than expected.
10:38 AM: Conference has officially started! Iwata is here along with several other Nintendo big wigs from Japan. The speaker is introducing everyone. Iwata got up and took a bow.
10:40 AM: Still introducing the Nintendo reps present.
10:48 AM: Iwata is speaking now about PSP, PS2, DS, sales figures. So far no mention of the Wii. Of course, it makes sense they're getting the other stuff out of the way first.
10:51 AM: Iwata is still talking about DS.
[ 本帖最后由 最后的好人 于 2006-9-14 09:55 编辑 ] 第一个支持 求同步英文翻译 将近20分钟了那网站都没更新
着急中 同样,2CH流言不断,我被骗几次都不相信了 现在那地址的内容都不见了
难道上当受骗? 那是真的~会场人员估计被抓 Update: We were given the incorrect streaming feed - this page will be updated as soon as we can confirm further details.
晕倒了 It appears that GWN is posting the wrong information, using a conference from last year. Stay tuned for real updates.
假消息,不用报了。 这年头骗子真多啊
利用我们来达到点击率的目的,太可恶了 2CH的骗,国外的也骗 经证实下午2点开始 等 假的?!54之 开始了~~~ 已经宣布 售价25000日元! 12月2日上市!!
美国地区报价据估算 约会在 255美元左右!
虚拟控制器 3800日元/个 经典控制器 1800日元/个 其他类型也基本是1800日元/个
首发16个游戏,由10家制作商发布,wii sport不含控制器价格为 4800 日元
包含5个不同游戏。游戏售价 4800-6800 日元左右
赛尔达-含光公主 售价 6800 日元
[ 本帖最后由 黄昏骑士 于 2006-9-14 14:50 编辑 ]