xc5 发表于 2006-10-3 09:41:31


There was a lake. The lake was blue and clear. It's flat, so flat that it looks like a mirror. Around the lake was a big area of grassland. The grass was green and soft. On the grassland lives a farmer. He raised sheep. The sheep were white and when they were eating the grass by the lake, from a distance far far away, one could hardly tell that they were sheep and grass, but a big cloth with colors blue, white and green. The farmer lived in a wooden house, not a big fancy one, but big enough for him alone to live in. He didn抰 care that the old brown house was not in good shape. He was not rich, but he was happy. He got money from the wool, and got fish from the lake. What's more, he thought that he owned the most beautiful place in the world; by the blue lake, on the green grass, with those friendly white sheep. The best thing he liked to do was to lie down, looking at the blue sky, when the wind blows, driving white pieces of clouds in different directions. Sometimes it rains, but he still enjoyed lying down so that he could hear the lake talking to him. After the rain, a rainbow appeared, like a bridge, connecting the west and east side of the lake, with wonderful mixed colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. He would use his hand pointing at the rainbow, from west to the east, like a child. At nights, the stars were like pearls shining on a dark black silk. All was quiet in nature. His life was beautiful and peaceful.
One day, as usual, he let the sheep out and lay down on the soft grass. Watching the blue
sky and the white cloud, he was comfortable. A hiker in the mountain was lost. He saw the farmer lying on the grass, so he went to the farmer and said, "May I lay down here to get a rest? I got lost in this area". "Sure", answered the farmer. "So you live here", the hiker looked around, saw the poor brown house. "Yes, many many years", the farmer said with pride." This is the most beautiful and peaceful place in the world"! "Here?" the hiker smiled and shook his head, "have you ever been to any place else?" the hiker asked. "No, never have and never will" the farmer was still proud and he felt comfortable to say so." Ok, let me tell you. I am a successful businessman; I studied hard at school and got a good job. I worked hard enough to make tons of money and I got paid holidays. Through the years, I traveled around the world; I saw different places and natural beauties. What a colorful world! I saw the white snow at the top of the Fuji. I was on the yellow Great Wall and the red Forbidden City in China. When in Austria, I listened a wonderful opera in the Golden Hall. Under that big Eiffel, I was such a tiny creature. I was in Italy, skied on the white Alps, and was in the hug of the blue rivers. And...and...and..." the rich hiker couldn't stop. "It doesn't matter, I still think this place is the most beautiful place in the world!" the farmer interrupted him. "Fine, you didn't go to anywhere and don't know anything, you have a bored soul and stay with the small pond, stupid sheep, ancient house..." the hiker thought, but he didn抰 speak out, instead, "by the way, can you please show me the way out of here?" "Sure!"
Years passed, the hiker, the successful businessman, retired. He felt very lonely. He had no power any more, those friends used to be with him everyday turned away. He was tired of the business world, too many cheats and dishonesty. So many so called friends. He tried to travel around the world again to make him happier but it didn't work out. He needed a place to rest. A place, peaceful and beautiful, a real place where he should belong.
He went back to the farmer's place, the farmer was no longer there, nor were the sheep. But the lake, the blue and clear lake; the grass, the green soft grass; the sky and the clouds were still there. He decided to begin living there, and after he decided, he bought a lot of sheep.
Simple colors, simple life.

幻魔皇拉比艾尔 发表于 2006-10-4 02:21:27

原帖由 xc5 于 2006-10-3 09:41 发表
There was a lake. The lake was blue and clear. It's flat, so flat that it looks like a mirror. Around the lake was a big area of grassland. The grass was green and soft. On the grassland lives a fa ...

24;κ纯仩缔 发表于 2006-10-4 14:02:12

- -+


月读-天照 发表于 2006-10-4 14:24:05



Kaiba91225 发表于 2006-10-14 06:51:55


没想到小ken的E文也相当了得啊…… -_,-+

any way.

很不错的文章 我想每个人活这一辈子 兜了那么大的圈 到最后都还是希望回去的 回到那个在你心里more wonderful的地方

和所爱的人一起过着自己所向往的simple life……

PS:有时间把它翻译成法语好了 下一篇论文有题材鸟~~

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